Places SDK for iOS code samples

Select platform: Android iOS JavaScript

The Places SDK for iOS demo app on GitHub supplied with the Places SDK for iOS demonstrate a number of features including place autocomplete, and place photos. In addition, you can find code snippets on each page of this developer's guide. Import and build the app, add your API key, view the demo, and use the sample code supplied as a starting point for your app.

When you run the sample app, it displays a list of available samples that you can run on your own device. Select one of the options.

Run the full sample app locally

The Places SDK for iOS sample app is available as a download archive from GitHub Follow these steps to install and try the Places SDK for iOS sample app.

  1. Download the code sample archive from GitHub and unpack the archive.
  2. Open a terminal window, navigate to the directory where you expanded the sample files, and drill down into the GooglePlaces directory:


    cd maps-sdk-for-ios-samples-master/GooglePlaces-Swift
    pod install
    open GooglePlacesDemos.xcworkspace


    cd maps-sdk-for-ios-samples-master/GooglePlaces
    pod install
    open GooglePlacesDemos.xcworkspace
  3. Enable the Places SDK for iOS for your Google Cloud console project.
  4. If you don't yet have an API key, follow the instructions to set up a project on the Cloud console and get an API key. When configuring the key on the Cloud console, you can restrict the key to the sample app's bundle identifier to ensure that only your app can use the key. The default bundle identifier of the SDK samples app is com.example.GooglePlacesDemos.
  5. Edit the SDKDemoAPIKey file and paste your API key into the appropriate constant. For example:


    let placesAPIKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"


    static NSString *const kAPIKey = @"YOUR_API_KEY";
  6. If Xcode prompts you to unlock the SDKDemoAPIKey file for editing, choose Unlock.
  7. If present, remove the following line, because it's used to register the issue:


    #error (Register for API Key and insert here. Then delete this line.)


    #error Register your API key and insert here, then delete this line.
  8. Build the app.
  9. If the build fails or the app crashes with an error about your API key when you first run it, make sure that you have provided the keys required in the SDKDemoAPIKey file.
  10. If you are running the GooglePlaces samples, the iOS simulator window will show a list of Places Demos.
  11. If prompted to allow GooglePlacesDemos to access your location, choose Allow.
  12. The sample you chose is now ready to run.