Client Libraries and Sample Code

Important: We will discontinue support for the v2.0 Google Data API on September 30th, 2024. To ensure continued functionality, update your applications that rely on the v2.0 Google Data API to the latest API version. For the latest version, use the links in the left-side navbar. Note: while some GET requests (such as listing posts) will continue to be supported as feed URLs, there are minor differences in their behavior. For detailed information, refer to the Blogger Help documentation.

Google Data client libraries are available to help you write client applications that use the Blogger Data API.

For each language, the client library provides tools and an abstraction layer, letting you construct queries and use response data without having to create HTTP requests or process HTTP responses by hand. Each client library provides classes that correspond to the elements and data types that the API uses. Each client library also provides extensions for specific Google services that have Data APIs.

Java client library

The Java client library is provided by Google

.NET client library

The .NET client library is provided by Google and allows desktop, web and mobile application development.

PHP client library

The PHP client library is provided by Zend, as part of the Zend Framework. It is also available as a standalone release.

Python client library

The Python client library is provided by Google and enables development of command-line, web, and Google App Engine applications.

JavaScript client library

The JavaScript client library provides full read/write capabilities from within JavaScript. Read-only access is also available via raw JSON.

Objective-C client library

The Objective-C client library enables writing native Cocoa applications for Mac OS X and now provides support for the iPhone SDK.

External client libraries

The following client libraries are not written by Google and are not supported by Google.

Sample code

A few sample programs that demonstrate how to use the API and the client libraries, are linked below. Use them to help you get started!


Articles to help you get up and running quickly, debug problems or use your favorite language with Google Data APIs. See the articles page for a complete listing.

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