
DateTimeEntity.DateTimeGranularity The precision of a timestamp that was extracted from text. 
Entity.Type The type of an extracted entity(e.g. 
EntityExtractorOptions.ModelIdentifier The list of models supported by entity extraction (e.g. 
PaymentCardEntity.PaymentCardNetwork The list of supported payment card networks that could be detected (e.g. 
TrackingNumberEntity.ParcelTrackingCarrier The list of supported carriers that could be detected (e.g. 


EntityExtractor Annotates a text with information about entities referenced in the text. 


DateTimeEntity A date-time entity extracted from a piece of text. 
Entity An entity extracted from a piece of text. 
EntityAnnotation An annotation of a piece of text. 
EntityExtraction Entry point for Entity Extraction. 
EntityExtractionParams Parameters for a request to extract entities from a given piece of text. 
EntityExtractionParams.Builder Builder class for EntityExtractionParams
EntityExtractionRemoteModel Information about a downloaded or to-be-downloaded model for entity extraction. 
EntityExtractionRemoteModel.Builder Builder for EntityExtractionRemoteModel
EntityExtractorOptions Options for extracting entities from a piece of text. 
EntityExtractorOptions.Builder Builder for EntityExtractorOptions instances. 
FlightNumberEntity A flight number entity extracted from a piece of text. 
IbanEntity An IBAN (International Bank Account Number) entity extracted from a piece of text. 
IsbnEntity An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) entity extracted from a piece of text. 
MoneyEntity A money entity extracted from a piece of text. 
PaymentCardEntity A payment card entity extracted from a piece of text. 
TrackingNumberEntity A parcel tracking number entity extracted from a piece of text.