Monday, June 22, 2009
Want to know what's new on the Webmaster Central YouTube channel? Here's what we've uploaded in the past week:
Maile Ohye gave a webmaster-focused presentation about Product Search.
Matt Cutts answered a new question each day from the Grab Bag:
- Do dates in URLs determine freshness?
- What impact does "page bloat" have on Google rankings?
- What types of directories are seen as sources of paid links?
- Should I include my logo text using the 'alt' attribute or CSS?
- What's the preferred way to check for links to my site?
To get you started on watching this latest batch of videos, here's Matt's answer about directories and paid links:
You can leave comments letting us know how you liked the videos, and if you have any specific questions, ask the experts in the Webmaster Help Forum.