Structured Data - v8 - Ad Group QA

See the overview for an explanation of format.

This is a QA file format. Files in this format are read-only and cannot be uploaded.

Ad Group Idinteger
Line Item Idinteger
Line Item NamestringLine Item Name
NamestringThe name of the entry.
StatusstringThe status setting for the entry.
  • Active
  • Paused
  • Archived
  • Deleted
  • Draft
Video Ad FormatstringThe ad format of the ad group.

Select one of the following values:
  • In-stream
  • In-feed video
  • Bumper
  • Non skippable
  • Responsive
  • Efficient reach
  • YouTube audio
  • Demand Gen
Bid CostfloatThe value representing the maximum target bid cost for the ad group based on the bid type set in the 'TrueView Bid Strategy Type' column. For example, if the 'TrueView Bid Strategy Type' is 'Manual CPV', it is the maximum cost-per-view.

Note: If the column 'TrueView Bid Strategy Type' is 'Maximize Conversions', 'Maximize Conversion Value' or 'Maximize Clicks', this column must be 0 when uploading.
Keyword Targeting - Include Qastring, list

List of keyword strings to include in targeting. This list is generated in alphabetical order.

If the total character length of the list exceeds 32700 characters, individual entries in the list will be truncated as needed. Truncated entries will be no shorter than 10 characters.

Keyword Targeting - Exclude Qastring, list

List of keyword strings to exclude in targeting. This list is generated in alphabetical order.

If the total character length of the list exceeds 32700 characters, individual entries in the list will be truncated as needed. Truncated entries will be no shorter than 10 characters.

Category Targeting - Include Qastring, listList of categories to include in targeting. List format = (Category name; Category name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.
Category Targeting - Exclude Qastring, listList of categories to exclude in targeting. List format = (Category name; Category name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.
Placement Targeting - YouTube Channels - Include Qastring, listList of YouTube channels to include. List format = (YouTube channel name; YouTube channel name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.
Placement Targeting - YouTube Channels - Exclude Qastring, listList of YouTube channels to exclude. List format = (YouTube channel name; YouTube channel name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.
Placement Targeting - YouTube Videos - Include Qastring, listList of YouTube videos to include. List format = (YouTube video name; YouTube video name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.
Placement Targeting - YouTube Videos - Exclude Qastring, listList of YouTube videos to exclude. List format = (YouTube video name; YouTube video name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.
Placement Targeting - Popular Content - Includestring, listList of popular content across YouTube and Google video partners to include. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
  • youtube_popular_content::001a1
  • gvp_popular_content::global_tier2
  • video_content::<ID>
Placement Targeting - URLs - Includestring, listList of URLs to include.
Placement Targeting - URLs - Excludestring, listList of URLs to exclude.
Placement Targeting - Apps - Includestring, listList of mobile apps to include.
Placement Targeting - Apps - Excludestring, listList of mobile apps to exclude.
Placement Targeting - App Collections - Include Qastring, listList of app collections to include in targeting. List format = (App collection name; App collection name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.
Placement Targeting - App Collections - Exclude Qastring, listList of app collections to exclude in targeting. List format = (App collection name; App collection name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.
Demographic Targeting Genderstring, listList of genders to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
  • Female
  • Male
  • Unknown
Demographic Targeting Agestring, listList of ages to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values.
  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55-64
  • 65+
  • Unknown
Demographic Targeting Household Incomestring, listList of household incomes to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values.
  • Top 10%
  • 11-20%
  • 21-30%
  • 31-40%
  • 41-50%
  • Lower 50%
  • Unknown
Demographic Targeting Parental Statusstring, listList of parental status to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values.
  • Parent
  • Not a parent
  • Unknown
Optimized TargetingstringEnable optimized targeting.
  • TRUE

Optimized targeting is not compatible with all bid strategies. This column must be 'FALSE' if:
  • 'Bid Strategy Type' is 'Optimized vCPM'
  • 'Bid Strategy Type' is 'Maximum' and 'Bid Strategy Unit' is 'CIVA', 'IVO_TEN', or 'AV_VIEWED'
Audience Expansion LevelintegerAudience expansion level. It can only be set to AdGroups with value 0, 1, 2, 3.
Audience Expansion Seed List ExcludedstringEnable audience expansion seed list excluded.
  • TRUE
Audience Targeting - Include Qastring, list

List of first- and third-party audience lists to include in targeting.

List format = (Audience name; Audience name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.

Audience Targeting - Exclude Qastring, list

List of first- and third-party audience lists to exclude in targeting.

List format = (Audience name; Audience name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.

Lookalike Audience Targeting - Include Qastring, list

A list of lookalike audiences to include in targeting.

List format: Lookalike Audience Name; Lookalike Audience Name;

Lookalike Audience Targeting - Exclude Qastring, list

A list of lookalike audiences to exclude in targeting.

List format: Lookalike Audience Name; Lookalike Audience Name;

Affinity & In Market Targeting - Include Qastring, listList of affinity and/or in-market audience lists to include. List format = (Audience name; Audience name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.
Affinity & In Market Targeting - Exclude Qastring, list
Custom List Targeting Qastring, listList of custom lists to target. List format = (Custom list name; Custom list name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.
Language Targeting - Include Qastring, listList of languages to include in targeting. List format = (Language name; Language name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.
Geography Targeting - Include Qastring, listList of geography regions to include in targeting. List format = (Geo Region Name; Geo Region Name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.
Geography Targeting - Exclude Qastring, listList of geography regions to exclude in targeting. List format = (Geo Region Name; Geo Region Name; etc.). This list is generated in alphabetical order.