Air Quality API
The Air Quality API allows you to request air quality data for a specific location including: more than 70 AQ indexes, pollutants, and health recommendations. It covers over 100 countries with a resolution of 500 x 500 meters.
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Understand air quality indexes
The Air Quality API includes over 70 air quality indexes.
Get current air quality information
The currentConditions endpoint provides current hourly air quality information.
Get hourly air quality history
The history endpoint provides historical hourly air quality information for a specific location.
Get heatmap tiles
The heatmapTiles endpoint provides air quality related heatmaps through a tile overlay.
Get hourly forecast information
The forecast endpoint provides hourly forecast air quality information for a specific location.
Country and region coverage details
View the latest coverage details, on a country-by-country basis, for the Air Quality API.
View the API reference
View the Air Quality REST and gRPC API reference.
Learn about core features of the Air Quality API.
AQ Indexes
An air quality index (AQI) is the scale by which a certain provider categorizes different air quality levels.
Pollutants are particles and gasses in the air that, in high concentration, can be harmful to people's health.
Health recommendations
Health recommendations are health advice and recommended actions for current air quality conditions.
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