GMSAutocompleteTableDataSource Class Reference

GMSAutocompleteTableDataSource Class Reference


GMSAutocompleteTableDataSource provides an interface for providing place autocomplete predictions to populate a UITableView by implementing the UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols.

GMSAutocompleteTableDataSource is designed to be used as the data source for a UISearchDisplayController.

UISearchDisplayController has been deprecated since iOS 8. It is now recommended to use UISearchController with GMSAutocompleteResultsViewController to display autocomplete results using the iOS search UI.

Set an instance of GMSAutocompleteTableDataSource as the searchResultsDataSource and searchResultsDelegate properties of UISearchDisplayController. In your implementation of shouldReloadTableForSearchString, call sourceTextHasChanged with the current search string.

Use the GMSAutocompleteTableDataSourceDelegate delegate protocol to be notified when a place is selected from the list. Because autocomplete predictions load asynchronously, it is necessary to implement didUpdateAutocompletePredictions and call reloadData on the UISearchDisplayController's table view.

Public Member Functions

(instancetype) - init
 Initializes a data source.
(void) - sourceTextHasChanged:
 Notify the data source that the source text to autocomplete has changed.
(void) - clearResults
 Clear all predictions.


IBOutlet id
< GMSAutocompleteTableDataSourceDelegate
 Delegate to be notified when a place is selected or picking is cancelled.
 Filter to apply to autocomplete suggestions (can be nil).
UIColor * tableCellBackgroundColor
 The background color of table cells.
UIColor * tableCellSeparatorColor
 The color of the separator line between table cells.
UIColor * primaryTextColor
 The color of result name text in autocomplete results.
UIColor * primaryTextHighlightColor
 The color used to highlight matching text in autocomplete results.
UIColor * secondaryTextColor
 The color of the second row of text in autocomplete results.
UIColor * tintColor
 The tint color applied to controls in the Autocomplete view.
GMSPlaceField placeFields
 The GMSPlaceField for specifying explicit place details to be requested.
NSArray< GMSPlaceProperty > * placeProperties
 The GMSPlaceProperty for specifying explicit place details to be requested.

Member Function Documentation

- (instancetype) init

Initializes a data source.

- (void) sourceTextHasChanged: (nullable NSString *)  text

Notify the data source that the source text to autocomplete has changed.

This method should only be called from the main thread. Calling this method from another thread will result in undefined behavior. Calls to GMSAutocompleteTableDataSourceDelegate methods will also be called on the main thread.

This method is non-blocking.

textThe partial text to autocomplete.
- (void) clearResults

Clear all predictions.

This will call the two delegate methods below:
  • didUpdateAutocompletePredictionsForResultsController:
  • didRequestAutocompletePredictionsForResultsController:

The implementation of this method is guaranteed to call these synchronously and in-order.

Property Documentation

- (IBOutlet id<GMSAutocompleteTableDataSourceDelegate>) delegate [read, write, assign]

Delegate to be notified when a place is selected or picking is cancelled.

- (GMSAutocompleteFilter*) autocompleteFilter [read, write, assign]

Filter to apply to autocomplete suggestions (can be nil).

- (UIColor*) tableCellBackgroundColor [read, write, assign]

The background color of table cells.

- (UIColor*) tableCellSeparatorColor [read, write, assign]

The color of the separator line between table cells.

- (UIColor*) primaryTextColor [read, write, assign]

The color of result name text in autocomplete results.

- (UIColor*) primaryTextHighlightColor [read, write, assign]

The color used to highlight matching text in autocomplete results.

- (UIColor*) secondaryTextColor [read, write, assign]

The color of the second row of text in autocomplete results.

- (UIColor*) tintColor [read, write, assign]

The tint color applied to controls in the Autocomplete view.

- (GMSPlaceField) placeFields [read, write, assign]

The GMSPlaceField for specifying explicit place details to be requested.

Default returns all available fields.

- (NSArray<GMSPlaceProperty>*) placeProperties [read, write, assign]

The GMSPlaceProperty for specifying explicit place details to be requested.

Default returns all available properties.