List of all product issues

We want to help you navigate the various eligibility requirements across our growing set of surfaces. This document contains the list of product issues and how they affect where that product can be shown.

What is an issue?

There are two types of issues:

Errors: Issues that affect the eligibility status.
⚠️Warnings: Issues that don't affect the eligibility status, but might affect how and where the product is displayed.

Both are important to fix, but the eligibility status is only affected by the errors. Therefore, you can have the status "Ready to show", but your products might still have issues that affect things like ranking.

What are the types of issues?

In the following article you see the list of possible issues divided into different categories: location, price, landing page, image and additional issues.

Issue Ads Admissions Experiences Operator BM Solutions & Notes
Missing related POI
Not Required ❗Error Not Required Not Required Need to include related_locations in the feed for these products. If the provided location is not eligible, it will then become `None of the related POIs is eligible for the program` error
Missing related POI with admission
Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Not Required This is fine if the product does not provide an admission ticket. (e.g. tours). As some of the experiences are not necessary tours.
None of the related POIs is eligible for the program
Not Required ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error This error shows that the locations you sent are not eligible for the program. This might be because we don't match it to the right PlaceID, use "Find Location Matches" tool to send us the right PlaceIDs. If your location is not eligible, consider requesting Google to enable it.
Inconsistent duplicate related locations
Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Not Required Either delete one of the duplicates or make sure those that refer to the same location have the same attributes, like being marked as admission
Unrelated POI
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning The POI is not related to the product, consider removing it from the list of related locations.
Overtagged admission
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning A product option was incorrectly tagged as including admission to a POI. Consider removing the POI from the related locations or updating the relation type.
Undertagged admission
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning A product option was incorrectly tagged as not including admission to a POI. Consider updating the location relation type.
Missing operator location
Not Required Not Required Not Required ❗ Error If applicable, consider adding the name and location of the operator of the activity.
Operator location can not be matched
Not Required Not Required Not Required ❗ Error Operator location can not be matched.
Operator name and location mismatch
Not Required Not Required Not Required ❗ Error Confirm the operator name matches the name of the business at this address on Google Maps.

More details can be found in the locations and points of interest guide. You can use the Find Location Matching tool to find the exact place ID for your POI.

Issue Ads Admissions Experiences Operator BM Solutions & Notes
Missing price
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Add pricing that adheres to our price policies for all product options
Price policy not followed
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Review the Things to Do price policy to confirm that this product is in compliance
Unsupported or incorrect currency code
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning Confirm that you are using the correct currency code
Price higher on booking page
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Review the price you provided and match the price with the actual price.
Price lower on booking page
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning Review the price you provided and match price with the actual price.
Price option isn't actually free
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Review price if it is free. Set the right price.
Price option is actually free
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning Review price if it is not free. Set as free.
Price unavailable for booking within the next 30 days
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Check the product is bookable within next 30 days.
Restricted price availability
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning At least one price option has restricted availability, such as being available once a week during off-peak hours or once a month. Review the Things to Do price policies for guidance regarding price availability
Price is hard to discover
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning Make price more visible and easier to be found.
Invalid group price
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Make group price valid.
Not a standard adult price
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Check if price is standard adult price.
Price doesn't include taxes and fees
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning Include taxes and fees to price.
Wrong default currency displayed
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning Make default currency correct.
Issue Ads Admissions Experiences Operator BM Solutions & Notes
Missing landing page
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Point to landing page.
Landing page policy not followed
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Review landing page policy and comply with it.
Landing page error
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Check error for landing page.
Product option not found on landing page
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Add product option on landing page or remove the option from the feed.
No mention of operator on landing page
Not Required Not Required Not Required ❗ Error This operator doesn't appear on the landing page. Possibly because its location is associated with an incorrect operator. Make sure you've got the right location and that the landing page clearly mentions the operator name or address.

"Landing page guidelines" provide more recommendations on how to solve those issues.

Issue Ads Admissions Experiences Operator BM Solutions & Notes
Missing categories
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Warning Add categories
Missing title
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Add title
Missing description
Not Required Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Add description
Missing "TextFeature" formatting
Not Required Not Required ⚠️ Warning Not Required Add TextFeature format

"Title and description guidelines" provide more best practices about product info.

Issue Ads Admissions Experiences Operator BM Solutions & Notes
Missing image
❗ Error Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Add image
Image link broken
❗ Error Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Fix broken image link
Image link decoding error
❗ Error Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Resolve image link decoding error
Image link too big
⚠️ Warning Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Make image link shorter
Image too small
⚠️ Warning Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Set image size appropriately
Image uses a single color
❗ Error Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Not to use image with a single color
Promotional overlay on image
❗ Error Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Remove overlay on image
Processing failed
❗ Error Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Try processing again
Image not crawlable due to robots.txt
❗ Error Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Update your robots.txt file to allow user-agents "Googlebot" and "Googlebot-Image" to crawl your site
Image not retrieved (crawl rate too slow)
❗ Error Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Ensure that Google can access and crawl your images; for example, you can increase crawl rate in Google Search Console or move images to a faster server
Image link pending crawl
❗ Error Not Required ❗ Error Not Required Wait for the product image to be crawled (up to 3 days)

"Image and photography guidelines" provide more details on the image best practices.

Additional issues

Issue Ads Admissions Experiences Operator BM Solutions & Notes
Generally ineligible
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Review policy and comply with it
Inconsistent inventory type for the same operator or brand
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Another product is marked as "official" or "operator direct" for a provider with the same name. Products from a provider related to the same POI or operator must be of the same inventory type.
Restricted Things to Do type
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error At least one product option is about a restricted service type. Please review Things to Do policies for guidance about restricted businesses and services
Options are actually for different products
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Please upload separate products that include all options for each. All options within a product should have the same product title, rating, reviews.
Low rating
Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Improve the rating of the product
Official site policy not followed
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error This product doesn't meet our official site requirements. Review the Things to Do policies to learn more.
Official product targets list view landing page Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Official products cannot link to list view landing pages. Either remove the "official" tagging or remove the list view landing page.
Multiple official products from different sources
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error There are official products ingested from more preferred source.
Pending review
❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error ❗ Error Google needs to review this product before serving it to users. This process can take several days and only starts once no other critical issues appear in this section.
Related POI is not supported by the program
Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required

If you have questions about the issues with your products, don't hesitate to contact us.