Connected Sheets

Connected Sheets lets you analyze petabytes of data directly within Google Sheets. You can connect your spreadsheets with a BigQuery data warehouse or Looker and do the analysis by using familiar Sheets tools like pivot tables, charts, and formulas.

Manage a BigQuery data source

This section uses the BigQuery Shakespeare public dataset to show how to use Connected Sheets. The dataset contains the following information:

Field Type Description
word STRING A single unique word (where whitespace is the delimiter) extracted from a corpus.
word_count INTEGER The number of times this word appears in this corpus.
corpus STRING The work from which this word was extracted.
corpus_date INTEGER The year in which this corpus was published.

If your application requests any BigQuery Connected Sheets data, it must provide an OAuth 2.0 token that grants bigquery.readonly scope, in addition to the other scopes required for a regular Google Sheets API request. For more information, see Choose Google Sheets API scopes.

A data source specifies an external location where data is found. The data source is then connected to the spreadsheet.

Add a BigQuery data source

To add a data source, supply an AddDataSourceRequest using the spreadsheets.batchUpdate method. The request body should specify a dataSource field of type DataSource object.


Replace PROJECT_ID with a valid Google Cloud project ID.

After a data source is created, an associated DATA_SOURCE sheet is created to provide a preview of up to 500 rows. The preview isn't available immediately. An execution is triggered asynchronously to import the BigQuery data.

The AddDataSourceResponse contains the following fields:

  • dataSource: The created DataSource object. The dataSourceId is a spreadsheet-scoped unique ID. It's populated and referenced to create each DataSource object from the data source.

  • dataExecutionStatus: The status of an execution that imports BigQuery data into the preview sheet. For more information, see the Data execution status section.

Update or delete a BigQuery data source

Use the spreadsheets.batchUpdate method and supply an UpdateDataSourceRequest or DeleteDataSourceRequest request accordingly.

Manage BigQuery data source objects

Once a data source is added to the spreadsheet, a data source object can be created from it. A data source object is a regular Sheets tool such as pivot tables, charts, and formulas that's integrated with Connected Sheets to power your data analysis.

There are four types of objects:

  • DataSource table
  • DataSource pivotTable
  • DataSource chart
  • DataSource formula

Add a BigQuery data source table

Known as an "extract" in the Sheets editor, the table object imports a static dump of data from the data source into Sheets. Similar to a pivot table, the table is specified and anchored to the top left cell.

The following code sample shows how to use the spreadsheets.batchUpdate method and an UpdateCellsRequest to create a data source table up to 1000 rows of two columns (word and word_count).


Replace DATA_SOURCE_ID with a spreadsheet-scoped unique ID that identifies the data source.

After a data source table is created, the data isn't available immediately. In the Sheets editor, it's shown as a preview. You need to refresh the data source table to fetch the BigQuery data. You can specify a RefreshDataSourceRequest within the same batchUpdate. Note that all data source objects work similarly. For more information, see Refresh a data source object.

After the refresh completes and the BigQuery data is fetched, the data source table is populated as shown:

Data source table showing data from the Shakespeare public

Add a BigQuery data source pivotTable

Unlike a conventional pivot table, a data source pivot table is backed by a data source and it references the data by column name. The following code sample shows how to use the spreadsheets.batchUpdate method and an UpdateCellsRequest to create a pivot table showing the total word count by corpus.


Replace DATA_SOURCE_ID with a spreadsheet-scoped unique ID that identifies the data source.

After BigQuery data is fetched, the data source pivot table is populated as shown:

Data source pivot table showing data from the Shakespeare public

Add a BigQuery data source chart

The following code sample shows how to use the spreadsheets.batchUpdate method and an AddChartRequest to create a data source chart with a chartType of COLUMN, showing the total word count by corpus.

         "title":"Corpus by word count",

Replace DATA_SOURCE_ID with a spreadsheet-scoped unique ID that identifies the data source.

After BigQuery data is fetched, the data source chart is rendered as shown:

Data source chart showing data from the Shakespeare public

Add a BigQuery data source formula

The following code sample shows how to use the spreadsheets.batchUpdate method and an UpdateCellsRequest to create a data source formula to compute the average word count.


After BigQuery data is fetched, the data source formula is populated as shown:

Data source formula showing data from the Shakespeare public

Refresh a BigQuery data source object

You can refresh a data source object to fetch the latest data from BigQuery based on the current data source specs and object configurations. You can use the spreadsheets.batchUpdate method to call the RefreshDataSourceRequest. Then specify one or more object references to refresh using the DataSourceObjectReferences object.

Note that you can both create and refresh data source objects within a single batchUpdate request.

Manage a Looker data source

This guide will show how to add a Looker data source, update or delete it, create a pivot table on it and refresh it.

Your application requesting any Looker Connected Sheets data, will reuse your existing Google Account Link with Looker.

Add a Looker data source

To add a data source, supply an AddDataSourceRequest using the spreadsheets.batchUpdate method. The request body should specify a dataSource field of type DataSource object.


Replace INSTANCE_URI, MODEL and EXPLORE with a valid Looker instance URI, model name and explore name respectively.

After a data source is created, an associated DATA_SOURCE sheet is created to provide a preview of the structure of the selected Explore, including views, dimensions, measures, and any field descriptions.

The AddDataSourceResponse contains the following fields:

  • dataSource: The created DataSource object. The dataSourceId is a spreadsheet-scoped unique ID. It's populated and referenced to create each DataSource object from the data source.

  • dataExecutionStatus: The status of an execution that imports BigQuery data into the preview sheet. For more information, see the Data execution status section.

Update or delete a Looker data source

Use the spreadsheets.batchUpdate method and supply an UpdateDataSourceRequest or DeleteDataSourceRequest request accordingly.

Manage Looker data source objects

Once a data source is added to the spreadsheet, a data source object can be created from it. For Looker data sources, you can only create a DataSource pivotTable object from it.

It is not possible to create DataSource formulas, extracts, and charts from Looker data sources.

Refresh a Looker data source object

You can refresh a data source object to fetch the latest data from Looker based on the current data source specs and object configurations. You can use the spreadsheets.batchUpdate method to call the RefreshDataSourceRequest. Then specify one or more object references to refresh using the DataSourceObjectReferences object.

Note that you can both create and refresh data source objects within a single batchUpdate request.

Data execution status

When you create data sources or refresh data source objects, a background execution is created to fetch the data from BigQuery or Looker and return a response containing the DataExecutionStatus. If the execution starts successfully, the DataExecutionState is usually in the RUNNING state.

Because the process is asynchronous, your application should implement a polling model to periodically retrieve the status for the data source objects. Use the spreadsheets.get method until the status returns either the SUCCEEDED or FAILED state. Execution completes quickly in most cases, but it depends on the complexity of your data source. Usually the execution doesn't exceed 10 minutes.