April, 2024

Next’24 Workspace Platform Recap

This year’s Cloud Next in Las Vegas was a packed show, hosting 30,000 in-person attendees and millions of livestream views! In case you weren’t able to attend, don’t worry, we have a list of must-watch recordings to catch up on the latest announcements and how-to sessions.

-Google Workspace APIs and SDKs: Build AI-powered apps, add-ons, and workflows

-AppSheet: The no-code revolution powered by AI

-Apps Script and Gemini: Build custom AI-powered Google Workspace solutions

-Build no-code business apps with AppSheet and Google Cloud AI

Developer News

Announcing: Workspace Dev Summit 2024

We are happy to announce that we will be holding two Google Workspace Developer Summits this year. 

Boston, USA, Thurs, Sept 12, 2024

Berlin, Germany, Tues, Sept 17, 2024

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Workspace Developer News on YouTube

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more dev news and announcements for Google Workspace. In this episode we focus on updates to Dialogflow CX, apps for Google Chat, and the Apps Script Card Service.

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Build a Dialogflow CX Google Chat app that understands and responds with natural language

Dialogflow helps developers build and host Chat bots that understand natural language with minimal coding effort. The enhanced Dialogflow CX version, now generally available, provides a new way of designing virtual agents by taking a state machine approach to agent design. Now, developers have clear and explicit control over a conversation, enjoy a better end-user experience, and gain access to an improved development workflow. 

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AppSheet Preview Features Signup

Get access to the latest features like, admin console updates, extraction with Gemini, or integration connectors in AppSheet by signing up.

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Community Spotlight

Totally Unscripted - Next’24 Recap

Join the TU team as they delve into the world of custom generative AI solutions for Google Workspace using Apps Script. Discover how developers are seamlessly integrating Gemini's large language models to revolutionize productivity and automation. They explore real-world examples demonstrating how AI can supercharge your Workspace experience. Imagine having Gemini as your Apps Script coding assistant, intelligently naming untitled documents, crafting next-generation mail merges, and so much more. 

Parsing Invoices using Gemini 1.5 API with Google Apps Script

by Kanshi Tanaike

This post explores using Gemini, a new AI model, to parse invoices in Gmail attachments. Traditional text searching proved unreliable due to invoice format variations. Gemini’s capabilities can potentially overcome this inconsistency and improve invoice data extraction.

Solutions Spotlight

File management: Aggregate content from multiple documents 

To save time and reduce errors from manually copy and pasting, you can automatically import content from multiple documents into one main document. This solution focuses on aggregating project status reports, but you can edit it to fit your needs.

Using multiple tables in AppSheet

When enterprises deal with vast amounts of datasets in different tables, they need to be able to recognize relations between these datasets. In this episode of Building with AppSheet, we show you how to use multiple tables in AppSheet - allowing you to automatically recognize relations in data and apply references. Watch to learn how you can use AppSheet to quickly identify relational data for your enterprise!