Google Meet hardware USB Video Class Extension Unit APIs

This document outlines the supported USB Video Class Extension Unit (XU) APIs used by Google Meet conference systems to enable intelligent camera features. The purpose of creating this specification is to influence practices to enable these features and to allow for better asynchronous scalability and testing for our partners.

For details about the latest changes to this document, go to Release notes.

Test facility

To help partners validate compliance with this specification, we provide a test facility in Chromebox-for-Meetings devices set in developer mode. Enable writing to the filesystem. Add the following lines to /etc/chrome_dev.conf:


Restart the device, connect the camera and a USB keyboard, press Ctrl-Alt-X, and the active camera's spec compliance will be exercised and logged to /home/chronos/user/log/chrome.

Little-endian convention

USB is a little-endian standard. Within this document:

  • Multi-byte numbers appear big-endian (and are transmitted little-endian).
  • Byte arrays are in the little-endian memory layout.

For example, 0x12345678 is the same as [0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12].

Extension unit GUID

Extension units supporting this Meet XU control specification must use this GUID.

Extension Unit GUID
Peripheral Control XU {74D7E924-49C9-4A45-98A3-8A9F60061E83}

Peripheral control XU selectors

These are the defined peripheral control XU selectors.

Control selectors Value

Control request type

Control request types are defined in Chapter 4: Class Specific Requests of the UVC 1.5 Class Specification.

Operation UVC control

Camera modes

Camera modes are used to frame individuals in a meeting room and are a tuple of:

  • Strategy (camera view)
  • Bias (speaker or room)
  • Feeds (single or multiple streams)

Each dimension can take values described in the following sections.

Auto-framing strategy

In all automatic framing modes besides "None", manual pan, tilt, and zoom are disabled.

Feature Description
None The camera disables all intelligent framing features and allows the client to freely control the PTZ values.
Note: When set to this framing strategy, the camera remains in its current pan, tilt, and zoom position.
Continuous Framing (CAZ) Based on the framing bias, the camera continually tracks people in the room.
Split Frames The camera creates as many video views as needed. Based on the Auto-framing feeds option, it either composes them into tiles in a single stream or creates separate video streams for each view.
Dynamic View One or more cameras attempt to provide the best view of the room. It can decide whether or not to composite multiple feeds into one or provide an "interesting" view of the current room.
The purpose of this view is to provide the most equitable view of in-room participants to the call.
Vendor-preferred The camera system uses its own logic to determine the best view of the room. The underlying framing strategy is subject to change without notice. For example, if the number of people in the room changes, or the camera can detect the difference between a "High-stakes Presenter" versus a "Collaboration" meeting, the system is free to adapt or change framing strategy as it sees fit in this mode. When in this mode, calling getCur should return VENDOR_PREFERRED, and not the underlying framing mode that has been selected by the system.

Auto-framing bias

Feature Description
High-stakes Presenter (Speaker Tracking) The camera attempts to best frame the person actively speaking in the room.
In this scenario, the camera should bias toward the presenter. For example, the CEO in a boardroom giving a presentation.
(Room Tracking)
The camera attempts to best frame all participants in the room. In this scenario, the camera should treat every participant equitably.

Auto-framing feeds

Feature Description
Single-Stream The camera sends a single video stream to the host device.
The camera splits the stream and creates multiple video streams to send to the host.
Note: The full specification and expected behavior of this feature is pending review and isn't supported until later revisions of this document.

Auto-framing mode bitmap values

Except for the default state of None that's represented by an empty byte array, each bit in the byte array represents a different camera mode which is a specific combination of the Auto-framing strategy, Auto-framing bias, and the Auto-framing feeds.

Auto-framing feeds CAZ Split-Frame Dynamic Vendor-preferred Auto-framing bias
Single-Stream D1
D9 (speaker or room) Speaker
Multi-Stream -
- Speaker
Frame modes Frame mode value (least significant byte)
None 0x0000
CAZ, Speaker, Single-Stream 0x0001
CAZ, Room, Single-Stream 0x0002
Split-Frame, Room, Single-Stream 0x0004
Split-Frame, Room, Multi-Stream 0x0008
Dynamic, Speaker, Single-Stream 0x0010
Dynamic, Speaker, Multi-Stream 0x0020
Dynamic, Room, Single-Stream 0x0040
Dynamic, Room, Multi-Stream 0x0080
Vendor-preferred, Single-Stream 0x0100


This control is used to get or set the framing modes of the camera as listed in Auto-framing mode bitmap values. Each mode is represented as a bit in their respective bitmap. The command GET_RES returns an 8-byte long bitmask with a value of zero (0) or one (1) to respectively indicate if the feature is unsupported or supported by the device. For example, if a camera supports CAZ, Speaker, Single-Stream, Split-Frame, Room, Single-Stream, and Dynamic, Room, Multi-Stream but no other modes, then GET_RES should return 0x000000000000000085 (i.e. 0b10000101 followed by seven zero bytes).

The command SET_CUR is used to send bitmaps to tell the camera which SINGLE camera mode to enable.

Control selector 1
Operation GET / SET
wLength 8
Offset Field Size Value Description
0 bActiveMode 8 Bitmap Set or return Active Camera Mode

The behavior of the supported request types is as follows:

Offset 0 Description
GET_CUR Get Active Framing Camera Mode
GET_MIN Camera-dependent
GET_MAX Camera-dependent
GET_RES Returns an 8-byte long bitmask of supported camera modes
GET_LEN 0x0008 Length
GET_INFO 0x0B AutoUpdate / Write / Read
GET_DEF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
Default value
SET_CUR Set Active Framing Camera mode


This control is used to trigger One-Shot Framing, also known as OTAZ. When OTAZ is triggered, the camera view snaps to the best view of the room. Afterwards, the client regains the ability to control the PTZ values. If one-shot framing isn't supported, the camera shouldn't define this control.

Control selector 2
Operation SET
wLength 1
Offset Field Size Value Description
0 bReframe 1 Number 0x01 Execute Reframe Request

The behavior of the supported request types is as follows:

Offset 0 Description
GET_MIN 0x00
GET_MAX 0x01
GET_RES 0x01
GET_LEN 0x0001
GET_INFO 0x02 Write Only
GET_DEF 0x00
SET_CUR Set request for One-Shot Framing

Occupancy counting

Occupancy counting (OC) is a feature used to estimate the number of participants in a meeting room, despite the camera's cropped view.

This table shows the expected behavior of the OC controls and their interactions with the camera video stream and the camera LED indicator.

When Occupancy Counting is & the camera video stream is: The camera LED indicator should be GOOGXU_OCCUPANCY_COUNTING_TOGGLE GET_CUR should be GOOGXU_OCCUPANCY_COUNTING_READ GET_CUR should be
Turned on Not streaming and not muted On 0x01 The count of persons in the camera's full field of view.
Turned on Streaming On 0x01 The count of persons in the camera's full field of view.
Turned on Muted Off 0x01 Turned off
Turned off Not streaming and not muted Off 0x00 Turned off
Turned off Streaming On 0x00 Turned off
Turned off Muted Off 0x00 Turned off


This control is used to enable or disable the feature to count occupants in a room. Setting a value of zero (0) disables this feature and one (1) enables this feature. If this feature is unsupported, the camera shouldn't define this control.

Control selector 3
Operation GET / SET
wLength 1
Offset Field Size Value Description
0 bOccupancy 1 Boolean Set occupancy counting function
0x00 Turn off function
0x01 Turn on function

The behavior of the supported request types is as follows:

Offset 0 Description
GET_CUR Return if occupancy counting is turned on
GET_MIN 0x00
GET_MAX 0x01
GET_RES 0x01
GET_LEN 0x0001
GET_INFO 0x0B AutoUpdate / Write / Read
GET_DEF 0x00
SET_CUR Enable or disable occupancy counting feature


This control is used to read the number of participants in a room reported by the camera when occupancy counting is enabled. When occupancy counting is disabled, the camera should disable this control. If occupancy counting isn't supported, the camera shouldn't define this control.

Control selector 4
Operation GET
wLength 2
Offset Field Size Value Description
0 bNumPeople 2 Number The number of detected occupants in view. (Read Only)

The behavior of the supported request types is as follows:

Offset 0 Description
GET_CUR Return number of detected occupants
GET_MIN 0x0000
GET_RES 0x0001
GET_LEN 0x0002
GET_INFO 0x09 AutoUpdate / Read
GET_DEF 0x0000

Device telemetry & diagnostics

These controls are meant to encourage better debugging practices with Meet hardware and are usually not user facing.


This control is used to query information from the host camera to share with partners for debugging.

Control selector 5
Operation GET
wLength 8
Offset Field Size Value Description
0 bNumCameras 1 Number The number of additional satellites attached to the main camera that may affect the camera stream returned to the host.
1 bIsMoving 1 Bitmap 0 when the camera is idle, and non-zero when its PTZ values are changing. Vendors are free to map different axes or motors to different bits.
2 Undef 6 Undef To be extended in the future.

The behavior of the supported request types is as follows:

Offset 0 1 2 Description
GET_MIN 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00
GET_MAX 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
GET_RES 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00
GET_LEN 0x08 0x00 0x0008
GET_INFO 0x09 AutoUpdate / Read
GET_DEF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00


This control is used to query the satellite devices that are connected to this camera system.

Control selector 0x0A
Operation GET
wLength 20
Offset Field Size Value Description
0 bSatelliteList 20 Bitmap The list of satellite types attached to the system. Includes four separate 5-byte slots. Each of the slots is described as follows:
Offset Description
0 Quantity for this satellite type.
1-2 Vendor ID of this satellite type.
3-4 Product ID for this satellite type.

The behavior of the supported request types is as follows:

Offset 0 Description
GET_MIN 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
GET_MAX 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
GET_RES 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
GET_LEN 0x14 20 bytes
GET_INFO 0x09 AutoUpdate / Read
GET_DEF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00


This control is used to issue a reset request to the camera. Setting a value of one (1) requests the camera to reset. The camera returns zero (0) if there's been no request to restart the camera since the last reset and one (1) if it's resetting. The reset must trigger a camera reboot. (This is needed for self-powered devices where forcing a USB-disconnect to emulate a hotplug isn't useful.)

Control selector 6
Operation GET / SET
wLength 1
Offset Field Size Value Description
0 bResetRequest 1 Boolean Issue a reset request to the host and connected cameras.
Returns 0x01 if reset request issued since last reset, else 0x00.

The behavior of the supported request types is as follows:

Offset 0 Description
GET_MIN 0x00
GET_MAX 0x01
GET_RES 0x01
GET_LEN 0x0001
GET_INFO 0x03 Write / Read
GET_DEF 0x00

PTZ presets

Used to configure and restore the camera's field of view into a preset position.


This control is used to set the camera's pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ) values to a preset configuration.

The Preset Action is used to state the intended action of the command. Setting a value of one (1) is used to map the current pan, tilt, and zoom values to a provided preset index. Setting a value of two (2) should transition the pan, tilt, and zoom of the camera to the previously mapped values for the provided index, or the default factory coordinates (if not previously mapped). Setting a value of three (3) resets the index to the factory default coordinates.

The Preset Index is used to specify the PTZ coordinates mapped to the index. The Preset index of zero (0) is mapped to the home coordinates and should be the camera's default position on wake when the GOOGXU_FRAME_STRATEGY is set to NONE.

Control selector 7
Operation SET
wLength 2
Offset Field Size Value Description
0 bPresetAction 1 Number 0x01: Save preset
0x02: Restore preset
0x03: Reset preset to default. (Default should be a valid preset coordinate.)
1 bPresetIndex 1 Number The Active Preset index. 0~N-1
Where 0 is considered the default camera start position and N-1 is a vendor-defined constant for the number of presets.

The behavior of the supported request types is as follows:

Offset 0 1 Description
GET_MIN 0x00 0x00
GET_MAX 0x03 N-1 N max presets supported
GET_RES 0x01 0x01
GET_LEN 0x02 0x00 0x0002
GET_INFO 0x02 Write only
GET_DEF 0x00 0x00

Pan & tilt auxiliary mapping

Some cameras have special components, such as the motors for mechanical cameras, or digital PTZ capabilities. For these, use the standard V4L2 controls for pan, tilt, and zoom.

Control: GOOGXU_PAN_TILT_ABSOLUTE (deprecated)

Pan and tilt auxiliary mapping controls are defined in Chapter 4: Class Specific Requests Section PanTilt (Absolute) Control of the UVC 1.5 Class Specification.

Control: GOOGXU_PAN_TILT_RELATIVE (deprecated)

Pan and tilt auxiliary mapping controls are defined in Chapter 4: Class Specific Requests Section PanTilt (Relative) Control of the UVC 1.5 Class Specification.

Release notes

These release notes reflect improvements and new features in each revision of this document.

Jan 27, 2025

May 21, 2024

November 15, 2023

Updated test script to check and interpret valid framing modes. Clarified byte representations.

July 21, 2023

Added test script for partners to validate implementations for compliance with this specification.

May 25, 2023

Corrected GOOGXU_PRESETS note regarding the number of presets. It should be N, not N-1.

April 17, 2023

Initial release.