Get Started with Enhanced Conversions for Leads

How enhanced conversions for leads works

Enhanced conversions for leads requires setting up a tag that automatically sends a GCLID to Google Ads when a user submits a lead form. You can set up the Google tag through Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, or Campaign Manager 360. The tag sends lead form submission data — for example, the user's email address — along with a GCLID, to Google Ads when the user submits the lead form. When the user later converts, you can either upload the conversion through the Google Ads UI, as described in the Help Center, or you can upload the conversion with the lead form information through the Google Ads API.

Enhanced conversions for leads in the Google Ads API captures step 5 in the following flow.

Enhanced conversions for

Implement the prerequisites

There are a few prerequisites to a working enhanced conversions setup. Make sure all of the prerequisites are satisfied before proceeding to implementation:

  1. Enable conversion tracking in your Google Ads conversion customer.

  2. Accept the customer data terms and opt in to enhanced conversions for leads.

  3. Configure tagging.

1. Enable conversion tracking in your Google Ads conversion customer

Retrieve information about your conversion tracking setup

You can check your account's conversion tracking setup and confirm conversion tracking is enabled by querying the Customer resource for the ConversionTrackingSetting. Issue the following query with GoogleAdsService.SearchStream:

FROM customer

The google_ads_conversion_customer field indicates the Google Ads account that creates and manages conversions for this customer. For customers using cross-account conversion tracking, this is the ID of a manager account. The Google Ads conversion customer ID should be given as the customer_id in Google Ads API requests to create and manage conversions. Note that this field is populated even if conversion tracking is not enabled.

The conversion_tracking_status field indicates whether conversion tracking is enabled and whether the account is using cross-account conversion tracking.

Create a conversion action under the Google Ads conversion customer

If the conversion_tracking_status value is NOT_CONVERSION_TRACKED, conversion tracking is not enabled for the account. Enable conversion tracking by creating at least one ConversionAction in the Google Ads conversion account, like in the following example. Alternatively, you can create a conversion action in the UI by following the instructions in the Help Center for the conversion type you want to enable.

Note that enhanced conversions are enabled automatically when sent through the Google Ads API, but they can be disabled through the Google Ads UI.

Code example


private void runExample(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId) {

  // Creates a ConversionAction.
  ConversionAction conversionAction =
          // Note that conversion action names must be unique. If a conversion action already
          // exists with the specified conversion_action_name the create operation will fail with
          // a ConversionActionError.DUPLICATE_NAME error.
          .setName("Earth to Mars Cruises Conversion #" + getPrintableDateTime())

  // Creates the operation.
  ConversionActionOperation operation =

  try (ConversionActionServiceClient conversionActionServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createConversionActionServiceClient()) {
    MutateConversionActionsResponse response =
            Long.toString(customerId), Collections.singletonList(operation));
    System.out.printf("Added %d conversion actions:%n", response.getResultsCount());
    for (MutateConversionActionResult result : response.getResultsList()) {
          "New conversion action added with resource name: '%s'%n", result.getResourceName());


public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId)
    // Get the ConversionActionService.
    ConversionActionServiceClient conversionActionService =

    // Note that conversion action names must be unique.
    // If a conversion action already exists with the specified name the create operation
    // will fail with a ConversionAction.DUPLICATE_NAME error.
    string ConversionActionName = "Earth to Mars Cruises Conversion #"
        + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString();

    // Add a conversion action.
    ConversionAction conversionAction = new ConversionAction()
        Name = ConversionActionName,
        Category = ConversionActionCategory.Default,
        Type = ConversionActionType.Webpage,
        Status = ConversionActionStatus.Enabled,
        ViewThroughLookbackWindowDays = 15,
        ValueSettings = new ConversionAction.Types.ValueSettings()
            DefaultValue = 23.41,
            AlwaysUseDefaultValue = true

    // Create the operation.
    ConversionActionOperation operation = new ConversionActionOperation()
        Create = conversionAction

        // Create the conversion action.
        MutateConversionActionsResponse response =
                    new ConversionActionOperation[] { operation });

        // Display the results.
        foreach (MutateConversionActionResult newConversionAction in response.Results)
            Console.WriteLine($"New conversion action with resource name = " +
                $"'{newConversionAction.ResourceName}' was added.");
    catch (GoogleAdsException e)
        Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");


public static function runExample(GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient, int $customerId)
    // Creates a conversion action.
    $conversionAction = new ConversionAction([
        // Note that conversion action names must be unique.
        // If a conversion action already exists with the specified conversion_action_name
        // the create operation will fail with a ConversionActionError.DUPLICATE_NAME error.
        'name' => 'Earth to Mars Cruises Conversion #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
        'category' => ConversionActionCategory::PBDEFAULT,
        'type' => ConversionActionType::WEBPAGE,
        'status' => ConversionActionStatus::ENABLED,
        'view_through_lookback_window_days' => 15,
        'value_settings' => new ValueSettings([
            'default_value' => 23.41,
            'always_use_default_value' => true

    // Creates a conversion action operation.
    $conversionActionOperation = new ConversionActionOperation();

    // Issues a mutate request to add the conversion action.
    $conversionActionServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getConversionActionServiceClient();
    $response = $conversionActionServiceClient->mutateConversionActions(
        MutateConversionActionsRequest::build($customerId, [$conversionActionOperation])

    printf("Added %d conversion actions:%s", $response->getResults()->count(), PHP_EOL);

    foreach ($response->getResults() as $addedConversionAction) {
        /** @var ConversionAction $addedConversionAction */
            "New conversion action added with resource name: '%s'%s",


def main(client, customer_id):
    conversion_action_service = client.get_service("ConversionActionService")

    # Create the operation.
    conversion_action_operation = client.get_type("ConversionActionOperation")

    # Create conversion action.
    conversion_action = conversion_action_operation.create

    # Note that conversion action names must be unique. If a conversion action
    # already exists with the specified conversion_action_name, the create
    # operation will fail with a ConversionActionError.DUPLICATE_NAME error. = f"Earth to Mars Cruises Conversion {uuid.uuid4()}"
    conversion_action.type_ = (
    conversion_action.category = (
    conversion_action.status = client.enums.ConversionActionStatusEnum.ENABLED
    conversion_action.view_through_lookback_window_days = 15

    # Create a value settings object.
    value_settings = conversion_action.value_settings
    value_settings.default_value = 15.0
    value_settings.always_use_default_value = True

    # Add the conversion action.
    conversion_action_response = (

        "Created conversion action "


def add_conversion_action(customer_id)
  # GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from
  # ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters
  client =

  # Add a conversion action.
  conversion_action = client.resource.conversion_action do |ca| = "Earth to Mars Cruises Conversion #{( * 100).to_i}"
    ca.type = :UPLOAD_CLICKS
    ca.category = :DEFAULT
    ca.status = :ENABLED
    ca.view_through_lookback_window_days = 15

    # Create a value settings object.
    ca.value_settings = client.resource.value_settings do |vs|
      vs.default_value = 15
      vs.always_use_default_value = true

  # Create the operation.
  conversion_action_operation = client.operation.create_resource.conversion_action(conversion_action)

  # Add the ad group ad.
  response = client.service.conversion_action.mutate_conversion_actions(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    operations: [conversion_action_operation],

  puts "New conversion action with resource name = #{response.results.first.resource_name}."


sub add_conversion_action {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id) = @_;

  # Note that conversion action names must be unique.
  # If a conversion action already exists with the specified conversion_action_name,
  # the create operation fails with error ConversionActionError.DUPLICATE_NAME.
  my $conversion_action_name = "Earth to Mars Cruises Conversion #" . uniqid();

  # Create a conversion action.
  my $conversion_action =
      name                          => $conversion_action_name,
      category                      => DEFAULT,
      type                          => WEBPAGE,
      status                        => ENABLED,
      viewThroughLookbackWindowDays => 15,
      valueSettings                 =>
          defaultValue          => 23.41,
          alwaysUseDefaultValue => "true"

  # Create a conversion action operation.
  my $conversion_action_operation =
    ->new({create => $conversion_action});

  # Add the conversion action.
  my $conversion_actions_response =
      customerId => $customer_id,
      operations => [$conversion_action_operation]});

  printf "New conversion action added with resource name: '%s'.\n",

  return 1;

Make sure the conversion_action_type is set to the correct ConversionActionType value. For more guidance on creating conversion actions in the Google Ads API, see Create Conversion Actions.

Retrieve an existing conversion action

You can retrieve details for an existing conversion action by issuing the following query. Make sure the customer ID in the request is set to the Google Ads conversion customer you identified above, and the conversion action type is set to the correct ConversionActionType value.

FROM conversion_action
WHERE conversion_action.type = 'UPLOAD_CLICKS'

2. Accept the customer data terms and opt in to enhanced conversions for leads

You must opt in to enhanced conversions for leads and accept the customer data terms before you can use enhanced conversions for leads. You can verify whether these prerequisites are already met by issuing the following query to the Google Ads conversion customer:

FROM customer

If either of accepted_customer_data_terms or enhanced_conversions_for_leads_enabled is false, follow the instructions in the Help Center to complete these prerequisites.

3. Configure tagging

You can configure the Google tag to enable enhanced conversions for leads by following the instructions in the Help Center. To set up enhanced conversions for leads with Google Tag Manager, follow these instructions.

Next steps

Once you've satisfied the prerequisites, you're ready to implement enhanced conversions for leads.