Common Android Reseller Library

This page lists all the resources available in the Common Android Reseller Library.

Factory classes
SamsungResellerServiceFactory Factory class to create ResellerService objects for managing Samsung devices.
GoogleResellerServiceFactory Factory class to create ResellerService objects for managing non-Samsung devices and customers.
CompanyReference Uniquely identifies a company (customer).
Company Represents a company (customer).
Device An Android device registered for enrollment.
DeviceIdentifier Encapsulates hardware and product IDs to identify a manufacturer's device.
Operation The status of an asynchronous API call.
DeviceOperationError A device-specific error in an Operation.
CommonException An exception that can be thrown by all synchronous APIs.
Error An object containing details about an error.
ErrorCode Common errors.
claimDevice Synchronous request to claim one device for a specified customer.
claimDevicesAsync Asynchronous request to claim up to 100,000 devices for one or more customers.
createCustomer Creates a Company object to uniquely identify a company (customer).
findDevicesByDeviceIdentifier List devices with given device identifier.
findDevicesByOwner List of devices claimed by the specified customer or customers.
getOperation Retrieves the status of an asynchronous operation using its operationId.
listCustomers List of customers associated with the reseller.
listOperations List of operations with a specified operation type and/or operation state.
unclaimDevice Synchronous request to unclaim a single device for a specified customer.
unclaimDevicesAsync Asynchronous request to unclaim up to 100,000 devices for one or more customers.