Google Slides API Video Library

The following videos explain concepts that help you to use the Google Slides API for your applications. Each video generally walks through a short sample app to give you a jump start in trying specific API features.

Replacing text & images

When creating a slide template from which you can generate hundreds of custom decks, learning how to replace text & image placeholders is a key skill to leverage.

(Running time: 5:18)

This feature is also described in the blog post “Introducing the Google Slides API”.

Adding text & shapes

One of the key skills for developers using the Slides API is the ability to add text to presentations. This video shows you how to do that as well as how to add shapes to slides. For completeness, viewers will also learn how to add text into shapes.

(Running time: 6:32)

This feature is also described in the blog post “Adding text and shapes with the Google Slides API”.

Formatting & styling text

Presentations are generally about images and having less text, making any text you do have more important. This video shows you how to change the styling and formatting of text in presentations.

(Running time: 7:19)

This feature is also described in the blog post “Formatting text with the Google Slides API”.

Generating Google Slides from spreadsheet data

One use case of the Slides API is to make data in spreadsheets more visually appealing. This video shows you how to import charts from a Sheet into a presentation, as well as how to copy cell data from a Sheet into a Slides table.

(Running time: 7:40)

This feature is also described in the blog post “Generating slides from spreadsheet data”.

Generating Google Slides from images

The Slides Service in Apps Script is an alternative to the Slides (REST) API. In many cases, it may be a better fit for your project, providing a higher-level of programmatic access to Google Slides. In less than 5 minutes, we show you how to use Apps Script's customized JavaScript environment to build a short example that creates slide shows from a set of images. Once you become familiar with Apps Script, let your imagination run wild with what you can do with it! (NOTE: If desired, you can also access the Slides API from Apps Script via the Slides Advanced Service.)

(Running time: 4:49)

This feature is also described in the blog post “Generating Google Slides from images”.

Making progress (bars) with Slides add-ons

Google Slides doesn't have progress bars. Wouldn't this be a useful feature for both presenters as well as audiences? In this video, developers learn how to implement simple progress bars by using the Slides Service to create an add-on. With this add-on, users can enable or hide progress bars in their presentations. The code and a full description of this add-on can be found in the documentation as a Quickstart example.

(Running time: 4:12)

This feature is also described in the blog post “Making progress (bars) with Slides add-ons”.