Custom Search JSON API Additional Terms of Service

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To use this Custom Search JSON API (the "API"), you must accept the Google APIs Terms of Service("API ToS"), the Programmable Search Engine Terms of Service, and these Custom Search JSON API Additional Terms of Service (the "Additional Terms").

  1. Fees

    The Custom Search JSON API may be provided to you without any free usage quota. You may be charged for each successful request you make through the Custom Search JSON API. The usage charges for the Custom Search JSON API ("Usage Charges") can be found at

    If there is an applicable Usage Charge, a bill will be issued to your online account for all Usage Charges. You will be responsible for all charges in your online account, and will pay all charges in U.S. Dollars or in such other currency as agreed to in writing by the parties. Unless agreed to by the parties in writing, you will pay all charges in accordance with the payment terms in the payment policies at Late payments may bear interest at the rate of 1.5% per month (or the highest rate permitted by law, if less). Usage charges are exclusive of taxes. You are responsible for paying all taxes and government charges, and all reasonable expenses and attorneys fees Google incurs collecting late amounts. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you waive all claims relating to charges unless claimed within 60 days after the charge (this does not affect your credit card issuer rights). Usage charges are solely based on Google's measurements of your use of the Custom Search JSON API, unless otherwise agreed to in writing. To the fullest extent permitted by law, refunds (if any) are at the discretion of Google and only in the form of credit for the Custom Search JSON API. Nothing in these terms obligates Google to extend credit to any party. You acknowledge and agree that any credit card and related billing and payment information that you provide to Google may be shared by Google with companies who work on Google's behalf, such as payment processors or credit agencies, solely for the purposes of checking credit, effecting payment to Google and servicing your account. Google may also provide information in response to valid legal process, such as subpoenas, search warrants and court orders, or to establish or exercise its legal rights or defend against legal claims. Google will not be liable for any use or disclosure of such information by such third parties. Google reserves the right to discontinue the provision of the Custom Search JSON API to you for any late payments.

    Google may change the fees and the payment policies for the Custom Search JSON API with 90 days prior notice. Any outstanding balance becomes immediately due and payable upon termination of the terms for any reason.

    You may not access the Custom Search JSON API in a manner intended to avoid incurring fees.

  2. Deprecation Policy

    Google will announce if it intends to discontinue or make backwards incompatible changes to the API.

  3. Contracting Entity

    Under these Additional Terms and the API ToS, "Google" has the meaning given at