
--- v15/services/recommendation_service.proto   2023-10-18 20:10:59.000000000 +0000
+++ v16/services/recommendation_service.proto   2024-02-20 20:02:50.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,462 +1,634 @@
 // Copyright 2023 Google LLC
 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.

 syntax = "proto3";

-package google.ads.googleads.v15.services;
+package google.ads.googleads.v16.services;

-import "google/ads/googleads/v15/common/extensions.proto";
-import "google/ads/googleads/v15/enums/keyword_match_type.proto";
-import "google/ads/googleads/v15/resources/ad.proto";
-import "google/ads/googleads/v15/resources/asset.proto";
+import "google/ads/googleads/v16/common/criteria.proto";
+import "google/ads/googleads/v16/common/extensions.proto";
+import "google/ads/googleads/v16/enums/ad_group_type.proto";
+import "google/ads/googleads/v16/enums/advertising_channel_type.proto";
+import "google/ads/googleads/v16/enums/bidding_strategy_type.proto";
+import "google/ads/googleads/v16/enums/conversion_tracking_status_enum.proto";
+import "google/ads/googleads/v16/enums/keyword_match_type.proto";
+import "google/ads/googleads/v16/enums/recommendation_type.proto";
+import "google/ads/googleads/v16/resources/ad.proto";
+import "google/ads/googleads/v16/resources/asset.proto";
+import "google/ads/googleads/v16/resources/recommendation.proto";
 import "google/api/annotations.proto";
 import "google/api/client.proto";
 import "google/api/field_behavior.proto";
 import "google/api/resource.proto";
 import "google/rpc/status.proto";

-option csharp_namespace = "Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V15.Services";
-option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/ads/googleads/v15/services;services";
+option csharp_namespace = "Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V16.Services";
+option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/ads/googleads/v16/services;services";
 option java_multiple_files = true;
 option java_outer_classname = "RecommendationServiceProto";
-option java_package = "com.google.ads.googleads.v15.services";
+option java_package = "com.google.ads.googleads.v16.services";
 option objc_class_prefix = "GAA";
-option php_namespace = "Google\\Ads\\GoogleAds\\V15\\Services";
-option ruby_package = "Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V15::Services";
+option php_namespace = "Google\\Ads\\GoogleAds\\V16\\Services";
+option ruby_package = "Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V16::Services";

 // Proto file describing the Recommendation service.

 // Service to manage recommendations.
 service RecommendationService {
   option (google.api.default_host) = "googleads.googleapis.com";
   option (google.api.oauth_scopes) = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/adwords";

   // Applies given recommendations with corresponding apply parameters.
   // List of thrown errors:
   //   [AuthenticationError]()
   //   [AuthorizationError]()
   //   [DatabaseError]()
   //   [FieldError]()
   //   [HeaderError]()
   //   [InternalError]()
   //   [MutateError]()
   //   [QuotaError]()
   //   [RecommendationError]()
   //   [RequestError]()
   //   [UrlFieldError]()
   rpc ApplyRecommendation(ApplyRecommendationRequest)
       returns (ApplyRecommendationResponse) {
     option (google.api.http) = {
-      post: "/v15/customers/{customer_id=*}/recommendations:apply"
+      post: "/v16/customers/{customer_id=*}/recommendations:apply"
       body: "*"
     option (google.api.method_signature) = "customer_id,operations";

   // Dismisses given recommendations.
   // List of thrown errors:
   //   [AuthenticationError]()
   //   [AuthorizationError]()
   //   [HeaderError]()
   //   [InternalError]()
   //   [QuotaError]()
   //   [RecommendationError]()
   //   [RequestError]()
   rpc DismissRecommendation(DismissRecommendationRequest)
       returns (DismissRecommendationResponse) {
     option (google.api.http) = {
-      post: "/v15/customers/{customer_id=*}/recommendations:dismiss"
+      post: "/v16/customers/{customer_id=*}/recommendations:dismiss"
       body: "*"
     option (google.api.method_signature) = "customer_id,operations";
+  // Generates Recommendations based off the requested recommendation_types.
+  //
+  // List of thrown errors:
+  //   [AuthenticationError]()
+  //   [AuthorizationError]()
+  //   [HeaderError]()
+  //   [InternalError]()
+  //   [QuotaError]()
+  //   [RecommendationError]()
+  //   [RequestError]()
+  rpc GenerateRecommendations(GenerateRecommendationsRequest)
+      returns (GenerateRecommendationsResponse) {
+    option (google.api.http) = {
+      post: "/v16/customers/{customer_id=*}/recommendations:generate"
+      body: "*"
+    };
+    option (google.api.method_signature) =
+        "customer_id,recommendation_types,advertising_channel_type";
+  }

 // Request message for
-// [RecommendationService.ApplyRecommendation][google.ads.googleads.v15.services.RecommendationService.ApplyRecommendation].
+// [RecommendationService.ApplyRecommendation][google.ads.googleads.v16.services.RecommendationService.ApplyRecommendation].
 message ApplyRecommendationRequest {
   // Required. The ID of the customer with the recommendation.
   string customer_id = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

   // Required. The list of operations to apply recommendations.
   // If partial_failure=false all recommendations should be of the same type
   // There is a limit of 100 operations per request.
   repeated ApplyRecommendationOperation operations = 2
       [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

   // If true, successful operations will be carried out and invalid
   // operations will return errors. If false, operations will be carried
   // out as a transaction if and only if they are all valid.
   // Default is false.
   bool partial_failure = 3;

 // Information about the operation to apply a recommendation and any parameters
 // to customize it.
 message ApplyRecommendationOperation {
   // Parameters to use when applying a campaign budget recommendation.
   message CampaignBudgetParameters {
     // New budget amount to set for target budget resource. This is a required
     // field.
     optional int64 new_budget_amount_micros = 2;

   // Parameters to use when applying a forecasting set target roas
   // recommendation.
   message ForecastingSetTargetRoasParameters {
     // New target ROAS (revenue per unit of spend) to set for a campaign
     // resource.
     // The value is between 0.01 and 1000.0, inclusive.
     optional double target_roas = 1;

     // New campaign budget amount to set for a campaign resource.
     optional int64 campaign_budget_amount_micros = 2;

   // Parameters to use when applying a text ad recommendation.
   message TextAdParameters {
     // New ad to add to recommended ad group. All necessary fields need to be
     // set in this message. This is a required field.
-    google.ads.googleads.v15.resources.Ad ad = 1;
+    google.ads.googleads.v16.resources.Ad ad = 1;

   // Parameters to use when applying keyword recommendation.
   message KeywordParameters {
     // The ad group resource to add keyword to. This is a required field.
     optional string ad_group = 4;

     // The match type of the keyword. This is a required field.
-    google.ads.googleads.v15.enums.KeywordMatchTypeEnum.KeywordMatchType
+    google.ads.googleads.v16.enums.KeywordMatchTypeEnum.KeywordMatchType
         match_type = 2;

     // Optional, CPC bid to set for the keyword. If not set, keyword will use
     // bid based on bidding strategy used by target ad group.
     optional int64 cpc_bid_micros = 5;

   // Parameters to use when applying Target CPA recommendation.
   message TargetCpaOptInParameters {
     // Average CPA to use for Target CPA bidding strategy. This is a required
     // field.
     optional int64 target_cpa_micros = 3;

     // Optional, budget amount to set for the campaign.
     optional int64 new_campaign_budget_amount_micros = 4;

   // Parameters to use when applying a Target ROAS opt-in recommendation.
   message TargetRoasOptInParameters {
     // Average ROAS (revenue per unit of spend) to use for Target ROAS bidding
     // strategy. The value is between 0.01 and 1000.0, inclusive. This is a
     // required field, unless new_campaign_budget_amount_micros is set.
     optional double target_roas = 1;

     // Optional, budget amount to set for the campaign.
     optional int64 new_campaign_budget_amount_micros = 2;

   // Parameters to use when applying callout extension recommendation.
   message CalloutExtensionParameters {
     // Callout extensions to be added. This is a required field.
-    repeated google.ads.googleads.v15.common.CalloutFeedItem
+    repeated google.ads.googleads.v16.common.CalloutFeedItem
         callout_extensions = 1;

   // Parameters to use when applying call extension recommendation.
   message CallExtensionParameters {
     // Call extensions to be added. This is a required field.
-    repeated google.ads.googleads.v15.common.CallFeedItem call_extensions = 1;
+    repeated google.ads.googleads.v16.common.CallFeedItem call_extensions = 1;

   // Parameters to use when applying sitelink recommendation.
   message SitelinkExtensionParameters {
     // Sitelinks to be added. This is a required field.
-    repeated google.ads.googleads.v15.common.SitelinkFeedItem
+    repeated google.ads.googleads.v16.common.SitelinkFeedItem
         sitelink_extensions = 1;

   // Parameters to use when applying callout asset recommendations.
   message CalloutAssetParameters {
     // Required. Callout assets to be added. This is a required field.
     AdAssetApplyParameters ad_asset_apply_parameters = 1
         [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

   // Parameters to use when applying call asset recommendations.
   message CallAssetParameters {
     // Required. Call assets to be added. This is a required field.
     AdAssetApplyParameters ad_asset_apply_parameters = 1
         [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

   // Parameters to use when applying sitelink asset recommendations.
   message SitelinkAssetParameters {
     // Required. Sitelink assets to be added. This is a required field.
     AdAssetApplyParameters ad_asset_apply_parameters = 1
         [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

   // Parameters to use when applying raise Target CPA recommendations.
   message RaiseTargetCpaParameters {
     // Required. Target to set CPA multiplier to. This is a required field.
     double target_cpa_multiplier = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

   // Parameters to use when applying lower Target ROAS recommendations.
   message LowerTargetRoasParameters {
     // Required. Target to set ROAS multiplier to. This is a required field.
     double target_roas_multiplier = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

   // Common parameters used when applying ad asset recommendations.
   message AdAssetApplyParameters {
     // Scope to apply the assets to.
     enum ApplyScope {
       // The apply scope has not been specified.
       UNSPECIFIED = 0;

       // Unknown.
       UNKNOWN = 1;

       // Apply at the customer scope.
       CUSTOMER = 2;

       // Apply at the campaign scope.
       CAMPAIGN = 3;

     // The assets to create and attach to a scope. This may be combined with
     // existing_assets in the same call.
-    repeated google.ads.googleads.v15.resources.Asset new_assets = 1;
+    repeated google.ads.googleads.v16.resources.Asset new_assets = 1;

     // The resource names of existing assets to attach to a scope. This may be
     // combined with new_assets in the same call.
     repeated string existing_assets = 2;

     // Required. The scope at which to apply the assets. Assets at the campaign
     // scope level will be applied to the campaign associated with the
     // recommendation. Assets at the customer scope will apply to the entire
     // account. Assets at the campaign scope will override any attached at the
     // customer scope.
     ApplyScope scope = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

   // Parameters to use when applying move unused budget recommendation.
   message MoveUnusedBudgetParameters {
     // Budget amount to move from excess budget to constrained budget. This is
     // a required field.
     optional int64 budget_micros_to_move = 2;

   // Parameters to use when applying a responsive search ad asset
   // recommendation.
   message ResponsiveSearchAdAssetParameters {
     // Updated ad. The current ad's content will be replaced.
-    google.ads.googleads.v15.resources.Ad updated_ad = 1;
+    google.ads.googleads.v16.resources.Ad updated_ad = 1;

   // Parameters to use when applying a responsive search ad improve ad strength
   // recommendation.
   message ResponsiveSearchAdImproveAdStrengthParameters {
     // Updated ad. The current ad's content will be replaced.
-    google.ads.googleads.v15.resources.Ad updated_ad = 1;
+    google.ads.googleads.v16.resources.Ad updated_ad = 1;

   // Parameters to use when applying a responsive search ad recommendation.
   message ResponsiveSearchAdParameters {
     // Required. New ad to add to recommended ad group.
-    google.ads.googleads.v15.resources.Ad ad = 1
+    google.ads.googleads.v16.resources.Ad ad = 1
         [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

   // Parameters to use when applying a raise target CPA bid too low
   // recommendation. The apply is asynchronous and can take minutes depending on
   // the number of ad groups there is in the related campaign..
   message RaiseTargetCpaBidTooLowParameters {
     // Required. A number greater than 1.0 indicating the factor by which to
     // increase the target CPA. This is a required field.
     double target_multiplier = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

   // Parameters to use when applying a use broad match keyword recommendation.
   message UseBroadMatchKeywordParameters {
     // New budget amount to set for target budget resource.
     optional int64 new_budget_amount_micros = 1;

   // Parameters to use when applying a set target CPA recommendation.
   message ForecastingSetTargetCpaParameters {
     // Average CPA to use for Target CPA bidding strategy.
     optional int64 target_cpa_micros = 1;

     // New campaign budget amount to set for a campaign resource.
     optional int64 campaign_budget_amount_micros = 2;

+  // Parameters to use when applying a lead form asset recommendation.
+  message LeadFormAssetParameters {
+    // Required. Lead form assets to be added. This is a required field.
+    AdAssetApplyParameters ad_asset_apply_parameters = 1
+        [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
+    // If true, the "Submit Lead Form" goal will be set on the target campaign.
+    // As a result, ads will be shown as lead form creative ads. If false,
+    // the "Submit Lead Form" goal will not be set on the campaign and ads will
+    // contain lead form assets.
+    optional bool set_submit_lead_form_asset_campaign_goal = 2;
+  }
   // The resource name of the recommendation to apply.
   string resource_name = 1 [(google.api.resource_reference) = {
     type: "googleads.googleapis.com/Recommendation"

   // Parameters to use when applying the recommendation.
   oneof apply_parameters {
     // Optional parameters to use when applying a campaign budget
     // recommendation.
     CampaignBudgetParameters campaign_budget = 2;

     // Optional parameters to use when applying a text ad recommendation.
     TextAdParameters text_ad = 3;

     // Optional parameters to use when applying keyword recommendation.
     KeywordParameters keyword = 4;

     // Optional parameters to use when applying target CPA opt-in
     // recommendation.
     TargetCpaOptInParameters target_cpa_opt_in = 5;

     // Optional parameters to use when applying target ROAS opt-in
     // recommendation.
     TargetRoasOptInParameters target_roas_opt_in = 10;

     // Parameters to use when applying callout extension recommendation.
     CalloutExtensionParameters callout_extension = 6;

     // Parameters to use when applying call extension recommendation.
     CallExtensionParameters call_extension = 7;

     // Parameters to use when applying sitelink recommendation.
     SitelinkExtensionParameters sitelink_extension = 8;

     // Parameters to use when applying move unused budget recommendation.
     MoveUnusedBudgetParameters move_unused_budget = 9;

     // Parameters to use when applying a responsive search ad recommendation.
     ResponsiveSearchAdParameters responsive_search_ad = 11;

     // Parameters to use when applying a use broad match keyword recommendation.
     UseBroadMatchKeywordParameters use_broad_match_keyword = 12;

     // Parameters to use when applying a responsive search ad asset
     // recommendation.
     ResponsiveSearchAdAssetParameters responsive_search_ad_asset = 13;

     // Parameters to use when applying a responsive search ad improve ad
     // strength recommendation.
         responsive_search_ad_improve_ad_strength = 14;

     // Parameters to use when applying a raise target CPA bid too low
     // recommendation. The apply is asynchronous and can take minutes depending
     // on the number of ad groups there is in the related campaign.
     RaiseTargetCpaBidTooLowParameters raise_target_cpa_bid_too_low = 15;

     // Parameters to use when applying a forecasting set target ROAS
     // recommendation.
     ForecastingSetTargetRoasParameters forecasting_set_target_roas = 16;

     // Parameters to use when applying callout asset recommendation.
     CalloutAssetParameters callout_asset = 17;

     // Parameters to use when applying call asset recommendation.
     CallAssetParameters call_asset = 18;

     // Parameters to use when applying sitelink asset recommendation.
     SitelinkAssetParameters sitelink_asset = 19;

     // Parameters to use when applying raise Target CPA recommendation.
     RaiseTargetCpaParameters raise_target_cpa = 20;

     // Parameters to use when applying lower Target ROAS recommendation.
     LowerTargetRoasParameters lower_target_roas = 21;

     // Parameters to use when applying forecasting set target CPA
     // recommendation.
     ForecastingSetTargetCpaParameters forecasting_set_target_cpa = 22;

     // Parameters to use when applying set target CPA
     // recommendation.
     ForecastingSetTargetCpaParameters set_target_cpa = 23;

     // Parameters to use when applying set target ROAS
     // recommendation.
     ForecastingSetTargetRoasParameters set_target_roas = 24;
+    // Parameters to use when applying lead form asset recommendation.
+    LeadFormAssetParameters lead_form_asset = 25;

 // Response message for
-// [RecommendationService.ApplyRecommendation][google.ads.googleads.v15.services.RecommendationService.ApplyRecommendation].
+// [RecommendationService.ApplyRecommendation][google.ads.googleads.v16.services.RecommendationService.ApplyRecommendation].
 message ApplyRecommendationResponse {
   // Results of operations to apply recommendations.
   repeated ApplyRecommendationResult results = 1;

   // Errors that pertain to operation failures in the partial failure mode.
   // Returned only when partial_failure = true and all errors occur inside the
   // operations. If any errors occur outside the operations (for example, auth
   // errors) we return the RPC level error.
   google.rpc.Status partial_failure_error = 2;

 // The result of applying a recommendation.
 message ApplyRecommendationResult {
   // Returned for successful applies.
   string resource_name = 1 [(google.api.resource_reference) = {
     type: "googleads.googleapis.com/Recommendation"

 // Request message for
-// [RecommendationService.DismissRecommendation][google.ads.googleads.v15.services.RecommendationService.DismissRecommendation].
+// [RecommendationService.DismissRecommendation][google.ads.googleads.v16.services.RecommendationService.DismissRecommendation].
 message DismissRecommendationRequest {
   // Operation to dismiss a single recommendation identified by resource_name.
   message DismissRecommendationOperation {
     // The resource name of the recommendation to dismiss.
     string resource_name = 1;

   // Required. The ID of the customer with the recommendation.
   string customer_id = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

   // Required. The list of operations to dismiss recommendations.
   // If partial_failure=false all recommendations should be of the same type
   // There is a limit of 100 operations per request.
   repeated DismissRecommendationOperation operations = 3
       [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];

   // If true, successful operations will be carried out and invalid
   // operations will return errors. If false, operations will be carried in a
   // single transaction if and only if they are all valid.
   // Default is false.
   bool partial_failure = 2;

 // Response message for
-// [RecommendationService.DismissRecommendation][google.ads.googleads.v15.services.RecommendationService.DismissRecommendation].
+// [RecommendationService.DismissRecommendation][google.ads.googleads.v16.services.RecommendationService.DismissRecommendation].
 message DismissRecommendationResponse {
   // The result of dismissing a recommendation.
   message DismissRecommendationResult {
     // Returned for successful dismissals.
     string resource_name = 1;

   // Results of operations to dismiss recommendations.
   repeated DismissRecommendationResult results = 1;

   // Errors that pertain to operation failures in the partial failure mode.
   // Returned only when partial_failure = true and all errors occur inside the
   // operations. If any errors occur outside the operations (for example, auth
   // errors) we return the RPC level error.
   google.rpc.Status partial_failure_error = 2;
+// Request message for
+// [RecommendationService.GenerateRecommendations][google.ads.googleads.v16.services.RecommendationService.GenerateRecommendations].
+message GenerateRecommendationsRequest {
+  // Current bidding information of the campaign. Provides a wrapper for
+  // bidding-related signals that inform recommendations.
+  message BiddingInfo {
+    // Current bidding strategy.
+    // This field is necessary for the following recommendation_types:
+    optional google.ads.googleads.v16.enums.BiddingStrategyTypeEnum
+        .BiddingStrategyType bidding_strategy_type = 1;
+    // Optional details related to the bidding_strategy_type.
+    oneof bidding_strategy_target_info {
+      // Current target_cpa in micros.
+      // This can be populated for campaigns with a bidding strategy type of
+      int64 target_cpa_micros = 2;
+      // Current target_roas.
+      // This can be populated for campaigns with a bidding strategy type of
+      double target_roas = 3;
+    }
+  }
+  // Current AdGroup Information of the campaign.
+  message AdGroupInfo {
+    // Optional. AdGroup Type of the AdGroup.
+    // This field is necessary for the following recommendation_types if
+    // ad_group_info is set:
+    // KEYWORD
+    optional google.ads.googleads.v16.enums.AdGroupTypeEnum.AdGroupType
+        ad_group_type = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+    // Optional. Current keywords.
+    // This field is optional for the following recommendation_types if
+    // ad_group_info is set:
+    // KEYWORD
+    repeated google.ads.googleads.v16.common.KeywordInfo keywords = 2
+        [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+  }
+  // A keyword seed and a specific url to generate keywords from.
+  message SeedInfo {
+    // A specific url to generate ideas from, for example: www.example.com/cars.
+    optional string url_seed = 2;
+    // Optional. Keywords or phrases to generate ideas from, for example: cars
+    // or "car dealership near me".
+    repeated string keyword_seeds = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+  }
+  // Required. The ID of the customer generating recommendations.
+  string customer_id = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
+  // Required. List of eligible recommendation_types to generate. If the
+  // uploaded criteria isn't sufficient to make a recommendation, or the
+  // campaign is already in the recommended state, no recommendation will be
+  // returned for that type. Generally, a recommendation is returned if all
+  // required fields for that recommendation_type are uploaded, but there are
+  // cases where this is still not sufficient.
+  //
+  // The following recommendation_types are supported for recommendation
+  // generation:
+  repeated
+      google.ads.googleads.v16.enums.RecommendationTypeEnum.RecommendationType
+          recommendation_types = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
+  // Required. Advertising channel type of the campaign.
+  // The following advertising_channel_types are supported for recommendation
+  // generation:
+  google.ads.googleads.v16.enums.AdvertisingChannelTypeEnum
+      .AdvertisingChannelType advertising_channel_type = 3
+      [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
+  // Optional. Number of sitelinks on the campaign.
+  // This field is necessary for the following recommendation_types:
+  optional int32 campaign_sitelink_count = 4
+      [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+  // Optional. Current conversion tracking status.
+  // This field is necessary for the following recommendation_types:
+  optional google.ads.googleads.v16.enums.ConversionTrackingStatusEnum
+      .ConversionTrackingStatus conversion_tracking_status = 5
+      [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+  // Optional. Current bidding information of the campaign.
+  // This field is necessary for the following recommendation_types:
+  optional BiddingInfo bidding_info = 6
+      [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+  // Optional. Current AdGroup Information.
+  // Supports information from a single AdGroup.
+  // This field is optional for the following recommendation_types:
+  repeated AdGroupInfo ad_group_info = 7
+      [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+  // Optional. Seed information for Keywords.
+  // This field is necessary for the following recommendation_types:
+  optional SeedInfo seed_info = 8 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
+// Response message for
+// [RecommendationService.GenerateRecommendations][google.ads.googleads.v16.services.RecommendationService.GenerateRecommendations].
+message GenerateRecommendationsResponse {
+  // List of generated recommendations from the passed in set of requested
+  // recommendation_types. If there isn't sufficient data to generate a
+  // recommendation for the requested recommendation_types, the result set won't
+  // contain a recommendation for that type.
+  repeated google.ads.googleads.v16.resources.Recommendation recommendations =
+      1;