View or download files that support the RTB Protocol.
File | Description | Version | Last Updated |
cookie-bulk-upload.proto | Use this message to bulk upload user targeting data. | v.24 | Mar 27, 2024 |
openrtb.proto | Google supports the OpenRTB protocol, using either JSON or Protobuf encoding. This proto is necessary if you use OpenRTB/Protobuf. It also includes documentation of supported fields and their mapping to Google's native protocol. | 2.6 | Mar 07, 2025 |
openrtb-adx.proto | Google's OpenRTB protocol includes some extensions, provided in a separate proto. | v.186 | Mar 06, 2025 |
publisher-settings.proto | A set of publisher settings specific to a real-time bidder network. | v.14 | Feb 05, 2024 |
realtime-bidding.proto | Google's Authorized Buyers RTB protocol. This is the message Google uses
to request bids. A BidRequest includes the ad slot from a
single impression. |
v.332 | Jan 16, 2025 |
Open Beta Protos
File | Description | Version | Last Updated |
openrtb-adx.proto | Google's OpenRTB protocol includes some extensions, provided in a separate proto. | v.192 | Mar 06, 2025 |
realtime-bidding.proto | Google's Authorized Buyers RTB protocol. This is the message Google uses
to request bids. A BidRequest includes the ad slot from a
single impression. |
v.343 | Jan 16, 2025 |
Reference data
Dictionaries (Click to download .txt file) |
Ad product categories | Used in the excluded_product_category field of
BidRequest . This field describes categories of products and
services that are not allowed by a publisher, for example, if the publisher
doesn't want to host ads related to online banking. |
Ad restricted categories | Used in the allowed_restricted_category field of
BidRequest and the restricted_category field of
BidResponse . The allowed_restricted_category
field describes categories that are normally restricted, but explicitly
declared by a publisher as allowed, for example, ads containing
alcohol-related content. |
Ad sensitive categories | Used in the excluded_sensitive_category field of
BidRequest and the category field of
BidResponse . The excluded_sensitive_category
field describes sensitive categories that are not allowed by the publisher,
for example, if the publisher does not want to host ads related to
politics. |
Advertisers | Used in the advertiser_id field of SnippetStatusItem. This
field specifies the advertiser represented by the creative associated with
the snippet. This list reflects advertisers across the exchange and does
not reflect the advertisers represented by any one buyer. |
Brands | List of brands, used in the Client Access API. |
Buyer declarable creative attributes | Used for the attribute field in BidResponse .
This field describes buyer-declarable attributes on creatives which must
not appear in excluded_attribute in
BidRequest . |
Callout status codes | Status codes returned by the performancereport method
call. |
Content labels | Used in the detected_content_labels field of the
BidRequest . |
Cookie matcher status codes | Used in the cookieMatcherStatusRate field of RTB Protocol
performance reports. Available codes are described in the Cookie matching
guide. |
Creative status codes | Used in creative_status_code returned in real-time
Hosted match status codes | Used in the hostedMatchStatusRate field of RTB Protocol
performance reports. |
No bid reasons | Standard no-bid reason values to be given in the BidResponse.no_bid_reason field in the
Authorized Buyers bid protocol.
Pretargetable creative attributes | Used in the supportedCreativeAttribute field in the
PretargetingConfig resource exposed in the Buyer REST API. This field
describes creative attributes expected to be present in all creatives
corresponding to a single pretargeting configuration. |
Publisher-excludable creative attributes | Used in the excluded_attribute field of
BidRequest . This field describes the types of creatives that
are not allowed by the publisher. For example, they might specify
restrictions on whether cookie usage is allowed, or whether media and/or text
ads are allowed. |
Publisher verticals | Used in the detected_vertical field of
BidRequest . This field specifies the verticals (similar to
keywords) of the page on which the ad will be shown. Google generates this
field by crawling the page and determining which verticals are used. |
Vendors | Used in the allowed_vendor_type field of
BidRequest . This field lists which Rich Media vendors, such as
Campaign Monitor and VoiceFive, are allowed for the creative being served,
as specified by the publisher. Includes vendors from the sunsetted
Data providers | Used in the field of
BidRequest . This field contains information on the entity that provided the
Publisher Provided Signals. |
Reference tables (Click to download CSVs) |
Android mobile apps | List of targetable Android mobile apps with their app IDs, category IDs, and human-readable app names. |
Geo tables | The table used to decode the geo_criteria_id field of
BidRequest . Refer to Geotargeting for more
information. |
LGPD Providers |
The list of ads personalization providers allowed to serve on LGPD traffic,
with their ID, a human readable name, privacy URL, and a list of domains
which can be attributed to the provider. LGPD enforcement is indicated on a
given bid request through the BidRequest.adslot.regs_lgpd
field in the Authorized Buyers bid protocol and the
BidRequest.regs.ext.lgpd field in the OpenRTB bid protocol.
Mobile carriers | List of mobile carriers. |
Mobile devices | List of mobile devices. |
Mobile operating systems | List of mobile operating systems. |
Providers | Maps ads personalization provider IDs to a human readable name, a privacy
policy URL, and a list of domains which can be attributed to the provider.
Currently, providers are used in the
BidRequest.AdSlot.consented_providers_settings field for AdX
protocol and
BidRequest.User.UserExt.consented_providers_settings for OpenRTB
protocol. In these fields, the listed providers have user consent as passed by
publishers for users in the countries within the European Economic Area. |
Publisher settings
Request the publisher-settings.pb.gz
file from your account
Creative review policy topics
You can use the policy topics in this file to filter creatives during review in the Real-time Bidding API
Download policy topics as a CSV file.Last updated: April 18, 2022