Getting started

This guide will take you through the steps needed to set-up, develop and launch a new Things to do feed.

Initial Setup

To create accounts and SFTP endpoints Google requires you to provide SSH keys to use as upload credentials. Once this is provided, Google will create two SFTP end points (one for development and another for production) and a Action Center account for you.

Generate a Secure Shell (SSH) key pair for SFTP dropbox

Follow Generate a Secure Shell key pair for an SFTP dropbox to generate a pair of public and private SSH keys. This pair of keys is used to securely login to the Google-provided SFTP dropboxes. The public key has the following format:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCXsM9ycbHV6E6t2L+B4p/uYHn9Q0jmu5gUXMYnFnnf4l39xrznfDo8KCASzRrqUkRnuzrno059CvZVzcljkbwWLzKKoE1EwbzHL3nYahMB4MdYNWhBbHbB+ybq6RNO7hkoKDBIQCfqQDY0FEB6sV3d3F1WYl0bAMjp15yyZJzMKa/rRnZKWetHlcL1X+gFWmW2hQ93foPD463gb58/25GujjsS/tzjngw7UJMVkm08U1QEY3z3DE/R++7ovJozTCzH0CTNDN0AH3/oSC3dmG+yDh3ZXFATjWjyPXJSOziNrp9TXgJhlqSmoHcPvpotMVjx21kIZ+T+SusQmnG+hK+L

Don't include new line breaks in the key.

Once the keys are created, send them to your Google representative at which point two feeds will be created on your behalf.

Access to the Action Center

The Action Center is a partner portal that let you view and manage your things to do feed. There you can configure the feed credentials, view issues found in the feed and see the latest referral stats for each product.

Access is provided to you once the initial set-up has been completed by Google. As part of the initial onboarding, Google will reach out to you and ask for a list of users who will be owners of the Action Center. Each user on that list will be granted access and have owner permissions. These users can grant new users access to the Action Center as well as add additional owners.

Development and Testing

Once account and endpoints have been created, your Google representative will reach out to you with access details of the endpoint and ings Action Center. As you develop the feed, you can upload to the development endpoint at any point and check the processing results in the Action Center.

Upload the feed

Once you have received the feed details, you can upload feed created feed directly to the following endpoint:

SFTP Port: 19321
Username: username provided by Google

The private key matching the public key generated in the previous step will be needed for authentication. See Connect to your SFTP dropbox for a detailed example of connecting to SFTP dropbox.

Testing and validating feeds

Automated feed validation and ingestion occurs once a feed has been uploaded. Upload history, status and error messages can all be accessed using the Action Center. During development and testing, you may freely upload to the partnerdev feed endpoint to trigger validation.

Once development is complete, partners can start uploading feeds to the production endpoint on a regular basis. After the first feeds have been uploaded, reach out to your Google representative to trigger the launch process.

Launch to Production

Before turning the feed on to production, the Google team will do one final QA round on the production feed uploaded. Any feedback from the QA will be provided directly to your team and once all outstanding issues have been resolved, the Google team will launch your feed by enabling it in the backend.

Things to do ads integration

Once feed integration has been completed, review the Things to do ads help center page and reach out to your Google representative to have Things to do ads enabled on your account.