* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described. | |||||||||
Data Field * | Field Definition | Data Field Type | |||||||
photo_url | The URL of the photo with the corresponding tag. | string | |||||||
text | The text of your original contribution that indicated what dish, product, or activity was in the photo. | string | |||||||
created | Submission time of the contribution in UTC timezone, formatted in ISO-8601 format. | string |
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described. | |||||||||
Data Field * | Field Definition | Data Field Type | |||||||
features | A list of pinned locations. | list of feature object | |||||||
feature.geometry | Geographical data for the pinned location. | Geometry object | |||||||
geometry.coordinates | Coordinates of the pinned location. | latlng object | |||||||
geometry.type | Type of the geometry object (should be Point). | string | |||||||
feature.property | Metadata associated with the pinned location. | Property object | |||||||
property.name | Identifier associated with the pinned location. | string | |||||||
property.address | If possible, provides an address for the pinned location | string |
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described. | |||||||||
Data Field * | Field Definition | Data Field Type | |||||||
placeUrl | The Google Maps URL of the place that is the subject of the question. | string | |||||||
question | The question that was asked. | string | |||||||
selectedChoice | For multiple choice questions, your selected answer. | string | |||||||
answer | For yes or no questions, whether you selected yes, no, or unsure. | string |
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described. | |||||||||
Data Field * | Field Definition | Data Field Type | |||||||
trips | A list of pinned trips. | list of trip object | |||||||
trip.id | A unique identifier of the trip. Examples: 3DAEF1A60A3310F1 commute_to_home | string | |||||||
trip.recurrence | The regular pattern on which the trip takes place. | recurrence object | |||||||
recurrence.weekly_pattern | The weekly pattern on which the trip takes place. | weeklypattern object | |||||||
weeklypattern.day | The days of the week on which the trip takes place. | list of dailyinstance object | |||||||
dailyinstance.day | A day of the week, corresponding to ISO8601 weekdays. The day is consecutively numbered starting with Monday=1 and Tuesday=2, to Sunday=7. | integer | |||||||
trip.place_visit | An ordered list of places visited during the trip. | list of placevisit object | |||||||
placevisit.id | An identifier of the placevisit. This is unique in the trip. | list | |||||||
placevisit.arrival_timing | Optional timing information for arriving at the destination. | timerequirement object | |||||||
placevisit.departure_timing | Optional timing information for departing the origin. | timerequirement object | |||||||
timerequirement.time | The time of day without a time-zone. | timeofday object | |||||||
timeofday.hour | The hour of the day between 0 and 23. | integer | |||||||
timeofday.minute | The minute of the hour between 0 and 59. | integer | |||||||
placevisit.place | The place involved in the placevisit. When absent, this refers to the user location when the query is run. | place object | |||||||
place.semantic_type | The type of the place: home, work, or unknown. Examples: TYPE_HOME TYPE_WORK TYPE_UNKNOWN | string | |||||||
place.lat_lng | The position of the place. This is omitted for home and work. | latlng object | |||||||
latlng.latitude | The latitude of the place in degrees. | double | |||||||
latlng.longitude | The longitude of the place in degrees. | double | |||||||
trip.transition | This describes how the user transitions between place visits. | list of transition object | |||||||
transition.origin | The origin (start) point of the transition. | endpoint object | |||||||
transition.destination | The destination (end) point of the transition. | endpoint object | |||||||
endpoint.visit_id | A placevisit identifier. | string | |||||||
transition.route | The optional route for the transition. This describes how to travel between the origin and the destination. | route object | |||||||
route.travel_mode | The overall travel mode of the route. Examples: DRIVE TRANSIT TWO_WHEELER BICYCLE | string | |||||||
route.transit | This describes the route when it involves transit. | transit object | |||||||
transit.leg | A sequence of legs of the transit journey. | list of leg object | |||||||
leg.mode | The travel mode of the leg. Examples: WALKING TRANSIT | string | |||||||
leg.destination | The name of the transit stop or station at the end of the leg. This is omitted for the final leg. Examples: King's Cross Shinjuku | string |
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described. | |||||||||
Data Field * | Field Definition | Data Field Type | |||||||
commuteMode | The mode of transportation used for commuting between home and work. Examples: DRIVE TRANSIT WALKING BIKING TWO_WHEELER | string | |||||||
otherTravelMode | The generally preferred mode of transportation. Examples: DRIVE TRANSIT WALKING BIKING TWO_WHEELER | string |
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described. | |||||||||
Data Field * | Field Definition | Data Field Type | |||||||
name | The name of the profile | string | |||||||
preferred_connector_type_name | The connector types marked as preferred in the profile. | array of string |
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described. | |||||||||
Data Field * | Field Definition | Data Field Type | |||||||
geocodes.point | The latitude and longitude coordinates associated with this geocode. | lat-lng object | |||||||
geocodes.address | The address associated with this geocode. | text-language object |
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described. | |||||||||
Data Field * | Field Definition | Data Field Type | |||||||
instructions.location.directionInfo.stepDescription | The direction step you received when you issued this instruction. | string | |||||||
instructions.location.points | Your approximate location when you issued this instruction. | lat-lng object | |||||||
instructions.instructionType | The type of this instruction. Examples: SUSPECTED_DUPLICATE ROAD_NAME ROAD_CLOSED ROAD_MISSING GEOCODE_PROBLEM | string | |||||||
instructions.relatedPlaceUrls | The Google Maps URLs of places related to this instruction. | string | |||||||
instructions.nameUpdate.oldValue | The old place name that you removed. | text-language object | |||||||
instructions.nameUpdate.newValue | The new place name that you added. | text-language object | |||||||
instructions.pointUpdate.newValue | The new place location that you added. | lat-lng object | |||||||
instructions.addressUpdate.newValue | The new place address that you added. | text-language object | |||||||
instructions.duplicateUpodate.placeUrl | The Google Maps URL of a place that you identified as a duplicate place. | string | |||||||
instructions.roadClosureUpdate.closingTime | The timestamp when the road is closing. Examples: 2023-11-09T10:00 2023-11-09T10:05:28Z | ISO 8601 timestamp string | |||||||
instructions.roadClosureUpdate.reopeningTime | The timestamp when the road is reopening. Examples: 2023-11-09T14:00 | ISO 8601 timestamp string | |||||||
instructions.roadClosureUpdate.primaryCause | The primary cause of the road closure. Examples: CONSTRUCTION CRASH NATURE EVENT CAUSE_OTHER | string | |||||||
instructions.roadClosureUpdate.natureCause | A more specific cause for the road closure if the main cause is "NATURE". Examples: FLOOD EARTHQUAKE FIRE MUDSLIDE SNOW_ICE TREE NATURE_OTHER | string | |||||||
instructions.roadClosureUpdate.direction | The directionality of the road closure. Examples: ONE_WAY_DIRECTION_UNDEFINED TWO_WAY | string | |||||||
instructions.roadNetworkUpdate.before.segments.name | The road segment name before your edit. | text-language object | |||||||
instructions.roadNetworkUpdate.before.segments.polyline.vertices | The road segment vertices before your edit. | lat-lng object | |||||||
instructions.roadNetworkUpdate.before.segments.roadCoarseCategory | The road segment category before your edit. Examples: NORMAL_ROAD HIGHWAY PARKING_LOT NON_TRAFFIC_TRAIL | string | |||||||
instructions.roadNetworkUpdate.before.segments.placeUrl | For existing road segments, the Google Maps URL of the road segment. | string | |||||||
instructions.roadNetworkUpdate.before.segments.diffType | Whether this road segment is being deleted or modified. Examples: NO_DIFF BEFORE_EDIT DELETE | string | |||||||
instructions.roadNetworkUpdate.after.segments.name | The road segment name after your edit. | text-language object | |||||||
instructions.roadNetworkUpdate.after.segments.polyline.vertices | The road segment vertices after your edit. | lat-lng object | |||||||
instructions.roadNetworkUpdate.after.segments.roadCoarseCategory | The road segment category after your edit. Examples: NORMAL_ROAD HIGHWAY PARKING_LOT NON_TRAFFIC_TRAIL | string | |||||||
instructions.roadNetworkUpdate.after.segments.placeUrl | For existing road segments, the Google Maps URL of the road segment. | string | |||||||
instructions.roadNetworkUpdate.after.segments.diffType | Whether this road segment is being added or modified. Examples: NO_DIFF ADD AFTER_EDIT | string | |||||||
instructions.userComments | Comments you attached to the instruction. They are removed after the expiration period. | text-language object |
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described. | |||||||||
Data Field * | Field Definition | Data Field Type | |||||||
title | The image filename. | string | |||||||
description | The image caption. | string | |||||||
imageViews | The total number of views. | int | |||||||
creationTime.timestamp | The time when this photo or video was uploaded. | timestamp | |||||||
creationTime.formatted | The formatted time when this photo or video was uploaded. | string | |||||||
photoTakenTime.timestamp | The time when this photo or video was taken. | timestamp | |||||||
photoTakenTime.formatted | The formatted time when this photo or video was taken. | string | |||||||
geoDataExif.latitude | The latitude in degrees. | double | |||||||
geoDataExif.longitude | The longitude in degrees. | double | |||||||
geoDataExif.altitude | The altitude in meters, offset from WGS84. | double | |||||||
geoDataExif.latitudeSpan | This defines a bounding box (latitude +/- latitudeSpan). | double | |||||||
geoDataExif.longitudeSpan | This defines a bounding box (longitude +/- longitudeSpan). | double |
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described. | |||||||||
Data Field * | Field Definition | Data Field Type | |||||||
answers | A list of answers you submitted in Maps. | list | |||||||
questions | A list of questions you submitted in Maps. | list | |||||||
replies | A list of replies you submitted in Maps. | list | |||||||
thumb_ups | A list of thumbs up you submitted in Maps. | list | |||||||
place_url | A link to the place in Maps where the content was posted. | string | |||||||
text | The text contributions you posted such as questions, answers, and replies. | string | |||||||
has_best_answer | Whether the posted question has a selected answer as the best answer. | boolean | |||||||
up_count | The total number of thumbs up you posted for the given place. | int |
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described. | |||||||||
Data Field * | Field Definition | Data Field Type | |||||||
editAction | Whether you suggested adding a new place or modifying an existing place. Examples: ADD_PLACE_ACTION MODIFY_PLACE_ACTION | string | |||||||
placeUrl | The Google Maps URL of the place you edited. | string | |||||||
nameChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting a name. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
nameChange.operations.text | The name you set, added, or deleted. | text-language object | |||||||
pointChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting a location in latitude and longitude. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
pointChange.operations.point | The latitude and longitude of the location you set, added, or deleted. | lat-lng object | |||||||
businessExistenceChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting a business status. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
businessExistenceChange.operations.businessExistence | The business status you set, added, or deleted. Examples: OPEN CLOSED_PERMANENTLY CLOSED_TEMPORARILY CLOSED_UNKNOWN MOVED REBRANDED | string | |||||||
placeExistenceChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting a place status. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
placeExistenceChange.operations.placeExistence | The place status you set, added, or deleted. Examples: LIVE PENDING BOGUS PRIVATE SPAM DUPLICATE REMOVED_REASON_UNKNOWN | string | |||||||
categoryChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting a category. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
categoryChange.operations.category. | The category you set, added, or deleted. | string | |||||||
addressChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting an address. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
addressChange.operations.address | The address you set, added, or deleted. | text-language object | |||||||
websiteChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting a website. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
websiteChange.operations.website.url | The URL of the website you set, added, or deleted. | string | |||||||
websiteChange.operations.website.language | The language of the website you set, added, or deleted. | string | |||||||
websiteChange.operations.website.anchorText | The URL anchor text of the website you set, added, or deleted. | text-language object | |||||||
phoneNumberChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting a phone number. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
phoneNumberChange.operations.phoneNumber | The phone number you set, added, or deleted. | string | |||||||
businessOpeningDateChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting the opening date of the business. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
businessOpeningDateChange.operations.businessOpeningDate | The business opening date you set, added, or deleted. The date is in this format: YYYY-MM-DD. Examples: 1998-09-04 NEAR_FUTURE | string | |||||||
regularBusinessHoursChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting regular business hours. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
regularBusinessHoursChange.operations.regularBusinessHours.openIntervals.openingTime | The opening time of this regular business hours interval. The opening time is in this format: DAY_OF_WEEK HH:mm:ss. Examples: MONDAY 09:00:00 | string | |||||||
regularBusinessHoursChange.operations.regularBusinessHours.openIntervals.closingTime | The closing time of this regular business hours interval. The closing time is in this format: DAY_OF_WEEK HH:mm:ss. Examples: MONDAY 17:00:00 | string | |||||||
exceptionalBusinessHoursChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting exceptional business hours. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
exceptionalBusinessHoursChange.operations.exceptionalBusinessHours.date | The date of the exceptional business hours you set, added, or deleted. The date is in this format: YYYY-MM-DD. Examples: 2023-12-25 | string | |||||||
exceptionalBusinessHoursChange.operations.exceptionalBusinessHours.openHours.openingTime | The business opening time for the given date. The opening time is in this format: HH:mm:ss. Examples: 09:00:00 | string | |||||||
exceptionalBusinessHoursChange.operations.exceptionalBusinessHours.openHours.closingTime | The business closing time for the given date. The closing time is in this format: (YYYY-MM-DD) HH:mm:ss. Examples: 17:00:00 2023-12-26 01:00:00 | string | |||||||
exceptionalBusinessHoursChange.operations.exceptionalBusinessHours.isClosed | When set to true, this indicates that the business is closed for the given date. | boolean | |||||||
secondaryBusinessHoursChange.hoursType | The type of the secondary business hours. Examples: HAPPY_HOUR DELIVERY TAKEOUT LUNCH | string | |||||||
secondaryBusinessHoursChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting secondary business hours. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
secondaryBusinessHoursChange.operations.secondaryBusinessHours.openIntervals.openingTime | The opening time of this secondary business hours interval. The opening time is in this format: DAY_OF_WEEK HH:mm:ss. Examples: MONDAY 09:00:00 | string | |||||||
secondaryBusinessHoursChange.operations.secondaryBusinessHours.openIntervals.closingTime | The closing time of this secondary business hours interval. The closing time is in this format: DAY_OF_WEEK HH:mm:ss. Examples: MONDAY 17:00:00 | string | |||||||
relationChanges.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting a relation. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
relationChanges.operations.relatedPlaceUrl | The Google Maps URL of the place that is related to the place you are editing. | string | |||||||
attachmentChanges.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting an attachment. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
attachmentChanges.operations.attachment.clientNamespace | The attachment client namespace that indicates the source of the attachment. | string | |||||||
attachmentChanges.operations.attachment.payloadString | The attachment payload in JSON format. | string | |||||||
attachmentChanges.operations.attachment.payloadBytes | If the attachment payload cannot be parsed as a JSON, fall back to returning it in bytes. | bytes | |||||||
merhchantDescriptionChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting a merchant description. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
merhchantDescriptionChange.operations.text | The merchant description you set, added, or deleted. | text-language object | |||||||
simpleAttributeBooleanChanges.simpleAttributeId | The ID of a generic attribute that contains a boolean. Examples: /geo/type/establishment_poi/has_takeout | string | |||||||
simpleAttributeBooleanChanges.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting a generic attribute. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
simpleAttributeBooleanChanges.operations.simpleAttributeBoolean | The generic attribute boolean you set, added, or deleted. | boolean | |||||||
simpleAttributeEnumChanges.simpleAttributeId | The ID of a generic attribute that contains an enum. Examples: /geo/type/establishment/price_level | string | |||||||
simpleAttributeEnumChanges.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting a generic attribute. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
simpleAttributeEnumChanges.operations.simpleAttributeEnum | The generic attribute enum you set, added, or deleted. | string | |||||||
simpleAttributeUrlChanges.simpleAttributeId | The ID of a generic attribute that contains a URL. Examples: /geo/type/establishment_poi/url_order_ahead | string | |||||||
simpleAttributeUrlChanges.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting a generic attribute. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
simpleAttributeUrlChanges.operations.simpleAttributeUrl | The generic attribute URL you set, added, or deleted. | string | |||||||
vanityLookupNameChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting a vanity name in raw form. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
vanityLookupNameChange.operations.vanityName | The raw form of the vanity name you set, added, or deleted. | string | |||||||
vanityDisplayNameChange.operations.type | Whether this operation is setting, adding, or deleting the display form of a vanity name. Examples: SET_OPERATION ADD_OPERATION DELETE_OPERATION IMPLICIT_DELETE_OPERATION ASSERT_UNSURE_OPERATION | string | |||||||
vanityDisplayNameChange.operations.vanityName | The display form of the vanity name you set, added, or deleted. | string | |||||||
metadata.createTime | The timestamp when you suggested this edit. Examples: 2023-11-09T19:51:38Z | ISO 8601 timestamp string |
Resource Group * | Description | Exported Objects | |||||||
maps.aliased_places | This resource group contains the places the user saved with a custom label. | Aliased Places | |||||||
maps.commute_routes | This resource group contains the user's pinned trips on Maps, including routes, destinations, and modes of transportation. | Commute routes | |||||||
maps.commute_settings | This resource group contains the user's commute settings, such as the preferred mode of transportation. | Commute settings | |||||||
maps.ev_profile | This resource group contains data about the user's electric vehicle, such as the charging plug type. | Electric vehicle profile. | |||||||
maps.factual_contributions | This resource group contains all the place edits and map edits the user made on Maps. | Geocode contributions Instructions Answers to automated questions Suggested edits to business establishments | |||||||
maps.offering_contributions | This resource group contains the updates the user made to places on Maps, such as the dishes, products, and activities offered. | Added dishes, products, activities. | |||||||
maps.photos_videos | This resource group contains the photos and videos the user posted of places on Maps, plus associated metadata such as time of upload. | Photos Contribution | |||||||
maps.questions_answers | This resource group contains the questions and answers the user posted about places on Maps, plus associated metadata such as time of upload. | Questions and Answers | |||||||
* To obtain the OAuth Scope Name for a particular Resource Group, append "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/dataportability." to the Resource Group. For example, the OAuth Scope Name for the "myactivity.search" Resource Group is "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/dataportability.myactivity.search". |