Validate that your SIS meets Google Classroom requirements

To integrate your SIS with Classroom, validate that your product meets Classroom's partnership requirements by running the provided set of conformance tests.

Access and run the tests

You can access the conformance tests on GitHub. In order to run the tests, you need the following:

  • Token URL to retrieve OAuth 2.0 credentials
  • One Roster URL ending in /ims/oneroster/v1p1
  • Client ID
  • Client secret
  • A teacher email address

There are three sections in the test suite:

  • Basic Grade Sync
  • Grading Categories
  • Grading Periods

You can run the tests by using Google Colab or Jupyter notebook. Both Colab and Jupyter notebook let you run all tests at once. This helps you generate the test results to share with the Google Classroom team.

SIS requirements and expected behavior

The Google-defined tests exist to maintain consistency and minimize errors that users might experience when utilizing SIS integrations with Classroom. Read through the following pointers on the tests. In GitHub, each test has a title that is referenced in the pointers. Keep in mind that the pointers can help clarify questions, but it's not a comprehensive list of the tests. Ensure you have run all the tests provided in GitHub.

Basic Grade Sync

Test Pointers
Teachers: GetAllTeachers The GET /teachers endpoint is called with a limit query parameter. In subsequent tests, this parameter is used to ensure that your product can support a page size of 10,000.
Teachers: GetAllTeachers with email filter The GET /teachers endpoint is called with a filter query parameter used to filter based on a teacher email address. This will use the teacher email address you provided in the Credentials section of the tests.
Classes: GetClassesForTeacher The /teachers/{teacher_sourced_id}/classes endpoint is called with a filter query parameter used to filter based on active classes.
Students: GetStudentsForClass The GET /classes/{class_sourced_id}/students endpoint is called. The student email must be returned in the response.
LineItem: Create Grading categories or grading periods aren't required when calling PUT /lineItems/{line_item_sourced_id}.
LineItem: Edit The API call shouldn't return an error if a long assignment title length is included. The test includes an assignment title length of 100+ characters.
Result: Edit It should be possible to set the score to a value greater than the resultValueMax to represent extra credit.
Result: Delete The DELETE /results/{result_sourced_id} endpoint is required.
LineItem (Optional / Cleanup): Delete and Get The DELETE /lineItems/{line_item_sourced_id} endpoint is not required. It is optional and used for data clean-up. The subsquent GET /classes/{class_sourced_id}/lineItems endpoint is also optional and tests that the line item was deleted.

Grading Categories

Test Pointers
GetAllCategories or GetCategoriesForClass Only one GET /categories endpoint is required, either GetAllCategories or GetCategoriesForClass. Comment out the one you're not using if running all tests at once.
DeleteLineItem (Optional / Cleanup) The DeleteLineItem test is optional and can be used for data clean-up.

Grading Periods

Test Pointers
GetGradingPeriodsForTerm Grading periods support is tested by retrieving the term_sourced_id in the GetAllClasses with filter test. This term_sourced_id is used to retrieve the grading periods in the term by calling the GET terms/{term_sourced_id}/gradingPeriods endpoint in the GetGradingPeriodsForTerm test.

Share the test results with the Google Classroom team

After you run the tests, a full report with the results of each test is generated. These tests are used to determine whether your product meets Google's OneRoster 1.1 consumption requirements. Download or take a screenshot of the generated report. Email the report and a link to your product's OneRoster 1.1 certification to

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Email with any questions or concerns.