This guide will show you how to run and download a report with the API. It covers both using an existing saved report query, and creating an ad hoc report query.
- Access to a Production Google Ad Manager network
- An Ad Manager client library
If you are unfamiliar with reporting in Ad Manager, see Create a new report for an overview of how to run a report in the Ad Manager UI. The UI has a preview of the output, as well as tooltips that explain which column and dimension combinations are supported. When creating a complex report query, it may be easier to create it in the UI first, and then retrieve the query with the API.
Retrieving a saved ReportQuery
The ReportQuery
object contains all the details of the report. You can create report queries in
the Ad Manager UI, and retrieve them with the
method. The saved query ID is included in the URL when viewing a query in the
UI. For example, in the URL
the query ID is 456789
If a query is not compatible with your API version,
will be null
will be false
Compatible saved queries can be run with or without modification.
StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder() .where("id = :id") .orderBy("id ASC") .limit(1) .withBindVariableValue("id", savedQueryId); SavedQueryPage page = reportService.getSavedQueriesByStatement(statementBuilder.toStatement()); SavedQuery savedQuery = Iterables.getOnlyElement(Arrays.asList(page.getResults())); if (!savedQuery.getIsCompatibleWithApiVersion()) { throw new IllegalStateException("The saved query is not compatible with this API version."); } ReportQuery reportQuery = savedQuery.getReportQuery();
statement = (ad_manager.StatementBuilder(version='v202502') .Where('id = :id') .WithBindVariable('id', int(saved_query_id)) .Limit(1)) response = report_service.getSavedQueriesByStatement( statement.ToStatement()) if 'results' in response and len(response['results']): saved_query = response['results'][0] if saved_query['isCompatibleWithApiVersion']: report_job = {} # Set report query and optionally modify it. report_job['reportQuery'] = saved_query['reportQuery']
$statementBuilder = (new StatementBuilder())->where('id = :id') ->orderBy('id ASC') ->limit(1) ->withBindVariableValue('id', $savedQueryId); $savedQueryPage = $reportService->getSavedQueriesByStatement( $statementBuilder->toStatement() ); $savedQuery = $savedQueryPage->getResults()[0]; if ($savedQuery->getIsCompatibleWithApiVersion() === false) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'The saved query is not compatible with this API version.' ); } $reportQuery = $savedQuery->getReportQuery();
StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder() .Where("id = :id") .OrderBy("id ASC") .Limit(1) .AddValue("id", savedQueryId); SavedQueryPage page = reportService.getSavedQueriesByStatement(statementBuilder.ToStatement()); SavedQuery savedQuery = page.results[0]; if (!savedQuery.isCompatibleWithApiVersion) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Saved query is not compatible with this " + "API version"); } // Optionally modify the query. ReportQuery reportQuery = savedQuery.reportQuery;
statement = ad_manager.new_statement_builder do |sb| sb.where = 'id = :saved_query_id' sb.with_bind_variable('saved_query_id', saved_query_id) end saved_query_page = report_service.get_saved_queries_by_statement( statement.to_statement() ) unless saved_query_page[:results].nil? saved_query = saved_query_page[:results].first if saved_query[:is_compatible_with_api_version] # Create report job. report_job = {:report_query => saved_query[:report_query]} else raise StandardError, 'Report query is not compatible with the API' end
To run the query, see Creating the ReportJob.
Building a ReportQuery
In addition to using saved queries, you can also create an ad hoc ReportQuery. To do so, you must set the report's dimensions, dimension attributes, columns, filter and date range. This example is for a basic delivery report on a single order.
// Create report query. ReportQuery reportQuery = new ReportQuery(); reportQuery.setDimensions(new Dimension[] {Dimension.DATE, Dimension.ORDER_ID}); reportQuery.setColumns( new Column[] { Column.AD_SERVER_IMPRESSIONS, Column.AD_SERVER_CLICKS, Column.AD_SERVER_CTR, Column.AD_SERVER_CPM_AND_CPC_REVENUE }); reportQuery.setDimensionAttributes( new DimensionAttribute[] { DimensionAttribute.ORDER_TRAFFICKER, DimensionAttribute.ORDER_START_DATE_TIME, DimensionAttribute.ORDER_END_DATE_TIME }); // Create statement to filter for an order. StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder() .where("ORDER_ID = :orderId") .withBindVariableValue("orderId", orderId); // Set the filter statement. reportQuery.setStatement(statementBuilder.toStatement()); // Set the start and end dates or choose a dynamic date range type. reportQuery.setDateRangeType(DateRangeType.CUSTOM_DATE); reportQuery.setStartDate( DateTimes.toDateTime("2013-05-01T00:00:00", "America/New_York").getDate()); reportQuery.setEndDate( DateTimes.toDateTime("2013-05-31T00:00:00", "America/New_York").getDate());
# Create statement object to filter for an order. statement = (ad_manager.StatementBuilder(version='v202502') .Where('ORDER_ID = :id') .WithBindVariable('id', int(order_id)) .Limit(None) # No limit or offset for reports .Offset(None)) # Set the start and end dates of the report to run (past 8 days). end_date = start_date = end_date - timedelta(days=8) # Create report job. report_job = { 'reportQuery': { 'dimensions': ['ORDER_ID', 'ORDER_NAME'], 'dimensionAttributes': ['ORDER_TRAFFICKER', 'ORDER_START_DATE_TIME', 'ORDER_END_DATE_TIME'], 'statement': statement.ToStatement(), 'columns': ['AD_SERVER_IMPRESSIONS', 'AD_SERVER_CLICKS', 'AD_SERVER_CTR', 'AD_SERVER_CPM_AND_CPC_REVENUE', 'AD_SERVER_WITHOUT_CPD_AVERAGE_ECPM'], 'dateRangeType': 'CUSTOM_DATE', 'startDate': start_date, 'endDate': end_date } }
// Create report query. $reportQuery = new ReportQuery(); $reportQuery->setDimensions( [ Dimension::ORDER_ID, Dimension::ORDER_NAME ] ); $reportQuery->setDimensionAttributes( [ DimensionAttribute::ORDER_TRAFFICKER, DimensionAttribute::ORDER_START_DATE_TIME, DimensionAttribute::ORDER_END_DATE_TIME ] ); $reportQuery->setColumns( [ Column::AD_SERVER_IMPRESSIONS, Column::AD_SERVER_CLICKS, Column::AD_SERVER_CTR, Column::AD_SERVER_CPM_AND_CPC_REVENUE, Column::AD_SERVER_WITHOUT_CPD_AVERAGE_ECPM ] ); // Create statement to filter for an order. $statementBuilder = (new StatementBuilder()) ->where('ORDER_ID = :orderId') ->withBindVariableValue( 'orderId', $orderId ); // Set the filter statement. $reportQuery->setStatement($statementBuilder->toStatement()); // Set the start and end dates or choose a dynamic date range type. $reportQuery->setDateRangeType(DateRangeType::CUSTOM_DATE); $reportQuery->setStartDate( AdManagerDateTimes::fromDateTime( new DateTime( '-10 days', new DateTimeZone('America/New_York') ) ) ->getDate() ); $reportQuery->setEndDate( AdManagerDateTimes::fromDateTime( new DateTime( 'now', new DateTimeZone('America/New_York') ) ) ->getDate() );
// Create report job. ReportJob reportJob = new ReportJob(); reportJob.reportQuery = new ReportQuery(); reportJob.reportQuery.dimensions = new Dimension[] { Dimension.ORDER_ID, Dimension.ORDER_NAME }; reportJob.reportQuery.dimensionAttributes = new DimensionAttribute[] { DimensionAttribute.ORDER_TRAFFICKER, DimensionAttribute.ORDER_START_DATE_TIME, DimensionAttribute.ORDER_END_DATE_TIME }; reportJob.reportQuery.columns = new Column[] { Column.AD_SERVER_IMPRESSIONS, Column.AD_SERVER_CLICKS, Column.AD_SERVER_CTR, Column.AD_SERVER_CPM_AND_CPC_REVENUE, Column.AD_SERVER_WITHOUT_CPD_AVERAGE_ECPM }; // Set a custom date range for the last 8 days reportJob.reportQuery.dateRangeType = DateRangeType.CUSTOM_DATE; System.DateTime endDateTime = System.DateTime.Now; reportJob.reportQuery.startDate = DateTimeUtilities .FromDateTime(endDateTime.AddDays(-8), "America/New_York").date; reportJob.reportQuery.endDate = DateTimeUtilities .FromDateTime(endDateTime, "America/New_York").date; // Create statement object to filter for an order. StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder().Where("ORDER_ID = :id") .AddValue("id", orderId); reportJob.reportQuery.statement = statementBuilder.ToStatement();
# Specify a report to run for the last 7 days. report_end_date = report_start_date = report_end_date - 7 # Create statement object to filter for an order. statement = ad_manager.new_report_statement_builder do |sb| sb.where = 'ORDER_ID = :order_id' sb.with_bind_variable('order_id', order_id) end # Create report query. report_query = { :date_range_type => 'CUSTOM_DATE', :start_date => report_start_date.to_h, :end_date => report_end_date.to_h, :dimensions => ['ORDER_ID', 'ORDER_NAME'], :dimension_attributes => ['ORDER_TRAFFICKER', 'ORDER_START_DATE_TIME', 'ORDER_END_DATE_TIME'], :columns => ['AD_SERVER_IMPRESSIONS', 'AD_SERVER_CLICKS', 'AD_SERVER_CTR', 'AD_SERVER_CPM_AND_CPC_REVENUE', 'AD_SERVER_WITHOUT_CPD_AVERAGE_ECPM'], :statement => statement.to_statement() }
Creating the ReportJob
Once you have a ReportQuery, it's time to run the report. The ReportJob object holds the status of a report, and lets you know when it is ready to download. To start running your report, use the ReportService.runReportJob method.
// Create report job. ReportJob reportJob = new ReportJob(); reportJob.setReportQuery(reportQuery); // Run report job. reportJob = reportService.runReportJob(reportJob);
# Initialize a DataDownloader. report_downloader = client.GetDataDownloader(version='v202502') try: # Run the report and wait for it to finish. report_job_id = report_downloader.WaitForReport(report_job) except errors.AdManagerReportError as e: print('Failed to generate report. Error was: %s' % e)
// Create report job and start it. $reportJob = new ReportJob(); $reportJob->setReportQuery($reportQuery); $reportJob = $reportService->runReportJob($reportJob);
// Run report job. reportJob = reportService.runReportJob(reportJob);
# Create report job. report_job = {:report_query => report_query} # Run report job. report_job = report_service.run_report_job(report_job);
Downloading the Report
After you start the report job, it will have an ID set by the server. Use this ID with the ReportService.getReportJobStatus method to check the status of your report. Once the status is ReportJobStatus.COMPLETED the report is ready to download.
Some of our client libraries have helper utilities that will poll the API and wait for the report to complete. When the report has completed, you can get the download URL with the ReportService.getReportDownloadURL method. A report can be downloaded in different formats. If you want to do further machine processing with the report, you should use the CSV_DUMP format.
// Create report downloader. ReportDownloader reportDownloader = new ReportDownloader(reportService, reportJob.getId()); // Wait for the report to be ready. if (reportDownloader.waitForReportReady()) { // Change to your file location. File file = File.createTempFile("delivery-report-", ".csv.gz"); System.out.printf("Downloading report to %s ...", file.toString()); // Download the report. ReportDownloadOptions options = new ReportDownloadOptions(); options.setExportFormat(ExportFormat.CSV_DUMP); options.setUseGzipCompression(true); URL url = reportDownloader.getDownloadUrl(options); Resources.asByteSource(url).copyTo(Files.asByteSink(file)); System.out.println("done."); } else { System.out.printf("Report job %d failed.%n", reportJob.getId()); }
# Change to your preferred export format. export_format = 'CSV_DUMP' report_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.csv.gz', delete=False) # Download report data. report_downloader.DownloadReportToFile( report_job_id, export_format, report_file) report_file.close() # Display results. print('Report job with id "%s" downloaded to:\n%s' % ( report_job_id,
// Create report downloader to poll report's status and download when // ready. $reportDownloader = new ReportDownloader( $reportService, $reportJob->getId() ); if ($reportDownloader->waitForReportToFinish()) { // Write to system temp directory by default. $filePath = sprintf( '%s.csv.gz', tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'delivery-report-') ); printf("Downloading report to %s ...%s", $filePath, PHP_EOL); // Download the report. $reportDownloader->downloadReport( ExportFormat::CSV_DUMP, $filePath ); print "done.\n"; } else { print "Report failed.\n"; }
ReportUtilities reportUtilities = new ReportUtilities(reportService,; // Set download options. ReportDownloadOptions options = new ReportDownloadOptions(); options.exportFormat = ExportFormat.CSV_DUMP; options.useGzipCompression = true; reportUtilities.reportDownloadOptions = options; // Download the report. using (ReportResponse reportResponse = reportUtilities.GetResponse()) { reportResponse.Save(filePath); } Console.WriteLine("Report saved to \"{0}\".", filePath);
MAX_RETRIES.times do |retry_count| # Get the report job status. report_job_status = report_service.get_report_job_status(report_job[:id]) break unless report_job_status == 'IN_PROGRESS' puts 'Report with ID %d is still running.' % report_job[:id] sleep(RETRY_INTERVAL) end puts 'Report job with ID %d finished with status "%s".' % [report_job[:id], report_service.get_report_job_status(report_job[:id])] # Get the report URL. download_url = report_service.get_report_download_url( report_job_id, export_format ) puts 'Downloading "%s" to "%s"...' % [download_url, file_name] open(file_name, 'wb') do |local_file| local_file << open(download_url).read() end
Reading the Report Data
Many of our client libraries include utilities for reading report data. This is useful for doing additional processing on the report data, or combining reports from different date ranges. Note that the example code assumes the file is not compressed.
List<String[]> rows = CsvFiles.getCsvDataArray(filePath, true); for (String[] row : rows) { // Additional row processing processReportRow(row); }
with open(, 'rb') as report: report_reader = csv.reader(report) for row in report_reader: # Additional row processing process_row(row)
$report = fopen($filePath, 'r'); while (!feof($report)) { // Additional row processing processRow(fgetcsv($report)); } fclose($report);
CsvFile file = new CsvFile(); file.Read(fileName, true); for (String[] row : file.Records) { // Additional row processing ProcessReportRow(row); }
CSV.foreach(file_name, converters: :numeric, headers: true) do |row| # Additional row processing process_row(row) end
For more reporting examples, check out our client libraries on GitHub.
- Why are all the report results on my test network empty?
- Test networks don't serve ads, so delivery reports will not have data.
- Why are all the report results on my production network empty?
- The user you're authenticating as may not have access to the data you are attempting to report on. Verify that their role permissions and teams are set correctly.
- Why do I get the error
for my report? - Not all combinations of columns and dimensions are supported in Ad Manager. For complex reports, it may be easier to build a valid report in the UI and then retrieve it with the ReportService.getSavedQueriesByStatement method.
- Why isn't my saved report returned in the API?
- Make sure that the report owner has shared the report with the user you are authenticating as.
- Why isn't my saved report compatible with the API?
- Certain reporting features aren't available in the API. This includes
columns, dimension attributes, dimensions, and date range types. For
incompatible date range types, you can save the report with a supported type to
make it retrievable, then alter the
to meet your desired fixed date range. - Why don't the lifetime clicks/impressions match my report in the UI?
- Lifetime impressions are for the entire life of the line item, regardless of the date range of the report. If a line item is still delivering, the value will probably change between running any two reports.
- My reports are taking too long and occasionally time out. What can I do?
- Decreasing the date range or the number of dimensions will help improve performance. Try running multiple reports for smaller date ranges instead. You can then merge the report data to cover the desired date range.
- What's the difference between
columns? Which should I use? Columns with
can only be used if you have line item level dynamic allocation enabled on your network. These columns include data from the line item level dynamic allocation to AdSense or Ad Exchange. Similarly, TheINVENTORY_LEVEL
columns include data from inventory level dynamic allocation. For more information about dynamic allocation, see Ad Exchange line items.If you're still unsure which API columns to use, create a saved query in the Ad Manager UI and retrieve it with the ReportService.getSavedQueriesByStatement method.