Account Parameters

This document lists the parameters for various types of Account activity events. You can retrieve these events by calling CustomerUsageReports.get() with parameters=accounts:PARAMETER.


Name Type Description
apps_total_licenses integer Total number of G Suite Basic licenses purchased for the domain.
apps_used_licenses integer The number of G Suite Basic licenses in use in the domain.
authorized_apps message List of third party applications with access to users' data under any scope. Includes the number of users per application.
coordinate_total_licenses integer Total number of Google Maps Coordinate licenses purchased for the domain.
customer_used_quota_in_mb integer Total storage quota used by the domain in megabytes
drive_used_quota_in_mb integer Storage quota (in MB) used by the domain for data in Drive.
gmail_used_quota_in_mb integer Storage quota (in MB) used by the domain for data in Gmail.
gplus_photos_used_quota_in_mb integer Storage quota (in MB) used by the domain for data in Google Photos and Currents.
gsuite_basic_total_licenses integer Total number of G Suite Basic licenses purchased for the domain.
gsuite_basic_used_licenses integer The number of G Suite Basic licenses in use in the domain.
gsuite_enterprise_total_licenses integer Total number of G Suite Enterprise licenses purchased for the domain.
gsuite_enterprise_used_licenses integer The number of G Suite Enterprise licenses in use in the domain.
gsuite_unlimited_total_licenses integer Total number of G Suite Business licenses purchased for the domain.
gsuite_unlimited_used_licenses integer The number of G Suite Business licenses in use in the domain.
num_1day_logins integer The number of account users who have logged in the day of this report. These are unique logins from 00:00 PST to 23:59:59 PST on that date.
num_30day_logins integer The number of account users who have logged in in the past 30 days from the date of this report.
num_7day_logins integer The number of account users who have logged in in the past 7 days from the date of this report.
num_archived_users integer Number of archived users
num_authorized_apps integer The number of third party applications authorized to access the user's data.
num_disabled_accounts integer The number of disabled user accounts.
num_locked_users integer The number of locked user accounts.
num_security_keys integer The number of security keys enrolled by users of this domain.
num_suspended_users integer The number of suspended user accounts.
num_users integer The number of total users.
num_users_2sv_enforced integer The number of user accounts which are enforced for 2-step verification.
num_users_2sv_enrolled integer The number of user accounts which have enrolled for 2-step verification.
num_users_2sv_enrolled_and_enforced integer The number of user accounts which are enforced and have enrolled for 2-step verification.
num_users_2sv_not_enforced integer The number of user accounts which are not enforced for 2-step verification.
num_users_2sv_not_enrolled integer The number of user accounts which have not enrolled for 2-step verification.
num_users_2sv_not_enrolled_and_not_enforced integer The number of user accounts which are neither enforced nor have enrolled for 2-step verification.
num_users_2sv_not_enrolled_but_enforced integer The number of users accounts which have not enrolled for 2-step verification but for which it is enforced.
num_users_less_secure_apps_access_allowed integer The number of user accounts allowed less secure apps access.
num_users_less_secure_apps_access_denied integer The number of user accounts denied less secure apps access.
num_users_overridden_names integer The number of users that have changed their Currents profile names. These users have display names that are different than the names defined by their admins.
num_users_password_length_compliant integer Number of users whose password length is compliant with password management policy
num_users_password_length_non_compliant integer Number of users whose password length is not compliant with password management policy
num_users_password_length_unknown integer Number of users whose password length is unknown
num_users_password_strength_strong integer Number of users whose password strength is strong
num_users_password_strength_unknown integer Number of users whose password strength is unknown
num_users_password_strength_weak integer Number of users whose password strength is weak
num_users_used_quota_ge_50_lt_80percent integer The number of users that have used between 50% to 80% of their storage quota.
num_users_used_quota_ge_80percent integer The number of users that have used more than 80% of their storage quota.
num_users_used_quota_lt_50percent integer The number of users that have used less than 50% of their storage quota.
team_drive_used_quota_in_mb integer Shared drive storage quota used in megabytes
total_quota_in_mb integer Total storage quota (in MB) for the domain. A negative value is returned for customers that have enrolled in G Suite Business.
used_quota_in_mb integer Total storage quota (in MB) used by the domain.
vault_total_licenses integer Total number of Google Vault licenses purchased for the domain.