LiveBroadcasts: list

Returns a list of YouTube broadcasts that match the API request parameters.

Common use cases


HTTP request



This request requires authorization with at least one of the following scopes. To read more about authentication and authorization, see Implementing OAuth 2.0 authentication.



The following table lists the parameters that this query supports. All of the parameters listed are query parameters.

Required parameters
part string
The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more liveBroadcast resource properties that the API response will include. The part names that you can include in the parameter value are id, snippet, contentDetails, monetizationDetails, and status.
Filters (specify exactly one of the following parameters)
broadcastStatus string
The broadcastStatus parameter filters the API response to only include broadcasts with the specified status.

Acceptable values are:
  • active – Return current live broadcasts.
  • all – Return all broadcasts.
  • completed – Return broadcasts that have already ended.
  • upcoming – Return broadcasts that have not yet started.
id string
The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of YouTube broadcast IDs that identify the broadcasts being retrieved. In a liveBroadcast resource, the id property specifies the broadcast's ID.
mine boolean
The mine parameter can be used to instruct the API to only return broadcasts owned by the authenticated user. Set the parameter value to true to only retrieve your own broadcasts.
Optional parameters
broadcastType string
The broadcastType parameter filters the API response to only include broadcasts with the specified type. The parameter should be used in requests that set the mine parameter to true or that use the broadcastStatus parameter. The default value is event.

Acceptable values are:
  • all – Return all broadcasts.
  • event – Return only scheduled event broadcasts.
  • persistent – Return only persistent broadcasts.
maxResults unsigned integer
The maxResults parameter specifies the maximum number of items that should be returned in the result set. Acceptable values are 0 to 50, inclusive. The default value is 5.
onBehalfOfContentOwner string
This parameter can only be used in a properly authorized request.
Note: This parameter is intended exclusively for YouTube content partners.

The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter indicates that the request's authorization credentials identify a YouTube Content Management System (CMS) user who is acting on behalf of the content owner specified in the parameter value. This parameter is intended for YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube channels. It allows content owners to authenticate once and get access to all their video and channel data, without having to provide authentication credentials for each individual channel. The CMS account that the user authenticates with must be linked to the specified YouTube content owner.
onBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel string
This parameter can only be used in a properly authorized request.
Note: This parameter is intended exclusively for YouTube content partners.

The onBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel parameter specifies the YouTube channel ID of the channel to which a video is being added. This parameter is required when a request specifies a value for the onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter, and it can only be used in conjunction with that parameter. In addition, the request must be authorized using a CMS account that is linked to the content owner that the onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter specifies. Finally, the channel that the onBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel parameter value specifies must be linked to the content owner that the onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter specifies.

This parameter is intended for YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube channels. It allows content owners to authenticate once and perform actions on behalf of the channel specified in the parameter value, without having to provide authentication credentials for each separate channel.
pageToken string
The pageToken parameter identifies a specific page in the result set that should be returned. In an API response, the nextPageToken and prevPageToken properties identify other pages that could be retrieved.

Request body

Do not provide a request body when calling this method.


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:

  "kind": "youtube#liveBroadcastListResponse",
  "etag": etag,
  "nextPageToken": string,
  "prevPageToken": string,
  "pageInfo": {
    "totalResults": integer,
    "resultsPerPage": integer
  "items": [
    liveBroadcast Resource


The following table defines the properties that appear in this resource:

kind string
Identifies the API resource's type. The value will be youtube#liveBroadcastListResponse.
etag etag
The Etag of this resource.
nextPageToken string
The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve the next page in the result set.
prevPageToken string
The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve the previous page in the result set.
pageInfo object
The pageInfo object encapsulates paging information for the result set.
pageInfo.totalResults integer
The total number of results in the result set.
pageInfo.resultsPerPage integer
The number of results included in the API response.
items[] list
A list of broadcasts that match the request criteria.


The following table identifies error messages that the API could return in response to a call to this method. For more details, see error message.

Error type Error detail Description
insufficientPermissions insufficientLivePermissions The request is not authorized to retrieve the live broadcast.
insufficientPermissions liveStreamingNotEnabled The user that authorized the request is not enabled to stream live video on YouTube. For more information, see Feature eligibility.

Try it!

Use the APIs Explorer to call this API and see the API request and response.