
Map class

google.maps.Map class

This class extends MVCObject.

Access by calling const {Map} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps"). See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

Map(mapDiv[, opts])
Creates a new map inside of the given HTML container, which is typically a DIV element.
DEMO_MAP_ID Map ID which can be used for code samples which require a Map ID. This Map ID is not intended for use in production applications and cannot be used for features which require cloud configuration (such as Cloud Styling).
Additional controls to attach to the map. To add a control to the map, add the control's <div> to the MVCArray corresponding to the ControlPosition where it should be rendered.
Type:  Data
An instance of Data, bound to the map. Add features to this Data object to conveniently display them on this map.
A registry of MapType instances by string ID.
Type:  MVCArray<MapType optional>
Additional map types to overlay. Overlay map types will display on top of the base map they are attached to, in the order in which they appear in the overlayMapTypes array (overlays with higher index values are displayed in front of overlays with lower index values).
fitBounds(bounds[, padding])
  • boundsLatLngBounds|LatLngBoundsLiteral Bounds to show.
  • paddingnumber|Padding optional Padding in pixels. The bounds will be fit in the part of the map that remains after padding is removed. A number value will yield the same padding on all 4 sides. Supply 0 here to make a fitBounds idempotent on the result of getBounds.
Return Value:  None
Sets the viewport to contain the given bounds.
Note: When the map is set to display: none, the fitBounds function reads the map's size as 0x0, and therefore does not do anything. To change the viewport while the map is hidden, set the map to visibility: hidden, thereby ensuring the map div has an actual size. For vector maps, this method sets the map's tilt and heading to their default zero values. Calling this method may cause a smooth animation as the map pans and zooms to fit the bounds. Whether or not this method animates depends on an internal heuristic.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  LatLngBounds|undefined The lat/lng bounds of the current viewport.
Returns the lat/lng bounds of the current viewport. If more than one copy of the world is visible, the bounds range in longitude from -180 to 180 degrees inclusive. If the map is not yet initialized or center and zoom have not been set then the result is undefined. For vector maps with non-zero tilt or heading, the returned lat/lng bounds represents the smallest bounding box that includes the visible region of the map's viewport. See MapCanvasProjection.getVisibleRegion for getting the exact visible region of the map's viewport.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  LatLng|undefined
Returns the position displayed at the center of the map. Note that this LatLng object is not wrapped. See LatLng for more information. If the center or bounds have not been set then the result is undefined.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  boolean|undefined
Returns the clickability of the map icons. A map icon represents a point of interest, also known as a POI. If the returned value is true, then the icons are clickable on the map.
  • datasetIdstring
Return Value:  FeatureLayer
Returns the FeatureLayer for the specified datasetId. Dataset IDs must be configured in the Google Cloud Console. If the dataset ID is not associated with the map's map style, or if Data-driven styling is not available (no map ID, no vector tiles, no Data-Driven Styling feature layers or Datasets configured in the Map Style), this logs an error, and the resulting FeatureLayer.isAvailable will be false.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  HTMLElement The mapDiv of the map.
Return Value:  FeatureLayer
Returns the FeatureLayer of the specific FeatureType. A FeatureLayer must be enabled in the Google Cloud Console. If a FeatureLayer of the specified FeatureType does not exist on this map, or if Data-driven styling is not available (no map ID, no vector tiles, and no FeatureLayer enabled in the map style), this logs an error, and the resulting FeatureLayer.isAvailable will be false.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  number|undefined
Returns the compass heading of the map. The heading value is measured in degrees (clockwise) from cardinal direction North. If the map is not yet initialized then the result is undefined.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  boolean|null
Returns whether heading interactions are enabled. This option is only in effect when the map is a vector map. If not set in code, then the cloud configuration for the map ID will be used (if available).
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  MapCapabilities
Informs the caller of the current capabilities available to the map based on the Map ID that was provided.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  MapTypeId|string|undefined
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  Projection|undefined
Returns the current Projection. If the map is not yet initialized then the result is undefined. Listen to the projection_changed event and check its value to ensure it is not undefined.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  RenderingType
Returns the current RenderingType of the map.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  StreetViewPanorama The panorama bound to the map.
Returns the default StreetViewPanorama bound to the map, which may be a default panorama embedded within the map, or the panorama set using setStreetView(). Changes to the map's streetViewControl will be reflected in the display of such a bound panorama.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  number|undefined
Returns the current angle of incidence of the map, in degrees from the viewport plane to the map plane. For raster maps, the result will be 0 for imagery taken directly overhead or 45 for 45° imagery. This method does not return the value set by setTilt. See setTilt for details.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  boolean|null
Returns whether tilt interactions are enabled. This option is only in effect when the map is a vector map. If not set in code, then the cloud configuration for the map ID will be used (if available).
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  number|undefined
Returns the zoom of the map. If the zoom has not been set then the result is undefined.
Return Value:  None
Immediately sets the map's camera to the target camera options, without animation.
panBy(x, y)
  • xnumber Number of pixels to move the map in the x direction.
  • ynumber Number of pixels to move the map in the y direction.
Return Value:  None
Changes the center of the map by the given distance in pixels. If the distance is less than both the width and height of the map, the transition will be smoothly animated. Note that the map coordinate system increases from west to east (for x values) and north to south (for y values).
Return Value:  None
Changes the center of the map to the given LatLng. If the change is less than both the width and height of the map, the transition will be smoothly animated.
panToBounds(latLngBounds[, padding])
  • latLngBoundsLatLngBounds|LatLngBoundsLiteral The bounds to pan the map to.
  • paddingnumber|Padding optional Padding in pixels. A number value will yield the same padding on all 4 sides. The default value is 0.
Return Value:  None
Pans the map by the minimum amount necessary to contain the given LatLngBounds. It makes no guarantee where on the map the bounds will be, except that the map will be panned to show as much of the bounds as possible inside {currentMapSizeInPx} - {padding}. For both raster and vector maps, the map's zoom, tilt, and heading will not be changed.
Return Value:  None
  • valueboolean
Return Value:  None
Controls whether the map icons are clickable or not. A map icon represents a point of interest, also known as a POI. To disable the clickability of map icons, pass a value of false to this method.
  • headingnumber
Return Value:  None
Sets the compass heading for map measured in degrees from cardinal direction North. For raster maps, this method only applies to aerial imagery.
  • headingInteractionEnabledboolean
Return Value:  None
Sets whether heading interactions are enabled. This option is only in effect when the map is a vector map. If not set in code, then the cloud configuration for the map ID will be used (if available).
Return Value:  None
Return Value:  None
Return Value:  None
Sets the current RenderingType of the map.
Return Value:  None
Binds a StreetViewPanorama to the map. This panorama overrides the default StreetViewPanorama, allowing the map to bind to an external panorama outside of the map. Setting the panorama to null binds the default embedded panorama back to the map.
  • tiltnumber
Return Value:  None
For vector maps, sets the angle of incidence of the map. The allowed values are restricted depending on the zoom level of the map.

For raster maps, controls the automatic switching behavior for the angle of incidence of the map. The only allowed values are 0 and 45. setTilt(0) causes the map to always use a 0° overhead view regardless of the zoom level and viewport. setTilt(45) causes the tilt angle to automatically switch to 45 whenever 45° imagery is available for the current zoom level and viewport, and switch back to 0 whenever 45° imagery is not available (this is the default behavior). 45° imagery is only available for satellite and hybrid map types, within some locations, and at some zoom levels. Note: getTilt returns the current tilt angle, not the value set by setTilt. Because getTilt and setTilt refer to different things, do not bind() the tilt property; doing so may yield unpredictable effects.
  • tiltInteractionEnabledboolean
Return Value:  None
Sets whether tilt interactions are enabled. This option is only in effect when the map is a vector map. If not set in code, then the cloud configuration for the map ID will be used (if available).
  • zoomnumber Larger zoom values correspond to a higher resolution.
Return Value:  None
Sets the zoom of the map.
Inherited: addListener, bindTo, get, notify, set, setValues, unbind, unbindAll
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the viewport bounds have changed.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the map center property changes.
This event is fired when the user clicks on the map. A MapMouseEvent with properties for the clicked location is returned unless a place icon was clicked, in which case an IconMouseEvent with a place ID is returned. IconMouseEvent and MapMouseEvent are identical, except that IconMouseEvent has the place ID field. The event can always be treated as an MapMouseEvent when the place ID is not important. The click event is not fired if a marker or info window was clicked.
This event is fired when the DOM contextmenu event is fired on the map container.
This event is fired when the user double-clicks on the map. Note that the click event will sometimes fire once and sometimes twice, right before this one.
Arguments:  None
This event is repeatedly fired while the user drags the map.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the user stops dragging the map.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the user starts dragging the map.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the map heading property changes.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the map becomes idle after panning or zooming.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the isFractionalZoomEnabled property has changed.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the map capabilities change.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the mapTypeId property changes.
This event is fired whenever the user's mouse moves over the map container.
This event is fired when the user's mouse exits the map container.
This event is fired when the user's mouse enters the map container.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the projection has changed.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the renderingType has changed.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the visible tiles have finished loading.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the map tilt property changes.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the map zoom property changes.
This event is fired when the user right-clicks on the map.

MapOptions interface

google.maps.MapOptions interface

MapOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a Map.

backgroundColor optional
Type:  string optional
Color used for the background of the Map div. This color will be visible when tiles have not yet loaded as the user pans. This option can only be set when the map is initialized.
cameraControl optional
Type:  boolean optional
The enabled/disabled state of the Camera control.
cameraControlOptions optional
Type:  CameraControlOptions optional
The display options for the Camera control.
center optional
Type:  LatLng|LatLngLiteral optional
The initial Map center.
clickableIcons optional
Type:  boolean optional
Default: true
When false, map icons are not clickable. A map icon represents a point of interest, also known as a POI.
colorScheme optional
Type:  ColorScheme|string optional
The initial Map color scheme. This option can only be set when the map is initialized.
controlSize optional
Type:  number optional
Size in pixels of the controls appearing on the map. This value must be supplied directly when creating the Map, updating this value later may bring the controls into an undefined state. Only governs the controls made by the Maps API itself. Does not scale developer created custom controls.
disableDefaultUI optional
Type:  boolean optional
Enables/disables all default UI buttons. May be overridden individually. Does not disable the keyboard controls, which are separately controlled by the MapOptions.keyboardShortcuts option. Does not disable gesture controls, which are separately controlled by the MapOptions.gestureHandling option.
disableDoubleClickZoom optional
Type:  boolean optional
Enables/disables zoom and center on double click. Enabled by default.

Note: This property is not recommended. To disable zooming on double click, you can use the gestureHandling property, and set it to "none".

draggable optional
Type:  boolean optional
If false, prevents the map from being dragged. Dragging is enabled by default.
draggableCursor optional
Type:  string optional
The name or url of the cursor to display when mousing over a draggable map. This property uses the css cursor attribute to change the icon. As with the css property, you must specify at least one fallback cursor that is not a URL. For example: draggableCursor: 'url(, auto;'.
draggingCursor optional
Type:  string optional
The name or url of the cursor to display when the map is being dragged. This property uses the css cursor attribute to change the icon. As with the css property, you must specify at least one fallback cursor that is not a URL. For example: draggingCursor: 'url(, auto;'.
fullscreenControl optional
Type:  boolean optional
The enabled/disabled state of the Fullscreen control.
fullscreenControlOptions optional
Type:  FullscreenControlOptions optional
The display options for the Fullscreen control.
gestureHandling optional
Type:  string optional
This setting controls how the API handles gestures on the map. Allowed values:
  • "cooperative": Scroll events and one-finger touch gestures scroll the page, and do not zoom or pan the map. Two-finger touch gestures pan and zoom the map. Scroll events with a ctrl key or ⌘ key pressed zoom the map.
    In this mode the map cooperates with the page.
  • "greedy": All touch gestures and scroll events pan or zoom the map.
  • "none": The map cannot be panned or zoomed by user gestures.
  • "auto": (default) Gesture handling is either cooperative or greedy, depending on whether the page is scrollable or in an iframe.
heading optional
Type:  number optional
The heading for aerial imagery in degrees measured clockwise from cardinal direction North. Headings are snapped to the nearest available angle for which imagery is available.
headingInteractionEnabled optional
Type:  boolean optional
Default: false
Whether the map should allow user control of the camera heading (rotation). This option is only in effect when the map is a vector map. If not set in code, then the cloud configuration for the map ID will be used (if available).
isFractionalZoomEnabled optional
Type:  boolean optional
Default: true for vector maps and false for raster maps
Whether the map should allow fractional zoom levels. Listen to isfractionalzoomenabled_changed to know when the default has been set.
keyboardShortcuts optional
Type:  boolean optional
If false, prevents the map from being controlled by the keyboard. Keyboard shortcuts are enabled by default.
mapId optional
Type:  string optional
The Map ID of the map. This parameter cannot be set or changed after a map is instantiated. Map.DEMO_MAP_ID can be used to try out features that require a map ID but which do not require cloud enablement.
mapTypeControl optional
Type:  boolean optional
The initial enabled/disabled state of the Map type control.
mapTypeControlOptions optional
Type:  MapTypeControlOptions optional
The initial display options for the Map type control.
mapTypeId optional
Type:  MapTypeId|string optional
The initial Map mapTypeId. Defaults to ROADMAP.
maxZoom optional
Type:  number optional
The maximum zoom level which will be displayed on the map. If omitted, or set to null, the maximum zoom from the current map type is used instead. Valid zoom values are numbers from zero up to the supported maximum zoom level.
minZoom optional
Type:  number optional
The minimum zoom level which will be displayed on the map. If omitted, or set to null, the minimum zoom from the current map type is used instead. Valid zoom values are numbers from zero up to the supported maximum zoom level.
noClear optional
Type:  boolean optional
If true, do not clear the contents of the Map div.
panControl optional
Type:  boolean optional
The enabled/disabled state of the Pan control.

panControlOptions optional
Type:  PanControlOptions optional
The display options for the Pan control.

renderingType optional
Type:  RenderingType optional
Whether the map should be a raster or vector map. This parameter cannot be set or changed after a map is instantiated. If not set, then the cloud configuration for the map ID will determine the rendering type (if available). Please note that vector maps may not be available for all devices and browsers and the map will fall back to a raster map as needed.
restriction optional
Type:  MapRestriction optional
Defines a boundary that restricts the area of the map accessible to users. When set, a user can only pan and zoom while the camera view stays inside the limits of the boundary.
rotateControl optional
Type:  boolean optional
The enabled/disabled state of the Rotate control.
rotateControlOptions optional
Type:  RotateControlOptions optional
The display options for the Rotate control.
scaleControl optional
Type:  boolean optional
The initial enabled/disabled state of the Scale control.
scaleControlOptions optional
Type:  ScaleControlOptions optional
The initial display options for the Scale control.
scrollwheel optional
Type:  boolean optional
If false, disables zooming on the map using a mouse scroll wheel. The scrollwheel is enabled by default.

Note: This property is not recommended. To disable zooming using scrollwheel, you can use the gestureHandling property, and set it to either "cooperative" or "none".

streetView optional
Type:  StreetViewPanorama optional
A StreetViewPanorama to display when the Street View pegman is dropped on the map. If no panorama is specified, a default StreetViewPanorama will be displayed in the map's div when the pegman is dropped.
streetViewControl optional
Type:  boolean optional
The initial enabled/disabled state of the Street View Pegman control. This control is part of the default UI, and should be set to false when displaying a map type on which the Street View road overlay should not appear (e.g. a non-Earth map type).
streetViewControlOptions optional
Type:  StreetViewControlOptions optional
The initial display options for the Street View Pegman control.
styles optional
Type:  Array<MapTypeStyle> optional
Styles to apply to each of the default map types. Note that for satellite/hybrid and terrain modes, these styles will only apply to labels and geometry. This feature is not available when using a map ID, or when using vector maps (use cloud-based maps styling instead).
tilt optional
Type:  number optional
For vector maps, sets the angle of incidence of the map. The allowed values are restricted depending on the zoom level of the map. For raster maps, controls the automatic switching behavior for the angle of incidence of the map. The only allowed values are 0 and 45. The value 0 causes the map to always use a 0° overhead view regardless of the zoom level and viewport. The value 45 causes the tilt angle to automatically switch to 45 whenever 45° imagery is available for the current zoom level and viewport, and switch back to 0 whenever 45° imagery is not available (this is the default behavior). 45° imagery is only available for satellite and hybrid map types, within some locations, and at some zoom levels. Note: getTilt returns the current tilt angle, not the value specified by this option. Because getTilt and this option refer to different things, do not bind() the tilt property; doing so may yield unpredictable effects.
tiltInteractionEnabled optional
Type:  boolean optional
Default: false
Whether the map should allow user control of the camera tilt. This option is only in effect when the map is a vector map. If not set in code, then the cloud configuration for the map ID will be used (if available).
zoom optional
Type:  number optional
The initial Map zoom level. Valid zoom values are numbers from zero up to the supported maximum zoom level. Larger zoom values correspond to a higher resolution.
zoomControl optional
Type:  boolean optional
The enabled/disabled state of the Zoom control.
zoomControlOptions optional
Type:  ZoomControlOptions optional
The display options for the Zoom control.

MapElement class

google.maps.MapElement class

MapElement is an HTMLElement subclass for rendering maps. After loading the maps library, a map can be created in HTML. For example:

<gmp-map center="37.4220656,-122.0840897" zoom="10" map-id="DEMO_MAP_ID">
  <button slot="control-block-start-inline-end">Custom Control</button>

Internally, it uses Map, which can be accessed with the innerMap property.

Custom element:
<gmp-map center="lat,lng" heading-interaction-disabled map-id="string" rendering-type="vector" tilt-interaction-disabled zoom="number"></gmp-map>

This class extends HTMLElement.

This class implements MapElementOptions.

Access by calling const {MapElement} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps"). See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

Type:  LatLng|LatLngLiteral optional
The center latitude/longitude of the map.
HTML attribute:
  • <gmp-map center="lat,lng"></gmp-map>
Type:  boolean optional
Default: false
Whether the map should allow user control of the camera heading (rotation). This option is only in effect when the map is a vector map. If not set in code, then the cloud configuration for the map ID will be used (if available).
HTML attribute:
  • <gmp-map heading-interaction-disabled></gmp-map>
Type:  Map
A reference to the Map that the MapElement uses internally.
Type:  string optional
The Map ID of the map. This parameter cannot be set or changed after a map is instantiated. Map.DEMO_MAP_ID can be used to try out features that require a map ID but which do not require cloud enablement.
HTML attribute:
  • <gmp-map map-id="string"></gmp-map>
Type:  RenderingType optional
Whether the map should be a raster or vector map. This parameter cannot be set or changed after a map is instantiated. If not set, then the cloud configuration for the map ID will determine the rendering type (if available). Please note that vector maps may not be available for all devices and browsers and the map will fall back to a raster map as needed.
HTML attribute:
  • <gmp-map rendering-type="vector"></gmp-map>
  • <gmp-map rendering-type="raster"></gmp-map>
Type:  boolean optional
Default: false
Whether the map should allow user control of the camera tilt. This option is only in effect when the map is a vector map. If not set in code, then the cloud configuration for the map ID will be used (if available).
HTML attribute:
  • <gmp-map tilt-interaction-disabled></gmp-map>
Type:  number optional
The zoom level of the map. Valid zoom values are numbers from zero up to the supported maximum zoom level. Larger zoom values correspond to a higher resolution.
HTML attribute:
  • <gmp-map zoom="number"></gmp-map>
Places the slotted element in the ControlPosition.BLOCK_END_INLINE_CENTER position.
Places the slotted element in the ControlPosition.BLOCK_END_INLINE_END position.
Places the slotted element in the ControlPosition.BLOCK_END_INLINE_START position.
Places the slotted element in the ControlPosition.BLOCK_START_INLINE_CENTER position.
Places the slotted element in the ControlPosition.BLOCK_START_INLINE_END position.
Places the slotted element in the ControlPosition.BLOCK_START_INLINE_START position.
Places the slotted element in the ControlPosition.INLINE_END_BLOCK_CENTER position.
Places the slotted element in the ControlPosition.INLINE_END_BLOCK_END position.
Places the slotted element in the ControlPosition.INLINE_END_BLOCK_START position.
Places the slotted element in the ControlPosition.INLINE_START_BLOCK_CENTER position.
Places the slotted element in the ControlPosition.INLINE_START_BLOCK_END position.
Places the slotted element in the ControlPosition.INLINE_START_BLOCK_START position.
You can create reusable components around the Maps JavaScript Web Components, like AdvancedMarkerElement, using custom elements. By default, any custom elements added directly to the MapElement will be slotted and rendered in MapPanes.overlayMouseTarget. However, the Maps JavaScript API Web Components may be re-slotted to the MapElement's internal slots.
addEventListener(type, listener[, options])
  • typestring A case-sensitive string representing the event type to listen for.
  • listenerEventListener|EventListenerObject The object that receives a notification. This must be a function or an object with the handleEvent method
  • optionsboolean|AddEventListenerOptions optional See options. Custom events only support capture and passive.
Return Value:  void
Sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target. See addEventListener
removeEventListener(type, listener[, options])
Return Value:  void
Removes an event listener previously registered with addEventListener from the target. See removeEventListener
This event is fired when the map zoom property changes.

MapElementOptions interface

google.maps.MapElementOptions interface

MapElementOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a MapElement.

center optional
Type:  LatLng|LatLngLiteral optional
headingInteractionDisabled optional
Type:  boolean optional
mapId optional
Type:  string optional
renderingType optional
Type:  RenderingType optional
tiltInteractionDisabled optional
Type:  boolean optional
zoom optional
Type:  number optional

ZoomChangeEvent class

google.maps.ZoomChangeEvent class

This event is created from monitoring zoom change.

This class extends Event.

Access by calling const {ZoomChangeEvent} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps"). See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

MapTypeStyle interface

google.maps.MapTypeStyle interface

The MapTypeStyle is a collection of selectors and stylers that define how the map should be styled. Selectors specify the map features and/or elements that should be affected, and stylers specify how those features and elements should be modified. For details, see the style reference.

Type:  Array<Object>
The style rules to apply to the selected map features and elements. The rules are applied in the order that you specify in this array. For guidelines on usage and allowed values, see the style reference.
elementType optional
Type:  string optional
The element to which a styler should be applied. An element is a visual aspect of a feature on the map. Example: a label, an icon, the stroke or fill applied to the geometry, and more. Optional. If elementType is not specified, the value is assumed to be 'all'. For details of usage and allowed values, see the style reference.
featureType optional
Type:  string optional
The feature, or group of features, to which a styler should be applied. Optional. If featureType is not specified, the value is assumed to be 'all'. For details of usage and allowed values, see the style reference.

MapMouseEvent interface

google.maps.MapMouseEvent interface

This object is returned from various mouse events on the map and overlays, and contains all the fields shown below.

The corresponding native DOM event. Developers should not rely on target, currentTarget, relatedTarget and path properties being defined and consistent. Developers should not also rely on the DOM structure of the internal implementation of the Maps API. Due to internal event mapping, the domEvent may have different semantics from the MapMouseEvent (e.g. a MapMouseEvent "click" may have a domEvent of type KeyboardEvent).
latLng optional
Type:  LatLng optional
The latitude/longitude that was below the cursor when the event occurred.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  void
Prevents this event from propagating further.

IconMouseEvent interface

google.maps.IconMouseEvent interface

This object is sent in an event when a user clicks on an icon on the map. The place ID of this place is stored in the placeId member. To prevent the default info window from showing up, call the stop() method on this event to prevent it being propagated. Learn more about place IDs in the Places API developer guide.

This interface extends MapMouseEvent.

placeId optional
Type:  string optional
The place ID of the place that was clicked. This place ID can be used to query more information about the feature that was clicked.

Learn more about place IDs in the Places API developer guide.

Inherited: domEvent, latLng
Inherited: stop

ColorScheme constants

google.maps.ColorScheme constants

Identifiers for map color schemes. Specify these by value, or by using the constant's name. For example, 'FOLLOW_SYSTEM' or google.maps.ColorScheme.FOLLOW_SYSTEM.

Access by calling const {ColorScheme} = await google.maps.importLibrary("core"). See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

DARK The dark color scheme for a map.
FOLLOW_SYSTEM The color scheme is selected based on system preferences.
LIGHT The light color scheme for a map. Default value for legacy Maps JS.

MapTypeId constants

google.maps.MapTypeId constants

Identifiers for common MapTypes. Specify these by value, or by using the constant's name. For example, 'satellite' or google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE.

Access by calling const {MapTypeId} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps"). See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

HYBRID This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images.
ROADMAP This map type displays a normal street map.
SATELLITE This map type displays satellite images.
TERRAIN This map type displays maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetation.

MapTypeRegistry class

google.maps.MapTypeRegistry class

A registry for MapType instances, keyed by MapType id.

This class extends MVCObject.

Access by calling const {MapTypeRegistry} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps"). See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

Parameters:  None
The MapTypeRegistry holds the collection of custom map types available to the map for its use. The API consults this registry when providing the list of available map types within controls, for example.
set(id, mapType)
  • idstring Identifier of the MapType to add to the registry.
  • mapTypeMapType|? MapType object to add to the registry.
Return Value:  None
Sets the registry to associate the passed string identifier with the passed MapType.
Inherited: addListener, bindTo, get, notify, setValues, unbind, unbindAll

MapRestriction interface

google.maps.MapRestriction interface

A restriction that can be applied to the Map. The map's viewport will not exceed these restrictions.

When set, a user can only pan and zoom inside the given bounds. Bounds can restrict both longitude and latitude, or can restrict latitude only. For latitude-only bounds use west and east longitudes of -180 and 180, respectively, for example, latLngBounds: {north: northLat, south: southLat, west: -180, east: 180}.
strictBounds optional
Type:  boolean optional
Bounds can be made more restrictive by setting the strictBounds flag to true. This reduces how far a user can zoom out, ensuring that everything outside of the restricted bounds stays hidden. The default is false, meaning that a user can zoom out until the entire bounded area is in view, possibly including areas outside the bounded area.

TrafficLayer class

google.maps.TrafficLayer class

A traffic layer.

This class extends MVCObject.

Access by calling const {TrafficLayer} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps"). See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

A layer that displays current road traffic.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  Map|null
Returns the map on which this layer is displayed.
  • mapMap optional
Return Value:  None
Renders the layer on the specified map. If map is set to null, the layer will be removed.
Return Value:  None
Inherited: addListener, bindTo, get, notify, set, setValues, unbind, unbindAll

TrafficLayerOptions interface

google.maps.TrafficLayerOptions interface

TrafficLayerOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a TrafficLayer.

autoRefresh optional
Type:  boolean optional
Default: true
Whether the traffic layer refreshes with updated information automatically.
map optional
Type:  Map optional
Map on which to display the traffic layer.

TransitLayer class

google.maps.TransitLayer class

A transit layer.

This class extends MVCObject.

Access by calling const {TransitLayer} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps"). See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

Parameters:  None
A layer that displays transit lines.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  Map
Returns the map on which this layer is displayed.
Return Value:  None
Renders the layer on the specified map. If map is set to null, the layer will be removed.
Inherited: addListener, bindTo, get, notify, set, setValues, unbind, unbindAll

BicyclingLayer class

google.maps.BicyclingLayer class

A layer showing bike lanes and paths.

This class extends MVCObject.

Access by calling const {BicyclingLayer} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps"). See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

Parameters:  None
A layer that displays bike lanes and paths and demotes large roads.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  Map|null
Returns the map on which this layer is displayed.
  • mapMap optional
Return Value:  void
Renders the layer on the specified map. If map is set to null, the layer will be removed.
Inherited: addListener, bindTo, get, notify, set, setValues, unbind, unbindAll

CameraOptions interface

google.maps.CameraOptions interface

Used for setting the map's camera options.

center optional
Type:  LatLngLiteral|LatLng optional
heading optional
Type:  number optional
tilt optional
Type:  number optional
zoom optional
Type:  number optional

VisibleRegion interface

google.maps.VisibleRegion interface

Contains the four points defining the four-sided polygon that is the visible region of the map. On a vector map this polygon can be a trapezoid instead of a rectangle, when a vector map has tilt.

Type:  LatLng
Type:  LatLng
Type:  LatLngBounds
The smallest bounding box that includes the visible region.
Type:  LatLng
Type:  LatLng

RenderingType constants

google.maps.RenderingType constants

Access by calling const {RenderingType} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps"). See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

RASTER Indicates that the map is a raster map.
UNINITIALIZED Indicates that it is unknown yet whether the map is vector or raster, because the map has not finished initializing yet.
VECTOR Indicates that the map is a vector map.

MapCapabilities interface

google.maps.MapCapabilities interface

Object containing a snapshot of what capabilities are currently available for the Map. Note that this does not necessarily mean that relevant modules are loaded or initialized, but rather that the current map has permission to use these APIs. See the properties for a list of possible capabilities.

isAdvancedMarkersAvailable optional
Type:  boolean optional
If true, this map is configured properly to allow for the use of advanced markers. Note that you must still import the marker library in order to use advanced markers. See for more information.
isDataDrivenStylingAvailable optional
Type:  boolean optional
If true, this map is configured properly to allow for the use of data-driven styling for at least one FeatureLayer. See and for more information.
isWebGLOverlayViewAvailable optional
Type:  boolean optional
If true, this map is configured properly to allow for the use of WebGLOverlayView.