Metrics and Dimensions List

This page provides tables that list and describe the available dimensions and metrics.


The dimensions of the report. Dimensions are data attributes to breakdown or refine the quantitative measurements (metrics) by certain attributes, such as the ad format or the platform an ad was viewed on.

Dimension Report Type Description
DIMENSION_UNSPECIFIED Mediation, Network Default value for an unset field. Do not use.
DATE Mediation, Network A date in the YYYY-MM-DD format (for example, "2018-12-21"). Requests can specify at most one time dimension.
MONTH Mediation, Network A month in the YYYY-MM format (for example, "2018-12"). Requests can specify at most one time dimension.
WEEK Mediation, Network The date of the first day of a week in the YYYY-MM-DD format (for example, "2018-12-21"). Requests can specify at most one time dimension.
AD_SOURCE Mediation The unique ID of the ad source (for example, "5450213213286189855" and "AdMob Network" as label value).
AD_SOURCE_INSTANCE Mediation The unique ID of the ad source instance (for example, "ca-app-pub-1234#5678" and "AdMob (default)" as label value).
AD_UNIT Mediation, Network The unique ID of the ad unit (for example, "ca-app-pub-1234/1234"). If AD_UNIT dimension is specified, then APP is included automatically.
APP Mediation, Network The unique ID of the mobile application (for example, "ca-app-pub-1234~1234").
MEDIATION_GROUP Mediation The unique ID of the mediation group (for example, "ca-app-pub-1234:mg:1234" and "AdMob (default)" as label value).
AD_TYPE Network

Type of ad (for example, "text" or "image"), an ad delivery dimension.

Warning: The dimension is incompatible with AD_REQUESTS, MATCH_RATE, and IMPRESSION_RPM metrics.

COUNTRY Mediation, Network CLDR country code of the place where the ad views/clicks occur (for example, "US" or "FR"). This is a geography dimension.
FORMAT Mediation, Network Format of the ad unit (for example, "banner", "native"), an ad delivery dimension.
PLATFORM Mediation, Network Mobile OS platform of the app (for example, "Android" or "iOS").
MOBILE_OS_VERSION Mediation, Network Mobile operating system version, e.g.: "iOS 13.5.1". Warning: The dimension is incompatible with ESTIMATED_EARNINGS and OBSERVED_ECPM metrics.
GMA_SDK_VERSION Mediation, Network GMA SDK version, e.g.: "iOS 7.62.0". Warning: The dimension is incompatible with ESTIMATED_EARNINGS and OBSERVED_ECPM metrics.
APP_VERSION_NAME Mediation, Network For Android, the app version name can be found as versionName in PackageInfo. For iOS, the app version name can be found in CFBundleShortVersionString. Warning: The dimension is incompatible with ESTIMATED_EARNINGS and OBSERVED_ECPM metrics.


The metrics of the report. Metrics are quantitative measurements indicating how the publisher business is performing. They are aggregated from the individual ad events and grouped by the report dimensions.

Metric Report Type Description
METRIC_UNSPECIFIED Mediation, Network Default value for an unset field. Do not use.
AD_REQUESTS Mediation, Network

The number of ad requests. The value is an integer.

Warning: The metric is incompatible with AD_TYPE dimension.

CLICKS Mediation, Network The number of times a user clicks an ad. The value is an integer.
ESTIMATED_EARNINGS Mediation, Network The estimated earnings of the AdMob publisher. The currency unit (USD, EUR, or other) of the earning metrics are determined by the localization setting for currency. The amount is in micros. For example, $6.50 would be represented as 6500000.
IMPRESSIONS Mediation, Network The total number of ads shown to users. The value is an integer.
IMPRESSION_CTR Mediation, Network The ratio of clicks over impressions. The value is a double precision (approximate) decimal value.

The estimated earnings per thousand ad impressions. The value is in micros. For example, $1.03 would be represented as 1030000. Equivalent to eCPM in the AdMob UI.

Warning: The metric is incompatible with AD_TYPE dimension.

MATCHED_REQUESTS Mediation, Network The number of times ads are returned in response to a request. The value is an integer.
MATCH_RATE Mediation, Network

The ratio of matched ad requests over the total ad requests. The value is a double precision (approximate) decimal value.

Warning: The metric is incompatible with AD_TYPE dimension.

SHOW_RATE Network The ratio of ads that are displayed over ads that are returned, defined as impressions / matched requests. The value is a double precision (approximate) decimal value.

The third-party ad network's estimated average eCPM. The currency unit (USD, EUR, or other) of the earning metrics are determined by the localization setting for currency. The amount is in micros. For example, $2.30 would be represented as 2300000.

The estimated average eCPM per mediation group and per ad source instance level is supported dating back to October 20, 2019. Third-party estimated average eCPM will show 0 for dates prior to October 20, 2019.