Verify your setup

This guide helps you verify that your Fleet Engine authorization setup is complete, and that you can create a trial vehicle. This guide uses the gcloud command line utility to test authorization token signing and vehicle creation.

To complete this process, do the following:

  1. Replace the fields below with the data you created as part of the setup:
Field Replace with
PROJECT_ID Your Cloud project ID.
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_ADDRESS The email address of a service account you've created with the Admin role. See Mobility service account roles for details.




A random ID for the vehicle. The ID can contain a maximum of 64 characters.
  1. Use the gcloud utility to log into the Google Cloud account and set the active project on your workstation:

    gcloud auth login
    gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
  2. Create a JSON Web Token (JWT) claim for the vehicle creation:

    On-demand trips

        cat > claim.jwt << EOM
          "aud": "",
          "iat": $(date +%s),
          "exp": $((`date +%s` + 3600)),
          "authorization": {
            "vehicleid": "VEHICLE_ID"

    Scheduled tasks

        cat > claim.jwt << EOM
          "aud": "",
          "iat": $(date +%s),
          "exp": $((`date +%s` + 3600)),
          "authorization": {
            "deliveryvehicleid": "DELIVERY_VEHICLE_ID"
  3. Use gcloud to sign this JWT with the appropriate IAM permissions. :

    gcloud iam service-accounts sign-jwt claim.jwt output.jwt \

    The signed JWT is stored in output.jwt.

    For details, see Provide required permissions and the gcloud command line guide in the Google Cloud documentation.

  4. Use curl to create a test vehicle on Fleet Engine:

    On-demand trips

        curl -X POST "" \
          -H "Content-type: application/json" \
          -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat output.jwt)" \
          --data-binary @- << EOM
          "name": "providers/PROJECT_ID/vehicles/VEHICLE_ID"
          "vehicleState": "OFFLINE",
          "supportedTripTypes": ["EXCLUSIVE"],
          "maximumCapacity": 4,
          "vehicleType": {"category": "AUTO"},
          "attributes": [{"key": "on_trip", "value": "false"}]

    This command should print the name of the vehicle as output. If you see the following text, your setup is successful.

          "name": "providers/PROJECT_ID/vehicles/VEHICLE_ID"

    Scheduled tasks

        curl -X POST "" \
          -H "Content-type: application/json" \
          -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat output.jwt)" \
          --data-binary @- << EOM
          "name": "providers/PROJECT_ID/deliveryVehicles/DELIVERY_VEHICLE_ID"

    This command should print the name of the delivery vehicle as output. If you see the following text, your setup is successful.

          "name": "providers/PROJECT_ID/deliveryVehicles/DELIVERY_VEHICLE_ID"

What's next