This example takes user input and displays a list of place predictions. When a selection is made place details are retrieved and the session is concluded.
Read the documentation.
let titleElement; let resultsContainerElement; let inputElement; let newestRequestId = 0; // Add an initial request body. const request = { input: '', locationRestriction: { west: -122.44, north: 37.8, east: -122.39, south: 37.78 }, origin: { lat: 37.7893, lng: -122.4039 }, includedPrimaryTypes: ['restaurant'], language: 'en-US', region: 'us', }; function init() { titleElement = document.getElementById('title'); resultsContainerElement = document.getElementById('results'); inputElement = document.querySelector('input'); inputElement.addEventListener('input', makeAutocompleteRequest); refreshToken(request); } async function makeAutocompleteRequest(inputEvent) { // Reset elements and exit if an empty string is received. if ( == '') { titleElement.innerText = ''; resultsContainerElement.replaceChildren(); return; } // Add the latest char sequence to the request. request.input =; // To avoid race conditions, store the request ID and compare after the request. const requestId = ++newestRequestId; // Fetch autocomplete suggestions and show them in a list. // @ts-ignore const { suggestions } = await google.maps.places.AutocompleteSuggestion.fetchAutocompleteSuggestions(request); // If the request has been superseded by a newer request, do not render the output. if (requestId !== newestRequestId) return; titleElement.innerText = `Query predictions for "${request.input}"`; // Clear the list first. resultsContainerElement.replaceChildren(); for (const suggestion of suggestions) { const placePrediction = suggestion.placePrediction; // Create a link for the place, add an event handler to fetch the place. const a = document.createElement('a'); a.addEventListener('click', () => { onPlaceSelected(placePrediction!.toPlace()); }); a.innerText = placePrediction!.text.toString(); // Create a new list item element. const li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(a); resultsContainerElement.appendChild(li); } } // Event handler for clicking on a suggested place. async function onPlaceSelected(place) { await place.fetchFields({ fields: ['displayName', 'formattedAddress'], }); const placeText = document.createTextNode(`${place.displayName}: ${place.formattedAddress}`); resultsContainerElement.replaceChildren(placeText); titleElement.innerText = 'Selected Place:'; inputElement.value = ''; refreshToken(request); } // Helper function to refresh the session token. function refreshToken(request) { // Create a new session token and add it to the request. request.sessionToken = new google.maps.places.AutocompleteSessionToken(); } declare global { interface Window { init: () => void; } } window.init = init;
let titleElement; let resultsContainerElement; let inputElement; let newestRequestId = 0; // Add an initial request body. const request = { input: '', locationRestriction: { west: -122.44, north: 37.8, east: -122.39, south: 37.78 }, origin: { lat: 37.7893, lng: -122.4039 }, includedPrimaryTypes: ['restaurant'], language: 'en-US', region: 'us', }; function init() { titleElement = document.getElementById('title'); resultsContainerElement = document.getElementById('results'); inputElement = document.querySelector('input'); inputElement.addEventListener('input', makeAutocompleteRequest); refreshToken(request); } async function makeAutocompleteRequest(inputEvent) { // Reset elements and exit if an empty string is received. if ( == '') { titleElement.innerText = ''; resultsContainerElement.replaceChildren(); return; } // Add the latest char sequence to the request. request.input =; // To avoid race conditions, store the request ID and compare after the request. const requestId = ++newestRequestId; // Fetch autocomplete suggestions and show them in a list. // @ts-ignore const { suggestions } = await google.maps.places.AutocompleteSuggestion.fetchAutocompleteSuggestions(request); // If the request has been superseded by a newer request, do not render the output. if (requestId !== newestRequestId) return; titleElement.innerText = `Query predictions for "${request.input}"`; // Clear the list first. resultsContainerElement.replaceChildren(); for (const suggestion of suggestions) { const placePrediction = suggestion.placePrediction; // Create a link for the place, add an event handler to fetch the place. const a = document.createElement('a'); a.addEventListener('click', () => { onPlaceSelected(placePrediction.toPlace()); }); a.innerText = placePrediction.text.toString(); // Create a new list item element. const li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(a); resultsContainerElement.appendChild(li); } } // Event handler for clicking on a suggested place. async function onPlaceSelected(place) { await place.fetchFields({ fields: ['displayName', 'formattedAddress'], }); const placeText = document.createTextNode(`${place.displayName}: ${place.formattedAddress}`); resultsContainerElement.replaceChildren(placeText); titleElement.innerText = 'Selected Place:'; inputElement.value = ''; refreshToken(request); } // Helper function to refresh the session token. function refreshToken(request) { // Create a new session token and add it to the request. request.sessionToken = new google.maps.places.AutocompleteSessionToken(); } window.init = init; export {};
/* * Always set the map height explicitly to define the size of the div element * that contains the map. */ #map { height: 100%; } /* * Optional: Makes the sample page fill the window. */ html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } a { cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline; color: blue; } input { width: 300px; }
<html> <head> <title>Place Autocomplete Data API Session</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./style.css" /> <script type="module" src="./index.js"></script> </head> <body> <input id="input" type="text" placeholder="Search for a place..." /> <div id="title"></div> <ul id="results"></ul> <img class="powered-by-google" src="" alt="Powered by Google" /> <!-- The `defer` attribute causes the script to execute after the full HTML document has been parsed. For non-blocking uses, avoiding race conditions, and consistent behavior across browsers, consider loading using Promises. See for more information. --> <script src="" defer ></script> </body> </html>
Clone Sample
Git and Node.js are required to run this sample locally. Follow these instructions to install Node.js and NPM. The following commands clone, install dependencies and start the sample application.
git clone
cd samples/place-autocomplete-data-session
npm i
npm start