Search Notifications Schema Reference

Exported Object: Your Notification Configurations
Exported Object represents: Overall account and device configurations used to send notifications.
Object is exported in these formats: CSV
Exported object has the following fields:
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described.
Data Field *Field DefinitionData Field Type
Scope IdentifierThe "Scope Identifier" field indicates how the other settings in the row apply, whether for the entire account, per individual device, or specific channel of notifications.string
Opt In StateThe "Opt In State" field indicates whether the particular scope is allowed to receive notifications.string
Channel ImportanceThe "Channel Importance" field indicates how important notifications of a particular channel scope should be treated.string
BadgeThe "Badge" field indicates whether the notification badge is enabled for a particular scope.string
SoundThe "Sound field indicates whether the particular scope is allowed to trigger a sound when a notification is received.string
AlertsThe "Alerts" field indicates whether the particular scope is allowed to receive alert notifications.string
Critical AlertsThe "Critical Alerts" field indicates whether the particular scope is allowed to receive critical alerts notifications.string
Time SensitiveThe "Time Sensitive" field indicates whether the particular scope is allowed to receive time sensitive notifications.string
Notification CenterThe "Notification Center" field indicates whether the particular scope may display notifications within the Notification Center.string
Displayed on Lock ScreenThe "Displayed on Lock Screen" field indicates whether the particular scope is allowed to display received notifications on a device lock screen.string
Accepts Scheduled DeliveryThe "Accepts Scheduled Delivery" field indicates whether the particular scope is allowed to receive notifications that have been scheduled for delivery rather than sent immediately.string
Live ActivityThe "Live Activity" field indicates whether the particular scope may start Live Activity notifications.string
Location AllowedThe "Location Allowed" field indicates whether the particular scope may use device location to target notifications.string
Exported Object: Your Notification Subscriptions
Exported Object represents: A list of notification topics to which you are subscribed.
Object is exported in these formats: CSV
Exported object has the following fields:
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described.
Data Field *Field DefinitionData Field Type
Subscription IdentifierThe "Subscription Identifier" field identifies a particular topic or query that you have indicated interest.string
Subscription StatusThe "Subscription Status" field indicates the importance of this particular subscription.string
A table representing Resource Groups and the objects that are exported with it.
Resource Group *DescriptionExported Objects
searchnotifications.settingsThis resource group contains settings for notification related experiences (such as notification settings and categories, and whether the user's location is used for notifications) the user configured on the Google Search app.
Your Notification Configurations
searchnotifications.subscriptionsThis resource group contains notification subscriptions (subscriptions to topics for which the user can receive notifications) the user configured on the Google Search app.
Your Notification Subscriptions
* To obtain the OAuth Scope Name for a particular Resource Group, append "" to the Resource Group. For example, the OAuth Scope Name for the "" Resource Group is "".