
The Ad Manager API provides collections of data, most commonly in List methods. Collections can be arbitrarily sized and are paginated in API responses.


Request messages for collections define an optional integer pageSize field to specify the maximum number of results to return.

If the pageSize is unset or 0, the default value of 50 is used. If the pageSize exceeds the maximum page size of 1000, the API coerces the page size to 1000. Negative values result in an INVALID_ARGUMENT error.

The API might return fewer results than the number requested (including zero results), even if not at the end of the collection. Use the presence of the nextPageToken field to determine if there are additional results in the collection.

Response messages for collections define a string nextPageToken field, which can be used to retrieve the next page. The nextPageToken field is empty when the end of the collection is reached. This is the only way to determine if you have reached the end of a collection.

Request messages for collections define an optional string pageToken field to advance to the next page in the collection. Changes to the pageSize in a request for subsequent pages are allowed. All other arguments must be the same; if any arguments are different, the API returns an INVALID_ARGUMENT error.



Initial request


  "adUnits": [ ... ],
  "nextPageToken": "eCGwAcs6hUerggzd2DGv"

Next page request


  "adUnits": [ ... ]

Total size

Response messages for collections provide an integer totalSize that represents the total number of entities after filtering is applied. This field is only populated when requested in the field mask.


Order results

Request messages for collections define a string orderBy field to specify sorting order.

Values should be a comma separated list of fields. For example: foo,bar. The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, append a desc suffix; for example: foo desc, bar. Redundant space characters in the syntax are ignored. The orderBy values foo, bar desc, foo , bar desc, and foo,bar desc are all equivalent. Subfields are specified with a . character, such as or address.street.

Ordering is only supported on primitive fields.

Skip results

Methods for a paginated operation define an integer skip field to skip results. The skip value refers to the number of individual resources to skip, not the number of pages.

For example:

A request with no page token and a skip value of 30 returns a single page of results starting with the 31st result.

A request with a page token corresponding to the 51st result (because the first 50 results were returned on the first page) and a skip value of 30 returns a single page of results starting with the 81st result.

If a skip value is provided that causes the cursor to move past the end of the collection of results, the response is 200 OK with an empty result set with no nextPageToken.