Retrieve a user

The user resource includes both user-specific information, such as the user display name and unique ID, as well as permissions information, or assigned user roles.

This page describes how to retrieve a user resource using an email address.

Retrieve a user from filtered list

Display & Video 360 API user resources have a unique ID assigned by the system upon creation. This ID can be used to retrieve a user resource through the users.get method. However, if you do not have the userId for a user, you can still retrieve the user resource using the users.list method with the filter parameter to filter by email address.

Here's an example of how to retrieve your user resource using this method:


// Create a variable to store the desired user once found.
User retrievedUser =  new User();

// Create the filter string for list call. Using this filter will return all
// users with an email address containing the specified value.
String emailFilter = String.format("email:\"%s\"", email-address);

// Configure the list request.
Users.List request =

// Set the filter for the request.

// Create the response and nextPageToken variables.
ListUsersResponse response;
String nextPageToken = null;

do {
  // Create and execute the list request.
  response = request.setPageToken(nextPageToken).execute();

  // Check if response is empty.
  if (response.isEmpty()) {

  // Iterate over retrieved line items and add to total list.
  for (User user : response.getUsers()) {
    if (user.getEmail() == email-address) {
      retrievedUser = user;

  // Update the next page token.
  nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken();

} while (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nextPageToken) && retrievedUser.isEmpty());

// Print user information if a user was found.
if (!retrievedUser.isEmpty()) {
  System.out.printf("User %s was found.\n", retrievedUser.getName());
  System.out.printf("User: %s, Display Name: %s, Email: %s\n",

  AssignedUserRole userRole;

  for (int i = 0; i < retrievedUser.getAssignedUserRoles().size(); i++) {
    userRole = retrievedUser.getAssignedUserRoles().get(i);

    System.out.printf("Assigned User Role %s:\n", i+1);

    if (userRole.getPartnerId() != null) {
      System.out.printf("Partner ID: %s\n", userRole.getPartnerId());
    } else {
      System.out.printf("Advertiser ID: %s\n", userRole.getAdvertiserId());

    System.out.printf("User Role: %s\n", userRole.getUserRole());
} else {
  System.out.printf("No user was found with email address %s", email-address);


# Create a variable to store the desired user once found.
retrieved_user = None

# Create the filter string for list call. Using this filter will return all
# users with an email address containing the specified value.
email_filter = 'email:"%s"' % email-address

# Create the page token variable.
next_page_token = ''

while True:
  # Request the users list.
  response = service.users().list(

  # Check if the response is empty.
  if not response:

  # Iterate over retrieved users.
  for user in response['users']:
    # Break from the loop if the user is found.
    if user['email'] == email-address
      retrieved_user = user

  # Break out of the loop if there is no next page or if the user has been
  # found.
  if 'nextPageToken' not in response or user is not None:

  # Update the next page token.
  next_page_token = response['nextPageToken']

# Print user information if a user was found.
if retrieved_user:
  print('User %s was found.' % retrieved_user['name'])

  print('User: %s, Display Name: %s, Email: %s'
        % (retrieved_user['userId'],

  for index in range(len(retrieved_user['assignedUserRoles'])):
    print('Assigned User Role %s:' % index)

    if 'partnerId' in retrieved_user['assignedUserRoles'][0]:
      print('Partner ID: %s' % retrieved_user['assignedUserRoles'][0]['partnerId'])
      print('Advertiser ID: %s' %

    print('User Role: %s' % retrieved_user['assignedUserRoles'][0]['userRole'])
  print('No user was found with email address %s' % email-address)


// Create a variable to store the desired user once found.
$retrievedUser = null;

// Create the filter string with the desired user email.
$emailFilter = 'email:"' . email-address . '"';

# Create the page token variable.
$nextPageToken = '';

do {
    // Build argument parameters for list call.
    $optParams = array(
        'filter' => $emailFilter,
        'pageToken' => $nextPageToken

    // Call the API, getting the line items with flights ending before the
    // given date.
    $response = $this->service->users->listUsers($optParams);

    // If no line items are returned, break loop.
    if (!empty($response->getUsers())) {

    foreach ($response->getUsers() as $user) {
        if ($user->getEmail() == email-address) {
            $retrievedUser = $user;

    $nextPageToken = $response->getNextPageToken();
} while (is_null($retrievedUser) && $nextPageToken);

// Print user information if a user was found.
if (!is_null($retrievedUser)) {
        'User %s was found.\nUser: %s, Display Name: %s, Email: %s\n',

    // Print each assigned user role for user.
    foreach ($retrievedUser->getAssignedUserRoles() as $userRole) {
        print("Assigned User Role:\n");
        if ($userRole->getPartnerId()) {
            printf("\tPartner ID: %s\n", $userRole->getPartnerId());
        } else {
            printf("\tAdvertiser ID: %s\n", $userRole->getAdvertiserId());
        printf("\tUser Role: %s\n", $userRole->getUserRole());
} else {
      "No user was found with email address %s",