Measure exceptions

You can send exception events to measure the number and type of crashes or errors that occur on a web page. This page describes how to use gtag.js to send exceptions to Google Analytics.


When an error occurs, send an exception event to Google Analytics:

gtag('event', 'exception', {<exception_parameters>});

where <exception_parameters> is one or more parameter-value pairs. Separate each pair by a comma. For example, this command sends a nonfatal error exception.

gtag('event', 'exception', {
  'description': 'error_description',
  'fatal': false   // set to true if the error is fatal

Exception parameters

The following table lists the exception parameters:

Parameter name Data type Required Description
description string No A description of the error.
fatal boolean No true if the error was fatal.


Given the following function:

function divide(x, y) {
  if (y === 0) {
    throw "Division by zero";
  return x/y;

the following code will send an exception event to Google Analytics if the divisor y is zero:

var x = document.getElementById('x').value;
var y = document.getElementById('y').value;

try {
  var r = divide(x, y);
} catch(err) {
  gtag('event', 'exception', {
    'description': err,
    'fatal': false