Create the side panel and main stage pages

This page describes how to create the side panel and main stage pages of a Meet Web Add-on.

The Meet Add-ons SDK main stage and side panel.
The main stage and side panel of the Meet Web Add-on.

Install and import the SDK

You can access the SDK using npm or using gstatic.

If your project uses npm, you can follow the instructions for the Meet Add-ons SDK npm package.

First, install the npm package:

npm install @googleworkspace/meet-addons

Then, the Meet Add-ons SDK is available by importing the MeetAddonExport interface:

import {meet} from '@googleworkspace/meet-addons/meet.addons';

For TypeScript users, TypeScript definitions are packaged with the module.


The Google Meet Add-ons SDK is available as a JavaScript bundle from gstatic, a domain that serves static content.

To use the Meet Add-ons SDK, add the following script tag to your app:

<script src=""></script>

The Meet Add-ons SDK is available through the MeetAddon interface under

Indicate add-on loading is complete

Meet shows a loading screen while the add-on is loading. When the add-on session is established, Meet treats this as a signal from the add-on that loading has finished, and that the user can interact with the third-party content.

Create a side-panel page

The side panel displays the installed add-ons that you can select and use. Once you select your add-on, an iframe loads the side panel URL you specified in the add-on manifest. This should be the entry point of your app. To access the Meet Add-ons SDK functionality in the side panel, you must instantiate a sidePanelClient.

const session = await{
      cloudProjectNumber: "CLOUD_PROJECT_NUMBER",
  const sidePanelClient = await session.createSidePanelClient();

Replace CLOUD_PROJECT_NUMBER with the project number of your Google Cloud project.

Here's a code snippet that shows how to start an activity:

<html style="width: 100%; height: 100%">

    <title>Side Panel Add-on</title>
<script src=""></script>

<body style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0">
    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; height: 100%">
        <h1>Side Panel Add-on</h1>
                <button id="start-activity">
                Activity Side Panel URL:
                <input type="text" id="sidePanelIframeUrl" style="margin-left: 20px; width: 90%;"
                    value="https://your_add_on_origin.url/newSidePanelPage.html" />
                Main Stage URL:
                <input type="text" id="mainStageIframeUrl" style="margin-left: 20px; width: 90%;"
                    value="https://your_add_on_origin.url/mainStagePage.html" />
                Activity start state data:
                <input type="text" id="additionalProperty" style="margin-left: 20px; width: 90%;"
                    value="abc123" />

        let sidePanelClient;
        async function init() {
            const session = await{
                cloudProjectNumber: "CLOUD_PROJECT_NUMBER",
            console.log("Successfully constructed the add-on session.");
            sidePanelClient = await session.createSidePanelClient();
            console.log("Successfully constructed side panel client.");

                    'click', async () => {
                        const sidePanelIframeUrlInputElement =
                        const mainStageIframeUrlInputElement =
                        const additionalPropertyInputElement =
                        await sidePanelClient.startActivity({
                            // Side panel is replaced with a new page.
                            sidePanelUrl: sidePanelIframeUrlInputElement.value,
                            // Main stage loads a large work area.
                            mainStageUrl: mainStageIframeUrlInputElement.value,
                            additionalData: JSON.stringify({
                                additionalProperty: additionalPropertyInputElement.value
        document.body.onload = () => {


Replace CLOUD_PROJECT_NUMBER with the project number of your Google Cloud project.

Create a main stage page

The main stage is the main focus area where you can display the add-on if a larger working space is needed. The main stage opens once the activity starts. To access Meet Add-ons SDK features in the main stage, you can use the client object MeetMainStageClient:

const session = await{
      cloudProjectNumber: "CLOUD_PROJECT_NUMBER",
const mainStageClient = await session.createMainStageClient();

Replace CLOUD_PROJECT_NUMBER with the project number of your Google Cloud project.

Here's a code snippet that shows an example of a main stage page (mainStagePage.html in the previous snippet), and includes a call to getActivityStartingState in response to a button click:

<html style="width: 100%; height: 100%">

    <title>Main Stage Add-on</title>
    <script src=""></script>

<body style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; background: white;">
    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; height: 100%">
        <h1>Main Stage Add-on</h1>
                <button id="get-activity-starting-state">
                    Get Activity Starting State's Additional Property
            <div id="receivedActivityStartingStateProperty"
                style="margin-left: 20px; width: 300px; overflow-wrap: anywhere"></div>

        let mainStageClient;
        async function init() {
            const session = await{
                cloudProjectNumber: "CLOUD_PROJECT_NUMBER",
            console.log("Successfully constructed the add-on session.");
            const mainStageClient = await session.createMainStageClient();
            console.log("Successfully constructed main stage client.");
                    'click', async () => {
                        const startingState =
                            await mainStageClient.getActivityStartingState();
                        const startingStateData = JSON.parse(startingState.additionalData);
                            'receivedActivityStartingStateProperty').textContent =
        document.body.onload = () => {


Replace CLOUD_PROJECT_NUMBER with the project number of your Google Cloud project.