Pre-publication reminders and common pitfalls

Review the reminders and common pitfalls to minimize the back-and-forth with the Google Workspace Marketplace review team and the time needed to publish your add-on. This is not a comprehensive list; it's meant to call attention to items that are often overlooked in submissions for publications.

Google Cloud settings

Review each of the following items in your public Google Cloud project.

Check the following in your OAuth consent screen:

  • Publishing status is In production.
  • User type is External.
  • You have not submitted for OAuth verification process.
  • Click "Edit app". Check the following:
    • On the first page ("OAuth consent screen"):
      • All required fields must be completed.
      • Ensure that your application home page doesn't link to the app itself, but rather to information about your product(s).
    • On the second page ("Scopes"):
      • At least one of the .../auth/ or .../auth/userinfo.profile scopes are specified.
      • All scopes required by your add-on are specified. For add-ons, this should likely include .../auth/classroom.addons.teacher and .../auth/classroom.addons.student.

Check that the following libraries are Enabled:

Check the following in your Google Workspace Marketplace SDK App Configuration page:

  • Classroom add-on is checked under App Integration and the landing URI for your add-on is provided in the Attachment Setup URI.
  • Any Allowed Attachment URI Prefixes are provided.
  • The list of OAuth Scopes exactly matches the scopes specified in the OAuth consent screen.
  • The Developer Email under Developer Links is a regularly monitored email address. The Marketplace team uses this address to communicate with you.
  • App Visibility is set to Public.

Check that your project's Google Workspace Marketplace Store Listing page complies with the Listing considerations on the Project configuration page.

Testing accounts

Review the domain(s) and accounts that the Google Workspace Marketplace review team uses to review your add-on. Ensure that any necessary configuration on your platform have been completed to allow these accounts to fully experience your add-on.

Thoroughly test your add-on

Your add-on is reviewed internally using the procedures in our add-ons test plan. Follow its testing procedures with your public add-on before submitting for review. Failures in these tests can significantly increase the time required for your add-on to be approved.