
Enumeration of different brand states.

UNSPECIFIED No value has been specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ENABLED Brand is verified and globally available for selection
DEPRECATED Brand was globally available in past but is no longer a valid brand (based on business criteria)
UNVERIFIED Brand is unverified and customer scoped, but can be selected by customer (only who requested for same) for targeting
APPROVED Was a customer-scoped (unverified) brand, which got approved by business and added to the global list. Its assigned CKG MID should be used instead of this
CANCELLED Was a customer-scoped (unverified) brand, but the request was canceled by customer and this brand id is no longer valid
REJECTED Was a customer-scoped (unverified) brand, but the request was rejected by internal business team and this brand id is no longer valid