
For a list of methods for this resource, see the end of this page.

Resource representations

A Products resource represents an app in the Google Play store that is available to at least some users in the enterprise. (Some apps are restricted to a single enterprise, and no information about them is made available outside that enterprise.)

The information provided for each product (localized name, icon, link to the full Google Play details page) is intended to allow a basic representation of the product within an EMM user interface.

  "kind": "androidenterprise#product",
  "productId": string,
  "title": string,
  "authorName": string,
  "iconUrl": string,
  "smallIconUrl": string,
  "detailsUrl": string,
  "workDetailsUrl": string,
  "requiresContainerApp": boolean,
  "appVersion": [
      "versionString": string,
      "versionCode": integer,
      "track": string,
      "targetSdkVersion": integer,
      "trackId": [
      "isProduction": boolean
  "distributionChannel": string,
  "productPricing": string,
  "signingCertificate": {
    "certificateHashSha256": string,
    "certificateHashSha1": string
  "availableTracks": [
  "appTracks": [
      "trackId": string,
      "trackAlias": string
  "description": string,
  "fullDescription": string,
  "screenshotUrls": [
  "category": string,
  "recentChanges": string,
  "minAndroidSdkVersion": integer,
  "contentRating": string,
  "lastUpdatedTimestampMillis": long,
  "permissions": [
      "permissionId": string,
      "state": string
  "availableCountries": [
  "features": [
  "iarcGenericRating": string,
  "appRestrictionsSchema": {
    "kind": string,
    "restrictions": [
        "key": string,
        "title": string,
        "restrictionType": string,
        "description": string,
        "entry": [
        "entryValue": [
        "defaultValue": {
          "type": string,
          "valueBool": boolean,
          "valueString": string,
          "valueInteger": integer,
          "valueMultiselect": [
        "nestedRestriction": [
Property name Value Description Notes
appRestrictionsSchema nested object The app restriction schema
appRestrictionsSchema.kind string Deprecated.

appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[] list The set of restrictions that make up this schema.
appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[].defaultValue nested object The default value of the restriction. bundle and bundleArray restrictions never have a default value.
appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[].defaultValue.type string The type of the value being provided.

Acceptable values are:
  • "bool"
  • "bundle"
  • "bundleArray"
  • "choice"
  • "hidden"
  • "integer"
  • "multiselect"
  • "string"
appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[].defaultValue.valueBool boolean The boolean value - this will only be present if type is bool.
appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[].defaultValue.valueInteger integer The integer value - this will only be present if type is integer.
appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[].defaultValue.valueMultiselect[] list The list of string values - this will only be present if type is multiselect.
appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[].defaultValue.valueString string The string value - this will be present for types string, choice and hidden.
appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[].description string A longer description of the restriction, giving more detail of what it affects.
appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[].entryValue[] list For choice or multiselect restrictions, the list of possible entries' machine-readable values. These values should be used in the configuration, either as a single string value for a choice restriction or in a stringArray for a multiselect restriction.
appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[].entry[] list For choice or multiselect restrictions, the list of possible entries' human-readable names.
appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[].key string The unique key that the product uses to identify the restriction, e.g. "".
appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[].nestedRestriction[] list For bundle or bundleArray restrictions, the list of nested restrictions. A bundle restriction is always nested within a bundleArray restriction, and a bundleArray restriction is at most two levels deep.
appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[].restrictionType string The type of the restriction.

Acceptable values are:
  • "bool"
  • "bundle"
  • "bundleArray"
  • "choice"
  • "hidden"
  • "integer"
  • "multiselect"
  • "string"
appRestrictionsSchema.restrictions[].title string The name of the restriction.
appTracks[] list The tracks visible to the enterprise.
appTracks[].trackAlias string A modifiable name for a track. This is the visible name in the play developer console.
appTracks[].trackId string Unmodifiable, unique track identifier. This identifier is the releaseTrackId in the url of the play developer console page that displays the track information.
appVersion[] list App versions currently available for this product.
appVersion[].isProduction boolean True if this version is a production APK.
appVersion[].targetSdkVersion integer The SDK version this app targets, as specified in the manifest of the APK. See
appVersion[].track string Deprecated, use trackId instead.

Acceptable values are:
  • "alpha"
  • "beta"
  • "production"
appVersion[].trackId[] list Track ids that the app version is published in. Replaces the track field (deprecated), but doesn't include the production track (see isProduction instead).
appVersion[].versionCode integer Unique increasing identifier for the app version.
appVersion[].versionString string The string used in the Play store by the app developer to identify the version. The string is not necessarily unique or localized (for example, the string could be "1.4").
authorName string The name of the author of the product (for example, the app developer).
availableCountries[] list The countries which this app is available in.
availableTracks[] list Deprecated, use appTracks instead.
category string The app category (e.g. RACING, SOCIAL, etc.)
contentRating string The content rating for this app.

Acceptable values are:
  • "all"
  • "mature"
  • "preTeen"
  • "teen"
description string The localized promotional description, if available.
detailsUrl string A link to the (consumer) Google Play details page for the product.
distributionChannel string How and to whom the package is made available. The value publicGoogleHosted means that the package is available through the Play store and not restricted to a specific enterprise. The value privateGoogleHosted means that the package is a private app (restricted to an enterprise) but hosted by Google. The value privateSelfHosted means that the package is a private app (restricted to an enterprise) and is privately hosted.

Acceptable values are:
  • "privateGoogleHosted"
  • "privateSelfHosted"
  • "publicGoogleHosted"
features[] list Noteworthy features (if any) of this product.
fullDescription string The localized full app store description, if available.
iarcGenericRating string The content rating for this app.

Acceptable values are:
  • "eighteenYears"
  • "iarcGenericRatingUnspecified"
  • "sevenYears"
  • "sixteenYears"
  • "threeYears"
  • "twelveYears"
iconUrl string A link to an image that can be used as an icon for the product. This image is suitable for use at up to 512px x 512px.
kind string
lastUpdatedTimestampMillis long The approximate time (within 7 days) the app was last published, expressed in milliseconds since epoch.
minAndroidSdkVersion integer The minimum Android SDK necessary to run the app.
permissions[] list A list of permissions required by the app.
permissions[].permissionId string An opaque string uniquely identifying the permission.
permissions[].state string Whether the permission has been accepted or not.

Acceptable values are:
  • "accepted"
  • "required"
productId string A string of the form app:<package name>. For example, represents the Gmail app.
productPricing string Whether this product is free, free with in-app purchases, or paid. If the pricing is unknown, this means the product is not generally available anymore (even though it might still be available to people who own it).

Acceptable values are:
  • "free"
  • "freeWithInAppPurchase"
  • "paid"
recentChanges string A description of the recent changes made to the app.
requiresContainerApp boolean Deprecated.
screenshotUrls[] list A list of screenshot links representing the app.
signingCertificate nested object The certificate used to sign this product.
signingCertificate.certificateHashSha1 string The base64 urlsafe encoded SHA1 hash of the certificate. (This field is deprecated in favor of SHA2-256. It should not be used and may be removed at any time.)

signingCertificate.certificateHashSha256 string The base64 urlsafe encoded SHA2-256 hash of the certificate.
smallIconUrl string A link to a smaller image that can be used as an icon for the product. This image is suitable for use at up to 128px x 128px.
title string The name of the product.
workDetailsUrl string A link to the managed Google Play details page for the product, for use by an Enterprise admin.



Approves the specified product and the relevant app permissions, if any. The maximum number of products that you can approve per enterprise customer is 1,000.

To learn how to use managed Google Play to design and create a store layout to display approved products to your users, see Store Layout Design.

Generates a URL that can be rendered in an iframe to display the permissions (if any) of a product. An enterprise admin must view these permissions and accept them on behalf of their organization in order to approve that product.

Admins should accept the displayed permissions by interacting with a separate UI element in the EMM console, which in turn should trigger the use of this URL as the approvalUrlInfo.approvalUrl property in a Products.approve call to approve the product. This URL can only be used to display permissions for up to 1 day.
Retrieves details of a product for display to an enterprise admin.
Retrieves the schema that defines the configurable properties for this product. All products have a schema, but this schema may be empty if no managed configurations have been defined. This schema can be used to populate a UI that allows an admin to configure the product. To apply a managed configuration based on the schema obtained using this API, see Managed Configurations through Play.
Retrieves the Android app permissions required by this app.
Finds approved products that match a query, or all approved products if there is no query.
Unapproves the specified product (and the relevant app permissions, if any)