Migration from Things to do Center

We are pleased to announce that we are updating Things to Do Center to a new tool, Actions Center. If you are an existing Things to do partner, all of your data has already been migrated.

Key reasons for the change:

  • Improved UI: While we have kept many of the same flows and data, we have taken your feedback and updated our "Needs Attention" page to a more user-friendly and intuitive interface.
  • Enhanced dashboarding capabilities: The new Actions Center will enable us to build more dashboarding in the future, starting with a new referrals view split by navigational and categorical queries.

Overview of key updates

The following is a list of key updates.

New product overview section

We've also introduced a new view under "Integration", outlining Integration Overview and Inventory Details to allow you two views for product issues, as well as an overview of all products.

The Integration Overview page serves as a one-stop-shop for high-level reporting on the integration and any errors to fix. It includes one line for every error by product, allowing you to see at a glance what actions need to be taken. For products with multiple errors, it will show multiple rows. Similar to the previous "Needs attention" tab in Things to do Center, you can then filter by different error types by expanding the "error" and "warnings" tabs. The Inventory Details page provides you an overview of all products and their statuses, with additional per-product information (eg, languages, locations, and referral data).


We have updated our categorization from "ready to show/not ready to show" to "Ads Eligible, Search Eligible, and Not Eligible". This should help to streamline and understand which products are eligible to show per surface, with all organic surfaces consolidated under one category.


We've also introduced a new dashboard to segment by categorical and navigational queries. This is in line with the new URL parameters that were recently launched (see for more details).


The following is a list of commonly asked questions.

What do I need to do for this migration?

As an active partner, All you need to do is access the new center and update your contact permissions. All of your data has already been migrated.

When will Things to do Center be deprecated?

We will continue to have both experiences running at the same time until late October 2024, after which we will only be supporting Actions Center. Things to do Center links will redirect to the new Actions Center portal.

What do the different status mean ("disapproved", "limited", "eligible", "pending")?

  • Disapproved means the product is no longer showing on surfaces.
  • Limited means the product is showing, but its scope is limited due to missing information (eg, location or operator). Eligible means product is good to go and showing.
  • Pending status is related to appeals - once the appeal is approved/disapproved, the status should change to one of the previous three.

What does "Search Eligible" mean?

Search eligible means the product is able to show on at least one of the organic surfaces (include Admissions, Experiences, or Operator booking modules).

Why is the download button not working for me?

The download button should be working, but it can only download one TSV at a time. If you have a larger inventory, it can take up to 15 seconds for the TSV to begin downloading. If the exports to TSV are still not working, you can reach out to us through our contact us form.

How can we provide feedback on the new interface?

To provide any feedback, you can reach out to your Google business contact or reach out to us through our contact us form.

How can we compare different products without needing to return to the Inventory overview page each time?

The products are clickable, so you can expand them individually or open them in new tabs by right clicking on the products.

What if I have multiple integrations with Google?

If you have more than one integration on Actions Center, your TTD feed will be differentiated by a "(TTD)" suffix added to your account. If you only have one account on Actions Center, your partner name will remain consistent.