Add a checkout link to your free listings

You can use the checkoutSettings attribute of free listings to provide a link for customers to go directly to the checkout page. For more information, see add a checkout link for your free listings.

You must provide specific information about your business and products before you can opt in to the checkout program. You must meet the following criteria to use checkoutSettings:

Check the Google Merchant Center UI to see if you're already enrolled in the free listings program. If you're not enrolled, complete the free listings onboarding steps. Use the following format for your checkout URLs:{id}

When a customer clicks on the checkout URL in your free listing, {id} is automatically replaced with the offerId of the product.

Add your checkout URL

You can use freelistingsprogram.checkoutsettings.insertto add or update your checkout URL template. This call updates your checkout URL template at the account level, and opts all valid offers into the checkout feature.


Here's an example:

  uri_settings: {
    checkout_uri_template: "{id}"

View your current checkout URL

You can use freelistingsprogram.checkoutsettings.get to view your existing checkout URL. get is read-only, and requires your merchantId. The get method returns the corresponding checkout resource.


Remove your checkout URL

You can remove your checkout URL by using freelistingsprogram.checkoutsettings.delete. This opts all your offers out of the checkout feature.
