Data Transfer v2.0: File Format

All Data Transfer Files are stored as comma separated values (CSV). Due to the customizable nature of Data Transfer, your files may not contain all fields below.

  • The first row of the file is always a header row containing the column names.
  • For fields containing special characters, the contents of the field are wrapped in quotation marks.
  • Missing values are left blank.
  • Rows are not sorted.
  • Match tables for Display & Video 360 fields are in entity read file format. Learn more about Display & Video 360 match tables
  • Price Files: Only available for Advertisers in the EEA. Learn more in the Help Center: Learn more about Price Transparency Reports
Fields Type Impression Click Activity Rich Media Description
Active View: Eligible Impressions Long Yes No No No Whether the impression was eligible to measure viewability. An impression is eligible if (a) the ad's creative has an Active View tag and (b) the tag successfully communicates with Google Marketing Platform servers at the time of the impression.

See the Active View Help for more information
Active View: Measurable Impressions Long Yes No No No Whether the impression was measurable with Active View
Active View: Viewable Impressions Long Yes No No No Whether the impression was viewable
Activity ID Long No No Yes No The ID of the Floodlight tag related to the conversion event
Event Time Long Yes Yes Yes No Time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Event Type String Yes Yes Yes No Contains details related to the event - these are "VIEW" and "CLICK" for view and click events, but may be "CONVERSION" or blank for conversion events
Event Sub-Type String Yes Yes Yes No Contains further details related to the event - these are "VIEW" and "CLICK" for view and click events, but may be "POSTVIEW", "POSTCLICK" or blank for conversion events
User ID String Yes Yes Yes No The tracking ID (it is based on, but does not expose the user's browser cookie or mobile device ID). This field may be zeroed out for privacy reasons.
Total Conversions Integer No No Yes No Can contain additional values for type or category, for example, sales quantity. As passed using the "qty=" key-value
Total Revenue Double No No Yes No Can contain additional values for type or category, for example, sales amount in USD megas. You can multiply by 1,000,000 to see it as a dollar amount.
Partner1 ID String Yes Yes Yes No Partner1 encrypted value
Partner2 ID String Yes Yes Yes No Partner2 encrypted value
DBM View State String Yes No No No When tag wrappers are used for 3rd party verification or serving, view state indicates if Display & Video 360 successfully won the impression, if an ad served to that inventory, and if the impression was tracked by Campaign Manager. Value of “outer” means Display & Video 360 won the bid and returned the wrapped tag to be served on publisher site. Value of “inner” means an ad served because the inventory was considered brand safe. When both events occur, there will be two impression records. A single impression record with an “outer” value, and no corresponding record with “inner”, means the 3rd party verification service blocked the impression post-bid. A value of "3pas_merged" means that there was a wrapped Display & Video 360 impression that is being successfully tracked by Campaign Manager. A value of "3pas_outer" means that a tracking ping was sent to Campaign Manager, but there was no response. However, Display & Video 360 still won the bid, and requested that the creative be sent from the 3rd party ad server.
DBM Auction ID String Yes Yes Yes No A string used to join events among view/click/conversion types, for example"ABCDEFGH_abcdefgh-0123456789". Do not assume any ordering, structure or meaning to the auction_id value
DBM Request Time Long Yes Yes Yes No A Unix timestamp in microseconds (1/1,000,000 second) for when we received the ad request, for example1330403779608570represents Tuesday February 28th 2012 04:36:19.608570. Although this value is consistent across the view, click and conversion even it is not guaranteed to be unique - please use auction_id to join events
DBM Advertiser ID Long Yes Yes Yes No The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the advertiser related to the event, for example164332
DBM Insertion Order ID Long Yes Yes Yes No The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the insertion order related to the event, for example1079941
DBM Line Item ID Long Yes Yes Yes No The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the line item related to the event, for example1155785
DBM Campaign ID Long Yes Yes Yes No The unique ID of the Display & Video 360 campaign
DBM Creative ID Long Yes Yes Yes No The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the creative related to the event, for example 367487
DBM Bid Price (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics. The bid price is in USD nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in USD. Note: Bid Price is not supported for YouTube line items.
DBM Bid Price (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics. The bid price is in partner currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in actual partner currency. Note: Bid Price is not supported for YouTube line items.
DBM Bid Price (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No Bid price is the value that the line item assigns to the impression, prior to first-price auction adjustments. For a fixed-CPM line item, this is the line item's fixed CPM at the time of the bid. Although the bid is sent to exchanges as a CPM value, bid price is represented as a cost per impression value for consistency with other metrics. The bid price is in advertiser currency nanos. You can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see bid price in actual advertiser currency. Note: Bid Price is not supported for YouTube line items.
DBM URL String Yes Yes Yes No The raw URL taken from the bid request received from the exchange, for example "". As some exchanges mask the URL in their bid requests this value may be"source_url_hidden"
DBM Site ID Long Yes Yes Yes No The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the most specific universal site that matches the url
DBM Language String Yes Yes Yes No The ISO-639-1 code or"zh_CN" (Chinese (simplified)), "zh_TW"(Chinese (traditional)) or"other" representing the language related to the view event
DBM Adx Page Categories String Yes Yes Yes No Contains the Ad Exchange page category IDs separated by a space, for example "65 189". The categories may not be mutually exclusive
DBM Matching Targeted Keywords String Yes Yes Yes No A comma separated string containing a list of targeted keywords matching the page related to the view event, for example "apple,orange,banana". Although the page related to the view event may match many keywords, only those which were targeted will be included; if the list of keywords is large we may impose a limit to the number of keywords returned
DBM Exchange ID Long Yes Yes Yes No The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the exchange that requested the ad
DBM Attributed Inventory Source External ID String Yes Yes Yes No The external ID of the attributed inventory source that Display & Video 360 selected as the best match from those accessible to the advertiser related to the view event based on floor price and auction type
DBM Attributed Inventory Source Is Public Boolean Yes Yes Yes No True if inventory source is available to all buyers. False otherwise
DBM Ad Position Long Yes Yes Yes No Specifies the position of the ad on the page if known. 1 represents above the fold, 2 represents below the fold
DBM Country Code String Yes Yes Yes No 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code identifying the best-guess country of the impression, for example "US"
DBM Designated Market Area (DMA) ID Long Yes Yes Yes No Designated Market Area code if known, for example 807
DBM ZIP/Postal Code String Yes Yes Yes No The postal code identifying the best-guess postal area of the impression if known, for example "98033". Do not assume uniqueness across different countries
DBM State/Region ID Long Yes Yes Yes No An integer matching the state/region integer available in reporting and targeting
DBM City ID Long Yes Yes Yes No The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the best-guess city of the impression
DBM Operating System ID Long Yes Yes Yes No The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the operating system related to this event
DBM Browser/Platform ID Long Yes Yes Yes No The Display & Video 360 numerical ID identifying the browser related to this event
DBM Browser Timezone Offset Minutes Long Yes Yes Yes No The difference in minutes between the active timezone on the user's browser and GMT-12, for example 1320 represents a browser timezone of GMT+10
DBM Net Speed Long Yes Yes Yes No The Display & Video 360 numerical ID representing the network speed related to the view event.
4=Basic DSL
DBM Matching Targeted Segments String Yes Yes Yes No The names of targeted user lists that match the visitor separated by a space, for example "-4 456". If the visitor is in a user list that is not targeted by the ad associated with this event it will not be included here
DBM ISP ID Long Yes Yes Yes No The Display & Video 360 numerical ID for the best-guess Internet Service Provider of the impression. This value may be missing
DBM Device Type Long Yes Yes Yes No The numerical value of the identified device type. 0 = COMPUTER, 1 = OTHER, 2 = SMARTPHONE, 3 = TABLET, 4 = SMARTTV, 5 = CONNECTEDTV
DBM Mobile Make ID Long Yes Yes Yes No The numerical ID for the mobile make. This value may be missing
DBM Mobile Model ID Long Yes Yes Yes No The numerical ID for the mobile model. This value may be missing
DBM Media Cost (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The amount paid for the impression in USD nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero
DBM Media Cost (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The amount paid for the impression in the partner currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero
DBM Media Cost (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The amount paid for the impression in advertiser currency nanos, you can divide by 1,000,000,000 to see it as currency. This value may be zero
DBM Revenue (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The total amount in USD nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero
DBM Revenue (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The total amount in partner currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero
DBM Revenue (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The total amount in advertiser currency nanos made by the partner account for the view event. This value may be zero
DBM Total Media Cost (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The total media cost in USD nanos for the view event. This value may be zero
DBM Total Media Cost (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The total media cost in partner currency nanos for the view event. This value may be zero
DBM Total Media Cost (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The total media cost in advertiser currency nanos for the view event. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 1 (USD) Integer Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 1 fee in USD nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 1 (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 1 fee in partner currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 1 (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 1 fee in advertiser currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 2 (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 2 fee in USD nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 2 (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 2 fee in partner currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 2 (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 2 fee in advertiser currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 3 (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 3 fee in USD nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 3 (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 3 fee in partner currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 3 (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 3 fee in advertiser currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 4 (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 4 fee in USD nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 4 (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 4 fee in partner currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 4 (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 4 fee in advertiser currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 5 (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 5 fee in USD nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 5 (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 5 fee in partner currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM CPM Fee 5 (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The CPM 5 fee in advertiser currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 1 (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 1 in USD nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 1 (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 1 in partner currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 1 (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 1 in advertiser currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 2 (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 2 in USD nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 2 (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 2 in partner currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 2 (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 2 in advertiser currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 3 (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 3 in USD nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 3 (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 3 in partner currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 3 (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 3 in advertiser currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 4 (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 4 in USD nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 4 (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 4 in partner currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 4 (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 4 in advertiser currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 5 (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 5 in USD nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 5 (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 5 in partner currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Media Fee 5 (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The Media Fee 5 in advertiser currency nanos. This value may be zero
DBM Data Fees (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The cost of any data that was used to target this impression, in USD nanos
DBM Data Fees (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The cost of any data that was used to target this impression, in partner currency nanos
DBM Data Fees (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The cost of any data that was used to target this impression, in advertiser currency nanos
DBM Billable Cost (USD) Long Yes Yes Yes No The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in USD nanos
DBM Billable Cost (Partner Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in partner currency nanos
DBM Billable Cost (Advertiser Currency) Long Yes Yes Yes No The total amount of money billed to the partner, including the media cost and partner costs, in advertiser currency nanos
Google Click ID String No Yes No No A tag passed with ad clicks, to identify the campaign associated with the ad for ad tracking