Search for devices

You can search for devices matching certain attributes with the mobiledevices.list method of the Directory API. This method accepts the query parameter which is a search query combining one or more search clauses. Each search clause is made up of three parts:

Device attribute that is searched. For example, serial.
Test that is performed on the data to provide a match. For example, the : operator tests if a text attribute matches a value.
The content of the attribute that is tested. For example, serialNumber.

Multiple clauses are separated by whitespace and are implicitly joined by an AND operator.


All queries use the mobiledevices.list method, which has an HTTP request similar to the following (line breaks included for readability):

?query=query parameters

The query parameters must be URL encoded. For example, the query query=brand:goo* is URL encoded as query=brand%3goo*. All examples on this page show unencoded query parameters. Client libraries handle this URL encoding automatically.

Search for devices matching an serial number prefix


Search for devices with email starting with fred

email:fred* email:contact*