InteractiveCanvas (Dialogflow)

The interactiveCanvas object is the interface to your conversational action that is made available within your web app.



ready(callbacks) returns undefined

Called by the Interactive Canvas web app once it has loaded to register callbacks.

callbacks InteractiveCanvasCallbacks

An object that contains method callbacks.


sendTextQuery(textQuery) returns Promise<state>

Sends a text query to the conversational action.

textQuery string

The query to send to the conversational action.

state string

One of the following:

READY: Requests can be accepted by the platform.

BLOCKED: There is a query in flight and the new query will be dropped.

UNKNOWN: The current query state couldn't be determined.


getHeaderHeightPx() returns Promise<height>

Determines the height of the header at the top of a display.

height number

The height in pixels.


These callbacks provide a way for you to respond to information or requests from your conversational action while the methods provide a way to send information or requests to your conversational action.


onUpdate(data) returns undefined

Called when an HtmlResponse is sent from the conversational action. After the end of the function call, the TTS will start immediately.

data Object

Updated data sent by the webhook.


onTtsMark(markName) returns undefined

Callback that is invoked during TTS playback.

Special marks that always are triggered:

  • START indicates the start of the TTS.
  • END indicates the end of the TTS.
  • ERROR indicates an error playing the TTS.

You can also define custom marks by using SSML and the <mark> tag, like <mark name="custom"/>.

markName string

Mark name invoked during TTS playback.