REST Resource: advertisers.insertionOrders.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions

Resource: AssignedTargetingOption

A single assigned targeting option, which defines the state of a targeting option for an entity with targeting settings.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "assignedTargetingOptionId": string,
  "targetingType": enum (TargetingType),
  "inheritance": enum (Inheritance),

  // Union field details can be only one of the following:
  "channelDetails": {
    object (ChannelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "appCategoryDetails": {
    object (AppCategoryAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "appDetails": {
    object (AppAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "urlDetails": {
    object (UrlAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "dayAndTimeDetails": {
    object (DayAndTimeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "ageRangeDetails": {
    object (AgeRangeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "regionalLocationListDetails": {
    object (RegionalLocationListAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "proximityLocationListDetails": {
    object (ProximityLocationListAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "genderDetails": {
    object (GenderAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "videoPlayerSizeDetails": {
    object (VideoPlayerSizeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "userRewardedContentDetails": {
    object (UserRewardedContentAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "parentalStatusDetails": {
    object (ParentalStatusAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "contentInstreamPositionDetails": {
    object (ContentInstreamPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "contentOutstreamPositionDetails": {
    object (ContentOutstreamPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "deviceTypeDetails": {
    object (DeviceTypeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "audienceGroupDetails": {
    object (AudienceGroupAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "browserDetails": {
    object (BrowserAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "householdIncomeDetails": {
    object (HouseholdIncomeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "onScreenPositionDetails": {
    object (OnScreenPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "carrierAndIspDetails": {
    object (CarrierAndIspAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "keywordDetails": {
    object (KeywordAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "negativeKeywordListDetails": {
    object (NegativeKeywordListAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "operatingSystemDetails": {
    object (OperatingSystemAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "deviceMakeModelDetails": {
    object (DeviceMakeModelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "environmentDetails": {
    object (EnvironmentAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "inventorySourceDetails": {
    object (InventorySourceAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "categoryDetails": {
    object (CategoryAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "viewabilityDetails": {
    object (ViewabilityAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "authorizedSellerStatusDetails": {
    object (AuthorizedSellerStatusAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "languageDetails": {
    object (LanguageAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "geoRegionDetails": {
    object (GeoRegionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "inventorySourceGroupDetails": {
    object (InventorySourceGroupAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "digitalContentLabelExclusionDetails": {
    object (DigitalContentLabelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "sensitiveCategoryExclusionDetails": {
    object (SensitiveCategoryAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "exchangeDetails": {
    object (ExchangeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "subExchangeDetails": {
    object (SubExchangeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "thirdPartyVerifierDetails": {
    object (ThirdPartyVerifierAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "poiDetails": {
    object (PoiAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "businessChainDetails": {
    object (BusinessChainAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "contentDurationDetails": {
    object (ContentDurationAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "contentStreamTypeDetails": {
    object (ContentStreamTypeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "nativeContentPositionDetails": {
    object (NativeContentPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "omidDetails": {
    object (OmidAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "audioContentTypeDetails": {
    object (AudioContentTypeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  "contentGenreDetails": {
    object (ContentGenreAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)
  // End of list of possible types for union field details.


Output only. The resource name for this assigned targeting option.



Output only. The unique ID of the assigned targeting option. The ID is only unique within a given resource and targeting type. It may be reused in other contexts.


enum (TargetingType)

Output only. Identifies the type of this assigned targeting option.


enum (Inheritance)

Output only. The inheritance status of the assigned targeting option.

Union field details. Detailed information about the targeting option being assigned. Only one field in details may be filled out, and it must correspond to targeting_type; details can be only one of the following:

object (ChannelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Channel details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL.


object (AppCategoryAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

App category details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_APP_CATEGORY.


object (AppAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

App details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_APP.


object (UrlAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

URL details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_URL.


object (DayAndTimeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Day and time details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_DAY_AND_TIME.


object (AgeRangeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Age range details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_AGE_RANGE.


object (RegionalLocationListAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Regional location list details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_REGIONAL_LOCATION_LIST.


object (ProximityLocationListAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Proximity location list details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_PROXIMITY_LOCATION_LIST.


object (GenderAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Gender details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_GENDER.


object (VideoPlayerSizeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Video player size details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_VIDEO_PLAYER_SIZE.


object (UserRewardedContentAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

User rewarded content details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_USER_REWARDED_CONTENT.


object (ParentalStatusAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Parental status details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_PARENTAL_STATUS.


object (ContentInstreamPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Content instream position details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_INSTREAM_POSITION.


object (ContentOutstreamPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Content outstream position details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_OUTSTREAM_POSITION.


object (DeviceTypeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Device Type details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_TYPE.


object (AudienceGroupAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Audience targeting details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_AUDIENCE_GROUP. You can only target one audience group option per resource.


object (BrowserAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Browser details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_BROWSER.


object (HouseholdIncomeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Household income details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME.


object (OnScreenPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

On screen position details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_ON_SCREEN_POSITION.


object (CarrierAndIspAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Carrier and ISP details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_CARRIER_AND_ISP.


object (KeywordAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Keyword details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_KEYWORD.

A maximum of 5000 direct negative keywords can be assigned to a resource. No limit on number of positive keywords that can be assigned.


object (NegativeKeywordListAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Keyword details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_NEGATIVE_KEYWORD_LIST.

A maximum of 4 negative keyword lists can be assigned to a resource.


object (OperatingSystemAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Operating system details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_OPERATING_SYSTEM.


object (DeviceMakeModelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Device make and model details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_DEVICE_MAKE_MODEL.


object (EnvironmentAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Environment details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_ENVIRONMENT.


object (InventorySourceAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Inventory source details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_INVENTORY_SOURCE.


object (CategoryAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Category details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_CATEGORY.

Targeting a category will also target its subcategories. If a category is excluded from targeting and a subcategory is included, the exclusion will take precedence.


object (ViewabilityAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Viewability details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_VIEWABILITY.

You can only target one viewability option per resource.


object (AuthorizedSellerStatusAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Authorized seller status details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_AUTHORIZED_SELLER_STATUS.

You can only target one authorized seller status option per resource.

If a resource doesn't have an authorized seller status option, all authorized sellers indicated as DIRECT or RESELLER in the ads.txt file are targeted by default.


object (LanguageAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Language details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_LANGUAGE.


object (GeoRegionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Geographic region details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_GEO_REGION.


object (InventorySourceGroupAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Inventory source group details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_INVENTORY_SOURCE_GROUP.


object (DigitalContentLabelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Digital content label details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_DIGITAL_CONTENT_LABEL_EXCLUSION.

Digital content labels are targeting exclusions. Advertiser level digital content label exclusions, if set, are always applied in serving (even though they aren't visible in resource settings). Resource settings can exclude content labels in addition to advertiser exclusions, but can't override them. A line item won't serve if all the digital content labels are excluded.


object (SensitiveCategoryAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Sensitive category details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_SENSITIVE_CATEGORY_EXCLUSION.

Sensitive categories are targeting exclusions. Advertiser level sensitive category exclusions, if set, are always applied in serving (even though they aren't visible in resource settings). Resource settings can exclude sensitive categories in addition to advertiser exclusions, but can't override them.


object (ExchangeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Exchange details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_EXCHANGE.


object (SubExchangeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Sub-exchange details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_SUB_EXCHANGE.


object (ThirdPartyVerifierAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Third party verification details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_THIRD_PARTY_VERIFIER.


object (PoiAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

POI details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_POI.


object (BusinessChainAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Business chain details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_BUSINESS_CHAIN.


object (ContentDurationAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Content duration details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_DURATION.


object (ContentStreamTypeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Content duration details. This field will be populated when the TargetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_STREAM_TYPE.


object (NativeContentPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Native content position details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_NATIVE_CONTENT_POSITION.


object (OmidAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Open Measurement enabled inventory details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_OMID.


object (AudioContentTypeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Audio content type details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE.


object (ContentGenreAssignedTargetingOptionDetails)

Content genre details. This field will be populated when the targetingType is TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_GENRE.



Gets a single targeting option assigned to an insertion order.


Lists the targeting options assigned to an insertion order.