Get details about a membership

This guide explains how to use the get() method on the membership resource of the Google Chat API to get details about a membership in a space.

If you're a Google Workspace administrator, you can call the get() method to retrieve details about any membership in your Google Workspace organization.

The Membership resource represents whether a human user or Google Chat app is invited to, part of, or absent from a space.

Authenticating with app authentication lets a Chat app get memberships from spaces that it has access to in Google Chat (for example, spaces it's a member of), but excludes Chat app memberships, including its own. Authenticating with user authentication returns memberships from spaces that the authenticated user has access to.



Get details about a membership

To get details about a membership in Google Chat, pass the following in your request:

  • With app authentication, specify the authorization scope. With user authentication, specify the chat.memberships.readonly or chat.memberships authorization scope. As a best practice, choose the most restrictive scope that still allows your app to function.
  • Call the get() on the membership resource.
  • Pass the name of the membership to get. Obtain the membership name from the membership resource of Google Chat.

Here's how to get a membership with user authentication:


  1. In your working directory, create a file named
  2. Include the following code in

    from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow
    from googleapiclient.discovery import build
    # Define your app's authorization scopes.
    # When modifying these scopes, delete the file token.json, if it exists.
    SCOPES = [""]
    def main():
        Authenticates with Chat API via user credentials,
        then gets details about a specified membership.
        # Authenticate with Google Workspace
        # and get user authorization.
        flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(
                    'client_secrets.json', SCOPES)
        creds = flow.run_local_server()
        # Build a service endpoint for Chat API.
        chat = build('chat', 'v1', credentials=creds)
        # Use the service endpoint to call Chat API.
        result = chat.spaces().members().get(
            # The membership to get.
            # Replace SPACE with a space name.
            # Obtain the space name from the spaces resource of Chat API,
            # or from a space's URL.
            # Replace MEMBER with a membership name.
            # Obtain the membership name from the memberships resource of
            # Chat API.
        # Prints details about the membership.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
  3. In the code, replace the following:

  4. In your working directory, build and run the sample:


The Chat API returns an instance of membership detailing the specified membership.

Get details about memberships as a Google Workspace administrator

If you're a Google Workspace administrator, you can call the get() method to retrieve details about a membership for any user in your Google Workspace organization.

To call this method as a Google Workspace administrator, do the following:

For more information and examples, see Manage Google Chat spaces as a Google Workspace administrator.