Retrieve feedback from apps

Some apps are capable of sending feedback to EMMs in the form of keyed app states. A keyed app state is made up of a unique identifier (key), corresponding message (optional), machine-readable data (optional), severity status, and timestamp. To send them, an app needs to integrate with the Enterprise Jetpack library.

As an EMM, you can use the data from keyed app states to keep IT admins up-to-date with the apps installed on managed devices and profiles. An example of how this might work is described in Display feedback to enterprises.

Enable device reports

Apps send keyed app states on a per-device basis. Before any keyed app states are accepted from any of the apps on the device, you need to enable the device reports for a device. Until the policy is updated on the device, any keyed app states are ignored and lost forever. Enable device reports before completing device enrollment, as early as possible in the enrollment process. This ensures that you receive app feedback generated during device enrollment and that no keyed app states are lost.

  • Call devices.update(), setting policy.deviceReportPolicy to "deviceReportEnabled".

Retrieve device reports

There are several ways to retrieve a device report:

  • To retrieve device reports along with other notifications, call enterprises.pullNotificationSet(). In the response, each deviceReportUpdateEvent denotes a device report.
  • To retrieve a device report updated with the latest keyed app states for a specified device, call devices.get().
  • To force a device to upload the latest app states, call devices.forceReportUpload(). This method uploads a report containing any changes in app states on the device since the last report was generated.

View keyed app states

Device reports are a part of device resources. Reports include an appState object for each app (package) installed on the device or in its work profile. Keyed app states (keyedAppState) for a given package are listed in appState object, like in the example below:

                     "message":"Username or password are incorrect",

Each keyed app states contains the following:

Field Description
key The unique key identifying the state.
severity The severity of the state: INFO indicates an informative message. For example if a managed configuration is set successfully. ERROR indicates the enterprise needs to take action to correct a problem. For example, if a managed configuration failed to set.
message An optional string providing details about the app state. App developers are advised to treat this field as a user-facing message.
data An optional string providing computer-readable details to EMMs about the app state. For example, a value that an IT admin could query against in your console, such as "notify me if the battery_warning data < 10".
stateTimestampMillis The timestamp (in milliseconds) indicating when the app state was last updated on the device.
lastUpdatedTimestampMillis The timestamp (in milliseconds) indicating when the device last uploaded keyed app states.

Display app feedback to enterprises

Apps can send feedback for a variety of reasons. However, the most common use case for sending keyed app states is to provide feedback about managed configurations. For example:

  1. An IT admin uses your EMM console to set managed configurations for an app.
  2. In the backend, you send the configurations to the app.
  3. The app attempts to apply the configurations. For each configuration, the app sends a keyed app state indicating its status (for example, a confirmation message or error notification).
  4. To view these keyed app states, you retrieve a device report.
  5. Using information from the keyed app states, your EMM console displays the status of the managed configurations in a user-friendly way.

Alert IT admins to errors

A keyed app state with severity ERROR indicates the organization needs to take action in order to correct a problem. EMMs should always alert organizations to errors, either through their EMM console or other means. For example, your EMM console could display an error dashboard that links to the feedback for a given device with errors.

If an error state is corrected, the app send a follow-up state with the same key as the original error state and an updated severity of INFO. EMMs should always inform organizations as soon as an error is corrected. For example, remove the error from your console's error dashboard or mark it as resolved.