Pricing, API Limits and Quotas

The Search Ads 360 Reporting API enforces limits on API operations to ensure optimal system performance for all users.


Use of the Search Ads 360 Reporting API is included in the overall pricing of Search Ads 360. There are no additional fees for using the API.

Query Limits

The following limits apply to query operations performed through the Search or SearchStream methods.

  • 3,000 queries per minute per project per user
  • 3,000 queries per minute per project
  • 150,000 queries per day per project

Daily API operation limits

Daily API usage limits are based on the number of API operations made per Google Cloud project.

A single query or report is counted as one operation, regardless of the results being streamed through SearchAds360Service.SearchStream or paged from a SearchAds360Service.Search call. Learn more.

The following table gives some examples of the accounting:

API request Operations counted towards Daily Limit
Operation: Search

Count: 53 ad groups

Service: SearchAds360Service

Operation: SearchStream

Count: 45 campaigns

Service: SearchAds360Service


Requests that violate these limits are rejected with the error: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED.

Search requests

A Search or SearchStream request counts as one operation against the user's daily operation quota. One SearchStream request counts as one API operation irrespective of the number of batches.

gRPC limitations

All of the Search Ads 360 Reporting API client libraries use gRPC for generating requests and responses. By default, gRPC has a message size of 4 MB.

Responses must not exceed this limit. For example, a search request that includes a lot of fields may generate a response that exceeds 4 MB in size. To avoid this limit, you can reduce the number of selected fields, reduce the page size, or use streaming.

Requests that violate this limitation will not generate a SearchAds360Error, but will generate a 429 Resource Exhausted gRPC error. Refer to the list of gRPC error codes and messages.

Paginated requests

Paginated requests (for example, requests that contain a valid next_page_token) are not counted against a user's daily operation quota. However, pagination requests that contain an expired or invalid page token will generate an exception and will count against the daily operation quota.

Requests that are paginated, such as search requests, are also subject to the Page size cannot exceed 10,000 rows limitation and are rejected if it violates this limit, with the error: INVALID_PAGE_SIZE.

For more details on pagination, refer to Paging through results.

Requests that return API exceptions

Requests that are rejected with a SearchAds360Failure still count against the user's daily operation quota.

Requests that fail but don't return a SearchAds360Failure, such as from an error at the network level, won't count against the user's daily operation quota since the requests would never reach the service. An example of this is a network connectivity failure.

Other types of limits

A repeated field, such as a list of operations, that has too many items in a request can incur the error: REQUEST_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED. This same error message can also be due to other issues.

When making a Search Ads 360 Query Language query, the maximum number of items within an IN clause is 20,000. If you exceed that limit, a FILTER_HAS_TOO_MANY_VALUES error is returned.